1.0.1 • Published 8 years ago

set-response-stream v1.0.1

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Last release
8 years ago



A Stream like object that wraps a given readable stream when being used to pipe to a response stream.


npm install set-response-stream --save


new SetResponseStream(stream [, options])

Optional options include:

  • status - StatusCode to be sent with the response
  • headers - Headers to be sent with the response
  • trigger - Don't wait for .setStatus or setHeaders to be called, start the flow of data ASAP. This assumes you have already set your statusCode and any headers you may have wished to send.

.setStatus(statusCode [, statusMessage][, options])

Set the statusCode and optional statusMessage for the response. If options.trigger === false it will prevent the data from automatically flowing to the response. This is useful if you need to setHeaders after setting the statusCode. Either method will trigger the flow of data by default.

.setHeaders(headers [, options])

Set the headers that will be sent in the response. Same applies for options.trigger as it does above


Setting headers to the response

We are able to set the headers of a response after we have already setup the pipe chain to our readable stream. This is possible because we defer calling the actual PIPE until we have been given the go-ahead by setStatus() or setHeaders()

const http = require('http');
const SetResponseStream = require('set-response-stream');
const from = require('from2-string');

http.createServer((req, res) => {
  // We use from in this example but it could be any readable stream
  const stream = new SetResponseStream(from('Hello World'));

  // Based on some async event, we can still add headers that will
  // automatically be added to our response and then trigger the flushing of the
  // data to the client
  setImmediate(() => {
      my: 'cool',
      headers: 'man'