serverless-request-handler v1.5.0
A request handler that uses class-transformer and class-validator to create a type-safe serverless handler
What is serverless-request-handler
Serverless request handler is a micro-framework that's here to make your life easier. You give it an options object with what you expect the request to look like; and it does the object request transformation, request validation, response validation and error handdling.
A typical handler will look like this.
class CreateUserDto {
userName: string;
password: string;
class UserPathParams {
userId: number;
const options = {
body: {
classType: CreateUserDto
pathParameters: {
classType: UserPathParams
const createUser = handler(options, async (event) => {
return Result.Ok(201, userService.create(event.pathParameters.userId, event.body));
Install module:
npm install serverless-request-handler --save
shim is required, install it too:npm install reflect-metadata --save
and make sure to import it in a global place, like server.ts:
import "reflect-metadata";
are required peer dependenciesnpm install class-validator class-transfrormer --save
ES6 features are used, if you are using old version of node.js you may need to install es6-shim:
npm install es6-shim --save
and import it in a global place like app.ts:
import "es6-shim";