0.1.9 • Published 7 years ago

serialkiwi v0.1.9

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Last release
7 years ago

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A PhantomJS wrapper for easy webpage automation.


Install via NPM

npm install serialkiwi


  1. Require SerialKiwi:

    var sk = require('serialkiwi');
  2. Define the PhamtomJS tasks serially:

    // Open a webpage
    // Take a screenshot after the webpage has loaded
    // Open a different webpage and execute code in its context
    sk.evaluate('http://google.com', function() {
    // Handle exceptions via onerror callback
    }).onerror(function(err) {
    // Execute a new block of code on the last opened webpage
    sk.evaluate(null, function() {
    	return 'X';
    // Retrieve the returned values from the webpage's context
    }).then(function(result) {
    	console.log(X); // i.e. 'X'
    // Chain an error callback
    }).onerror(function(err) {
    // Do something in PhantomJS' context after all previous steps
    sk.then(function() {
  3. Run the tasks:


SerialKiwi API

  • open: function (url)

    	Opens a webpage and will not defer execution to the next task until onLoadFinished() is invoked.
    	Current version does not return anything after calling `open()`. Future versions will return a promise similar to
  • evaluate: function (url, onload, args)

    	Evaluates Javascript code in the context of a webpage. If URL passed is `null`, then the last opened webpage is used.
    	sk.evaluate('http://google.com', function() {
    	Arguments to the evaluate function can be passed via the `args` parameter.
    	sk.evaluate('http://google.com', function(x) {
    		console.log(x); // "1234"
    	}, '1234');
    	If no URL is given, `evaluate()` will be executed in the current webpage's context (i.e. in the same webpage from the
    	last call to `open()` or `evaluate()`.
    	sk.evaluate(null, function() {
    	The return value is a promise that has callbacks `then()` and `onerror()`. `then()` is **always** called and its
    	parameter is populated with whatever the webpage's context returns. `onerror()` is only called if an error is thrown
    	within the webpage's context.
    	sk.evaluate('http://google.com', function() {
    	}).then(function(res) {
    		// Always called, res can be undefined
    	}).onerror(function(err) {
    		// Called only when an error is thrown, err contains the error message but no stack trace
  • then: function (callback, args)

    	Executes a block of code serially in PhantomJS' context. This could be used, for example, to evaluate results from
    	multiple `evaluate()`'s.
    	var resultStore = []; // result accumulator
    	sk.evaluate('http://yahoo.com', function() {
    		'...' // get a result from page 1
    	}).then(function(res) {
    	sk.evaluate('http://google.com', function() {
    		'...' // get a result from page 2
    	}).then(function(res) {
    	sk.then(function(res) {
    		console.log(res.length); // Do something with resultStore
    	}, resultStore);
  • screenshot: function(outfile)

    	Takes a screenshot of the current webpage's state and saves it to `outfile`.
  • sleep: function(millis)

    	Sleeps for `millis` milliseconds.
    	sk.sleep(1000); // wait for 1 second prior to executing the next task
  • waitFor: function (userFunction, timeoutMillis, intervalMillis)

    	Awaits until the provided `userFunction` returns value that evaluates as `true`. This function will execute
    	`userFunction()` every `intervalMillis` milliseconds; if after `timeoutMillis` milliseconds the function has not
    	evaluated as `true`, it calls the `onerror()` handler. Otherwise, it will call the `then()` handler after success
    	and pass the result of `userFunction()` as parameter (which must be a truthy value).
    	var semaphore = 'red';
    	sk.then(function() {
    		setTimeout(function() {
    			semaphore = 'green';
    		}, 1000);
    	sk.waitFor(function() {
    		return semaphore === 'green';
  • waitForElement: function (elemQuery, timeoutMillis, intervalMillis)

    	Awaits until the provided element query returns at least one element. `elemQuery` is simply passed as a parameter to
    	`window.document.querySelector()`. This function will execute the query selector every `intervalMillis`
    	milliseconds; if after `timeoutMillis` milliseconds the query selector does not return any elements, it calls the
    	`onerror()` handler. Otherwise, it will call the `then()` handler after success and pass the result of
    	`window.document.querySelector()` as parameter (which must be a truthy value).
    	sk.evaluate(null, function() {
  • debug: function(flag)

    	Sets debugging mode to `flag`.
    	sk.debug(true); // print debug statements to console
  • run: function (callback, timeoutMillis)

    	Executes all the defined tasks. If `callback` is not provided, it executes `phantom.exit()` after all tasks have
    	completed. If `timeoutMillis` is provided, PhamtomJS will forcefully exit after the given number of milliseconds
    	regardless of the task execution state.
    	sk.run(phantom.exit, 60000); // Run all tasks or exit after a minute, whichever happens first

7 years ago


7 years ago


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