1.0.5 • Published 11 months ago
serverless-plugin-move-bootstrap v1.0.5
⚡️Serverless Framework Move Bootstrap Plugin
is a small Serverless Framework plugin that helps in rearranging a deployment package
for the provided.al2 runtime by placing the "bootstrap" executable in the root directory. Once the plugin is installed
it will search for the "handler" file and move it to the root directory of the package.
Install the plugin
npm i --save-dev serverless-plugin-move-bootstrap
Add it to your
plugins: - serverless-plugin-move-bootstrap
Default values:
tmpDir: .serverless/tmp # folder to use for extracting, moving and rezipping files
How does it work?
The plugin goes over all the functions defined, unzips their packaging and moves the "handler" to a root-level ' bootstrap' file. It then re-zips the package and cleans up the temp directory, ahead of deployment.
Why do I need this?
The provided.al2
runtime requires the "bootstrap" file to be in the root directory of the package. This plugin helps
in achieving that.