1.1.2 • Published 9 years ago

serve-index-light v1.1.2

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Last release
9 years ago


Serve directory listings, based on expressjs/serve-index UI and functionality. Serves pages that contain directory listings for a given path. Can be used without express, as standalone library, provides a lot of customisation possibilities.


$ npm install --save serve-index-light


var serveIndex = require('serve-index-light')


Returns function that serves an index of the directory specified by options.

var serveIndex = require('serve-index-light')
var http = require('http');
var express = require('express');

var servePublicIndex = serveIndex({ baseDir : "D:/public" })

// servePublicIndex could be used as standalone serve function: 
 http.createServer(function (req, res) {
        servePublicIndex(req.url, "/", function(err, data){

// or as express middleware: 
var app = express();
app.use('/shared', servePublicIndex);

Stadalone mode : servePublicIndex(path, basePath, callback) where

  • path - requested path
  • basePath - path to prepend to each generated link. for example you serve http://example.com/shared/ from D:/public, you should use path = '/' and basePath = '/shared'.
  • function callback(error, data) - function will be called with error and data. error might be null or object like { status : 500, message : "invalid path"}. data is html string by default.

If requested path not found or it is not a directory, error.code is set to 404.

Express middleware mode: servePublicIndex(req, res, next). uses req.path as path and req.baseUrl as base URL. in case of 404 error next() is called, in case of other error next(error) is called. if no error res.end(data) is called. this behaviour could be changed by middlewareResultHandler option.


Some options are functions(behaviour parameterization). all such functions receive full options object as this parameter.


Required. Path in local file system to serve files from.


Function to get array of files basing on path. accepts path and callback. callback is function(error, filesArray). filesArray - array of files at given path, each file represented as fs.Stats object with name attached to it.

function dummyFileListProvider(path, callback) {
// return the same file for each path:
  dev: 2114,
  ino: 48064969,
  mode: 33188,
  nlink: 1,
  uid: 85,
  gid: 100,
  rdev: 0,
  size: 527,
  blksize: 4096,
  blocks: 8,
  atime: new Date(),
  mtime: new Date(),
  ctime: new Date(),
  birthtime: new Date(),
  name : "testfile.txt"
}] );

Default implementation provides list of files and directories in requested path excluding '.' and '..'


boolean. when false - does not show files with first symbol . (unix hidden files). false by default.


Predicate function to filter or modify file information. Default implementation is:

function defaultFilter(fileInfo){
   return this.showHidden || fileInfo.name[0] != '.';

if returned value is true file is preserved in output.


Function used to compare files during sorting.

function dymmyComparator(a, b){
  return a.name.localeCompare(b.name);

Template to render view for 1 file. Default template is table, rowTemplate is expected to generate one row for this table. Default template engine is ejs. Could be overridden by rowTemplateProcessor.

parameters passed to template:

        // all fields from fs.Stats object, name
        strAtime          = atime.toLocaleString();
        strMtime          = mtime.toLocaleString();
        strCtime          = ctime.toLocaleString();
        strBirthtime      = birthtime.toLocaleString();
        strMode           = // string like '-rwxrwx---' 
        baseUrl           = baseUrl;
        path              = //requested path;
        href              = // full link to this item
        size              = // size of file in bytes or "" for directory
        sizeHumanReadable = // size like "1.2GB" or "" for directory
        isDir             = // is it file or dir

if you need additional parameters, override rowTemplateProcessor, filter or fileListProvider.


Template to render entire view. Default template is http page with table. Default template engine is ejs. Could be overridden by templateProcessor.

parameters passed to template:

        path            : //requested path
      , pathComponents  : // array of componens of path 
      , baseUrl         : baseUrl
      , upPath          : // path to '..' directory
      , files           : // array of rowTemplate generated strings
      , showUp          : path != '/'
      , options         : // options object

if you need additional parameters, add it to options, override templateProcessor or render.


String, table head for default template. default value is

<th class="fileTableHeadName">Name</th>
<th class="fileTableHeadSize">Size</th>
<th class="fileTableHeadDate">Modified</th>
<th class="fileTableHeadAttribute">Attribute</th>

String, custom css. it will replace default css.


String, custom js. will be added at the bottom of body. Empty by default.


String, text to append to <head> tag. Could be used to link external css, for example

injectHead='<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/custom.css">'

String, text to append to <body> tag. Could be used to link external js, for example

injectBody='<script src="js/custom.js"></script>'

Function, receives path, baseUrl, array of files and callback for result.

function defaultRender(path, baseUrl, files, callback){
callback(error, generatedData);

by default uses rowTemplateProcessor and templateProcessor to generate data.


Function, receives object with data described in template section, returns generated html string. uses ejs by default.

function defaultTemplateProcessor( renderData ){
    if (!this.templateCompiled) {
        this.templateCompiled = ejs.compile(this.template);
    return this.templateCompiled(renderData);

Function, receives object with data described in rowTemplate section, returns generated html string. uses ejs by default.

function defaultRowTemplateProcessor(fileInfo){
    if (!this.rowTemplateCompiled) {
        this.rowTemplateCompiled = ejs.compile(this.rowTemplate);
    return this.rowTemplateCompiled(fileInfo);

Function, express result handler. Use it to postprocess data instead of sending it to the client. Default implementation is:

function defaultMiddlewareResultHandler( error, data, req, res, next ){
    if (!error) return res.end(data);
    if (error.status == 404) return next();
    return next(error);

maximum number of parallel IO requests to hard drive. 10 by default.


simple file server with express

var serveIndex = require('serve-index-light');
var express = require('express');

function getFileServer(dir) {
    var server = express.Router();
    server.use(serveIndex({baseDir : dir}));
    server.use(function(req, res){
    return server;

var app = express();

app.use('/shared', getFileServer('D:/public'));

serve index without express with custom rendering

var serveIndex = require('serve-index-light');
var http = require('http');

var serve = serveIndex(
          baseDir : 'D:/public'
        , showHidden : true
        , rowTemplateProcessor : function( file ) {
                return file;
        , templateProcessor : function(data) {
                    return JSON.stringify(data, null, 2);

http.createServer(function (req, res) {
    serve(req.url, "/", function(err, data){


  • write unit tests