0.0.3 • Published 5 years ago

shieldfy v0.0.3

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Last release
5 years ago

Shieldfy NodeJs Runtime Agent BETA

This is the official Runtime Agent for Shieldfy (shieldfy.io) https://shieldfy.io

Shieldfy is a strong application protection platform that helps businesses to secure their applications online.


  1. You will first need to register on shieldfy.io to get your APP Key.
  2. install nodejs sdk package through NPM (recommanded)
    npm install shieldfy


open index.js or (main file) and type the following on top of the file

const shieldfy = require('shieldfy')("<yourAppKey>");

//If you are using expressJs include our middleware before yours


OR you can pass config to the initialize

const shieldfy = require('shieldfy')({
    appKey : "<yourAppKey>",
    debug : false,
    action: "block"
    interval : 10000

//If you are using expressJs include our middleware before yours
  • interval => the number of mille seconds which SDK should check our API every this interval of time for new vulenrable package.
  • action =>
    • "block"
      • This is default mode in which if there exist attack on your application SDK will stop the attack and block it then report to the shieldfy dashboard.
    • "listen"
      • In this mode the SDK will not bloack any attack but it will still report this attacks to shieldfy dashboard.

NOTE: You should require Shieldfy in the main file at first before any other package or module in order to SDK work correctly.


  • Run the command into your terminal into root directory of this package
        npm test


Thank you for considering contributing to this project! Bug reports, feature requests, and pull requests are very welcome.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within this project, please send an e-mail to security@shieldfy.com.


5 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago