0.1.0 • Published 3 years ago

sfdx-raven v0.1.0

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Last release
3 years ago


A plugin for the Salesforce CLI built by Tom Carman.

Mostly just quality of life automations/scripts to make recurring tasks less timeconsuming.

Slowly adding commands over time. See Todo for whats likely coming next.


See further down for full details, usage, examples etc.




Quick Install

Assuming you already have the SDFX CLI installed, just run:

sfdx plugins:install sfdx-raven

Note: You'll be prompted that this is not officially code-signed by Salesforce - like any custom plugin. You can just accept this when prompted, or alternatively you can whitelist it

Install from source

  1. Install the SDFX CLI
  2. Clone the repository: git clone git@github.com:tomcarman/sfdx-raven.git
  3. Install npm modules: npm install
  4. Link the plugin: sfdx plugins:link .


  • macOS

    • Plugin has been built on macOS and will always run on macOS
  • Windows

    • Work on Windows 10 1803+ (this is that latest build I have access to)
    • Known Issues:
      • Emoji will not work in cmd.exe / powershell - so you may seem some funny characters when running the plugin - this can be ignored. Emoji may work in Windows Terminal, but I have not managed to test yet
      • I don't think 'diff' is available on windows cli, so sfdx:raven:utils:diff is not likely to work.

  • Linux
    • Only tested on an Ubuntu installation on WSL, but should work.


The following is a list of commands/features I would like to add to this plugin. Pull requests are welcome!

  • Datamover - in progress
    • Move data from one org to another based on a provided SOQL
    • Typically would be used between prod -> sbox or sbox -> sbox
    • Allow the user to specify an "all wildcard" SOQL - eg. SELECT * FROM Account. This would dynamically query the object metada, create a list of fields, remove any read-only fields (formulas, audit etc), and then build a SOQL with the remaining fields and use that for the data move.
  • Audit Trail inspector
    • Allow you to quickly search audit trail by username, metadata item, most recent 50 etc.
  • Package2ChangeSet
    • Create a function that allows you to quickly create a ChangeSet or add to an existing ChangeSet based on an inputted package.xml.

sfdx raven:info:fields

Returns a list of fields (Label, DeveloperName, Data Type) for a given SObject

  $ sfdx raven:info:fields

  -u, --targetusername    
      (required) sets a username or alias for the target org. overrides the default target org.
  -o, --object            
      (required) the username of the user which is currently the 'running user' of the Dashboards eg. 'tom.carman@ecorp.com'
  -h, --help              
      show CLI help
      format output as json

      logging level for this command invocation

  $ sfdx raven:info:fields -u ecorp-dev -o Account


────────────────────  ────────────────────  ──────────────────────────
Account Number        AccountNumber         Text(40)
Account Source        AccountSource         Picklist
Annual Revenue        AnnualRevenue         Currency(18, 0)
Billing Address       BillingAddress        Address
Created By            CreatedById           Lookup(User)

sfdx raven:info:recordtypes

Returns a list of RecordTypes (Label, DeveloperName, Id) for a given SObject

  $ sfdx raven:info:recordtypes

  -u, --targetusername    
      (required) sets a username or alias for the target org. overrides the default target org.

  -o, --object            
      (required) the username of the user which is currently the 'running user' of the Dashboards eg. 'tom.carman@ecorp.com'

  -h, --help              
      show CLI help

      format output as json

      logging level for this command invocation

  $ sfdx raven:info:recordtypes -u ecorp-dev -o Account


NAME                 DEVELOPER NAME       ID
───────────────────  ───────────────────  ──────────────────
Customer             Customer             0121U000000uAAAXXX
Organistation        Organisation         0121U000000uBBBXXX
Primary Supplier     Primary_Suppier      0121U000000uCCCXXX

sfdx raven:utils:deploy:branch2org

Deploys a git branch to an org. Assumes you have git installed the neccessary access to the repo you are trying to clone (eg. you can run git clone ...), and that the branch is in a source-format sfdx project structure.

  $ sfdx raven:utils:deploy:branch2org

  -u, --targetusername    
      (required) sets a username or alias for the target org that you wish to deploy to. overrides the default target org.
  -r, --repository        
      (required) URL of the repo. It can either be an HTTPs URL (eg. 'https://github.com/user/some-repo.git') and you
      will be prompted to enter a username and password, or an SSH URL (eg. 'git@github.com:user/some-repo.git')
      which assumes you have SSH keys configured for this repo.
  -b, --branch            
      (required) the branch you wish to deploy
  -c, --checkonly         
      (optional) Validates the deployed metadata and runs all Apex tests, but prevents the 
      deployment from being saved to the org.
  -h, --help              
      show CLI help
      format output as json
  --loglevel              l
      ogging level for this command invocation

  $ sfdx raven:utils:deploy:branch2org -r git@github.com:user/some-repo.git -b branchName -u orgName`
  $ sfdx raven:utils:deploy:branch2org -r https://github.com/user/some-repo.git -b branchName -u orgName`


❯ Cloning repo & checking out 'branchName'... done
❯ Converting from source format to metadata format... done
❯ Initiating deployment... done

❯ The deployment has been requested with id: 0Af4K00000BHVuAXXX

❯ Deployment InProgress (0/31) Processing Type: CustomObject
❯ Deployment InProgress (21/31) Processing Type: CustomTab
❯ Deployment InProgress (30/31) Processing Type: Profile
❯ Deployment Succeeded

❯ Link to deployment page in Salesforce:

sfdx raven:utils:diff

Allows you to quickly compare metadata of files between two orgs. Intended to be used for quick compares of single (or possibly a few) files of the same metadata type, rather than a full org compare (there are better tools for that) The results are stored in a diff_{timestamp}.html file wherever you run the command from, and automatically opened in a browser.

  $ sfdx raven:utils:diff -s <string> -t <string> -o <string> -i <string> [--filename <string>] [-f <string>]
  [--silent] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

  -f, --format=format
      (optional) Format of the diff. Options are 'line' (inline diff) or 'side' (side-by-side diff). Defaults to 'line'

  -i, --items=items
      (required) The items you wish to compare eg. MyCoolClass or Account. Can be multiple items comma delimted eg.
      MyClass,MyController or Account,Opportunity (but can only be of one 'type')

  -o, --type=type
      (required) The type of metadata you want to compare eg. ApexClass or CustomObject

  -s, --source=source
      (required) Alias / Username of the org you want to use as the SOURCE of the diff eg. projectDev

  -t, --target=target
      (required) Alias / Username of the org you want to use as the TARGET of the diff eg. projectQA

      (optional) The filename of the diff.html. Defaults to diff_{timestamp}.html

      format output as json

      [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

      use this to not auto open browser with results

  $ sfdx raven:utils:diff --source dev_org --target qa_org --type CustomObject --items Account
  $ sfdx raven:utils:diff --source dev_org --target qa_org --type CustomObject --items 'Account,Opportunity'
  $ sfdx raven:utils:diff --source dev_org --target qa_org --type ApexClass --items MyClass
  $ sfdx raven:utils:diff --source dev_org --target qa_org --type ApexClass --items 'MyClass,MyTestClass,MyController
  $ sfdx  raven:utils:diff -s dev_org -t qa_org -o CustomObject -i 'Account'
  $ sfdx  raven:utils:diff -s dev_org -t qa_org -o ApexClass -i 'MyClass'
  $ sfdx  raven:utils:diff -s dev_org -t qa_org -o ApexClass -i 'MyClass' --silent


❯ sfdx raven:utils:diff --source trailhead --target dev --type ApexClass --items 'HelloWorld'
🗂️  Building package.xml... done
⏬ Retrieving from trailhead... done
⏬ Retrieving from dev... done
📂 Unzipping metadata... done
👨‍🍳 Preparing diff... done
✨ Cleaning up... done
🌐 Opening with diff2html in browser... done

sfdx raven:utils:event:listen

Subscribe to a Platform Event and get events published to your cli without using the clunky java EMPConnector

  $ sfdx raven:utils:event:listen -e <string> [-r <integer>] [-t <number>] [-u <string>]

  -e, --event=event         
      (required) The name of the Platform Event that you want to subscribe with '/event' prefix  eg. /event/My_Event__e

  -r, --replayid=replayid   
      (optional) The replay id to replay events from eg. 21980378
  -t, --timeout=timeout     
      (optional) How long to subscribe for before timing out in minutes eg. 10. Default is 3 minutes
  -u, --targetusername      
      (required) sets a username or alias for the target org that you wish to deploy to. overrides the default target org.
  -h, --help                
      show CLI help
      format output as json
      logging level for this command invocation

  $ sfdx raven:utils:event:listen -u myorg -e /event/My_Event__e
  $ sfdx raven:utils:event:listen -u myorg -e /event/My_Event__e --replayid 21980378
  $ sfdx raven:utils:event:listen -u myorg -e /event/My_Event__e --timeout 10
  $ sfdx raven:utils:event:listen -u myorg -e /event/My_Event__e -r 21980378 -t 10


❯ 🔌 Connecting to org... done
❯ 📡 Listening for events...

  "schema": "XdDXhymeO5NOxuhzFpgDJA",
  "payload": {
    "Some_Event_Field__c": "Hello World",
    "CreatedDate": "2021-03-15T19:16:54.929Z",
  "event": {
    "replayId": 21980379

sfdx raven:utils:dashboarduser:update

Updates the "Running User" of Dashboards from a given user, to an alternate given user. Useful for mass-updating Dashboards when a user is deactivated.

You will have the following additional options when running -

  • A list of Dashboards that will be affected as part of the script will be displayed, with the option to abort if desired.
  • The final step to deploy the changes back to the org can be skipped when prompted, allowing for the manual deploy of the patched metadata files - this might be desirable when running against Production environments with strict deployment practices, or if you maintain Dashboard metadata in source control and want to commit the files.
  $ sfdx raven:utils:dashboarduser:update

  -u, --targetusername   
      (required) sets a username or alias for the target org. overrides the default target org.
  -f, --from              
      (required) the username of the user which is currently the 'running user' of the Dashboards eg. 'tom.carman@ecorp.com'
  -t, --to.               
      (required) the username of the user which you want to make the new 'running user' of the Dashboards eg. 'james.moriarty@ecorp.com'
  -h, --help              
      show CLI help
      format output as json
      logging level for this command invocation

  $ sfdx raven:utils:dashboarduser:update -u ecorp-dev --from tom.carman@ecorp.com --to james.moriarty@ecorp.com`