1.0.2 • Published 7 years ago

set-photoset v1.0.2

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Last release
7 years ago


setPhotoset is a javascript function for beautifully resizing images in a photoset, without cropping or aspect-ratio distortion, such that all images in a row are of the same height.setPhotoset makes use of percentage widths and the css calc function, so that the photoset can work for all sizes, and can be resized without problem.


For node:

#using yarn
yarn add set-photoset

#using npm
npm install set-photoset --save

For the browser, download the zip file.

Basic Usage

The general format of setPhotoset is shown below:


element refers to the element node, nodelist of elements, or CSS-selector string of the photosets you want to set.

userOptions is an optional object containing customizable options for the function (listed below).

grouping is an optional CSS-selector-friendly string meant to group photosets together in a class for similar styling. If not set, grouping will be randomly generated.

User Options

layoutstring OR numbernulldefines layout of photoset (number of items per row. e.g "121" or 1,2,1). If falsy, layout information is aquired from the attribute name defined by layoutAttribute if existing, or else nothing happens.
layoutAttributestringdata-layoutattribute name from which layout information will be derived, if layout property of the userOptions is falsy.
immediatebooleanfalseboolean determining whether to immediately invoke function. If false, waits for all IMG children to load before executing layout application (no other childItem is supported). If true immediately applies layout, making use of height and width data provided in the attributes defined in childHeight and childWidth of childItems.
childItemstringimgCSS-selector string that determines which children inside element is used to create grid. If set to something other than "img", immediate must be set to true and childHeight and childWidth be set appropriately.
childHeightstringheightname of attribute on each childItem that lists item's height.
childWidthstringwidthname of attribute on each childItem that lists item's width.
callbackfunctionnoopfunction to execute after a photoset has been worked on. takes photoset DOM element as argument.
gutternumber OR string0value that sets spacing between items. If string, must be usable inside calc(). If a number, is set in px.
createSheetbooleantrueboolean determining whether a stylesheet is to be created containing the styling required for layouting (if it doesn't yet exist). Set to false if you wish to supply your own stylesheet. See setphotoset-example.css for sample.


For examples, visit this demo page