0.8.0 • Published 4 years ago

shadow-render v0.8.0

Weekly downloads
Last release
4 years ago


Open Source

Whats new in this version ?

  • Complete re-write of the toolkit.

How to install

Currently in active development.

Clone the Repository.
Inside the 'src' folder add your components.

You can use npm and get the latest version that might be a little behind on features. Currently the project has zero dependencies so what you are pulling from npm is the unminified source file which is about 8kb in size.

npm install shadow-render
yarn add shadow-render

For Full transparency: It does use a dependency. A package called uid. which is approximately 10 lines of code that was pulled in directly into the source file.

How to use

  • Init the app

The document is being passed in to allow easy mocking for testing purposes i.e

let doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument("New Document");

This creates a HTMLElement document that can be used as the entry point for the toolkit.

import { Shadow, initApp } from "../index.js";

let Entry = new Shadow("entry-point", {
  template: self => /*html*/ `
        <div id="my-app">
            <my-app> </my-app>

initApp("#app", Entry, document);

Lets create the <my-app> element

To use an element you need to import it's file .

import "./counter.js"; // <-- import the counter element
let MyApp = new Shadow("my-app", {
  template: self => /*html*/ `
            <counter-el> </counter-el> 

Create the counter element

Things to note:

  • getInitialState has to be called with the exact signature below for it to register state and setState to the component to make them available in 'self'.

  • You can pass in an object external to the component. i.e state is declared outside of Shadow and is passed into the useState function (provided by the toolkit) which then calls a statehandler function that watches and updates the object. The statehandler returns a state object and setState function which are then made available in self.

  • When calling setState() there is a boolean variable passed in that tells the component whether to re-render on state change. If true : component is re-rendered. If false : only the elements bound to the state property that is being changed are re-rendered.

NOTE: This currently only works with very simple variable types -> strings, int, boolean

import { Shadow, useState } from "../index.js";

let state = {
  counter: 0

let Counter = Shadow("counter-el", {
  onMount: () => {
    console.log("Mounted counter-app");

  getInitialState: self => {
    return useState(state, self);

  methods: {
    increment: (e, self) => {
      self.setState({ counter: self.state.counter }, false);
    decrement: (e, self) => {
      self.setState({ counter: self.state.counter }, false);

  template: self => /*html*/ `
        <div @bind="counter"> ${self.state.counter} </div>
        <button @click="increment">  +  </button>
        <button @click="decrement">  -  </button>

That is the entirety of a counter app example . You can look through the source file for a better understanding of the toolkit. Currently standing at 180 lines of code.

Running the app

For testing purposes you can use VS Code live server to run the app or set up the application with webpack.


Things to note:

The project uses a  VS Code extension: ES6 String HTML for readability of the template object. Please remove the "/*html*/" prepending the template string if you are not using VS Code.

Contributing is as easy as:

  • Forking this repo!
  • Make your own updates
  • Create a new pull request with a description of the changes made.

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