1.1.0 • Published 8 years ago
sguid v1.1.0
Signed Globally Unique Identifier (SGUID) generator.
- SGUID uses Ed25519 public-key signature system.
- The resulting signature is encoded using URL-safe base64 encoding.
Use case
SGUID is used to mitigate certain types of DDoS attacks.
type SguidPayloadType = {|
id: number | string,
namespace: string,
type: string
* @throws InvalidSguidError Throws if signed message cannot be opened.
* @throws UnexpectedNamespaceValueError Throws if the namespace contained in the payload does not match the expected namespace.
* @throws UnexpectedResourceTypeNameValueError Throws if the resource type name contained in the payload does not match the expected resource type name.
type FromSguidType = (publicKey: string, expectedNamespace: string, expectedResourceTypeName: string, sguid: string) => SguidPayloadType;
* @param secretKey {@see https://github.com/gajus/sguid#generating-secret-key}
* @param namespace A namespace of the GUID (e.g. company name or the application name).
* @param type A resource type name (e.g. article).
* @param id Resource identifier.
type ToSguidType = (secretKey: string, namespace: string, type: string, id: number | string) => string;
import {
} from 'sguid';
const secretKey = '6h2K+JuGfWTrs5Lxt+mJw9y5q+mXKCjiJgngIDWDFy23TWmjpfCnUBdO1fDzi6MxHMO2nTPazsnTcC2wuQrxVQ==';
const publicKey = 't01po6Xwp1AXTtXw84ujMRzDtp0z2s7J03AtsLkK8VU=';
const namespace = 'gajus';
const resourceTypeName = 'article';
const resourceIdentifier = 1;
const sguid = toSguid(secretKey, namespace, resourceTypeName, resourceIdentifier);
// "pbp3h9nTr0wPboKaWrg_Q77KnZW1-rBkwzzYJ0Px9Qvbq0KQvcfuR2uCRCtijQYsX98g1F50k50x5YKiCgnPAnsiaWQiOjEsIm5hbWVzcGFjZSI6ImdhanVzIiwidHlwZSI6ImFydGljbGUifQ"
const payload = fromSguid(publicKey, namespace, resourceTypeName, sguid);
// {
// "id": 1,
// "namespace": "gajus",
// "type": "article"
// }
Handling errors
method can throw the following errors.
Error constructor name | Description |
InvalidSguidError | Throws if signed message cannot be opened. |
UnexpectedNamespaceValueError | Throws if the namespace contained in the payload does not match the expected namespace. |
UnexpectedResourceTypeNameValueError | Throws if the resource type name contained in the payload does not match the expected resource type name. |
Error constructors can be imported from sguid
and UnexpectedResourceTypeNameValueError
extend from InvalidSguidError
. It is enough to check if an error object is an instance of InvalidSguidError
to assert that an error is a result of an invalid SGUID.
import {
} from 'sguid';
try {
fromSguid(initializationVectorValue, namespace, resourceTypeName, sguid);
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof InvalidSguidError) {
// Handle error.
// Re-throw other errors.
throw error;
Generating key pair
Sguid provides a CLI utility sguid new-key-pair
to generate a key pair
$ npm install sguid -g
$ sguid new-key-pair
If you need to generate the key pair programmatically, use nacl.sign.keyPair()