0.2.2 • Published 3 years ago
shape-date v0.2.2
shape a date from minimal input
this module is designed to give you back a Date even from a single day value, defaulting the rest to the current date.
const shapeDate = require('shape-date')
shapeDate([value, [separator='-']]) => Date
[value] (Number) :: just the day value
[value] (String) :: DD[-MM[-YYYY]]
[separator='-'] (String) :: one of . / _ ,
// imagine today is the 5th of November 2020:
shapeDate() // 2020-11-05
shapeDate(3) // 2020-11-03
shapeDate('4-7') // 2020-07-04
shapeDate('7.01', '.') // 2020-01-07
shapeDate('12-11-1990') // 1990-11-12