0.2.0 • Published 8 months ago

serverstruct v0.2.0

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8 months ago


⚡️ Typesafe and modular servers with Hono.

Serverstruct is a simple tool for building fast, modular and typesafe server applications.

It provides structure to your Hono application without any limitations. It also supports dependency injection using Hollywood DI.


Serverstruct requires you to install hono.

npm i serverstruct hono

To make use of dependency injection provided by serverstruct, also install hollywood-di.

npm i serverstruct hono hollywood-di


A simple app

import { createRoute } from "serverstruct";

const app = createRoute()
  .route((app) => {
    return app.get("/", (c) => c.text("Hello world!"));

export default app;

An app with subroutes

import { createRoute } from "serverstruct";

// users routes
const users = createRoute().route((app) => {
  return app.get("/", (c) => c.text("users"));

// posts routes
const posts = createRoute().route((app) => {
  return app.get("/", (c) => c.text("posts"));

const app = createRoute()
  .subroutes({ users, posts })
  .route((app, container, routes) => {
    return app
      .get("/", (c) => c.text("Hello world!"))
      .route("/users", routes.users)
      .route("/posts", routes.posts);

export default app;


A route returns a new Hono app and may compose other routes with subroutes<{ ... }>(). If you intend to utilize dependency injection, a route can require it's dependencies with use<{ ... }>() and provide new dependencies with provide({ ... }). A route with dependencies can only be added as a subroute to another route if that route satisfies it's dependencies.

const auth = createRoute().route((app) => {
  return app; // chain route handlers here

const users = createRoute().route((app) => {
  return app; // chain route handlers here

const posts = createRoute().route((app) => {
  return app; // chain route handlers here

const app = createRoute()
  .subroutes({ auth, users, posts })
  .route((app, container, routes) => {
    return app
      .route("/auth", routes.auth)
      .route("/users", routes.users)
      .route("/posts", routes.posts);

Subroutes are not automatically registered. You will have to manually add the route for the desired path. This also allows for Hono's type inference through method chaining.

Dependency Injection

Serverstruct is designed to work with Hollywood DI. Routes can define their dependencies using use, and also register new tokens using provide which creates a child container.

A root container can also be passed to the route. If no container is explicitly provided the first call to provide creates a root container and futher calls to provide will inherit from it.


Define route dependencies. The route can then only be used in a context that satisfies it's dependencies.

You can only call use once and only before calling provide.

interface Counter {
  count: number;
  increment(): void;

const route = createRoute()
  .use<{ counter: Counter }>()
  .route((app, container) => {
    return app.get("/", (c) => {
      return c.text(`Count is: ${container.counter.count}`);

class LinearCounter {
  public count = 0;
  public increment() {

// as a subroute
const app = createRoute()
  .provide({ counter: LinearCounter }) // the main app provides the dependency
  .subroutes({ countRoute: route })
  .route((app, _, routes) => {
    return app.route("/count", routes.countRoute);

// or as the main app
const container = Hollywood.create({ counter: LinearCounter }); // the container provides the dependency
const app = route.app(container);

Calling Route.app() returns the Hono instance from the route, therefore if the route has dependencies (by calling use), a container that satisfies those dependencies must be provided as seen in the example above.


Provide creates a new child container. Registered tokens can then be used in the route and in futher calls to provide. See more about register tokens in Hollywood DI.

import { defineInit } from "hollywood-di";
import { createRoute } from "serverstruct";

class Foo {}
class Bar {
  public static init = defineInit(Bar).args("foo");

  constructor(public foo: Foo) {}

const route = createRoute()
    foo: Foo,
    bar: Bar,
  .route((app, container) => {
    return app;

Incremental Adoption

Serverstruct can be added to an existing Hono app.

// routes/posts.ts
export const postsRoute = createRoute().route((app) => {
  return app.get("/", (c) => {
    return c.text("posts");

import { Hono } from "hono";
import { createRoute } from "serverstruct";
import { postsRoute } from "./routes/posts";

const app = new Hono();

app.get("/", (c) => c.text("Hello world!"));
app.route("/posts", postsRoute.app());

export default app;

8 months ago


2 years ago


2 years ago