1.0.1 โ€ข Published 1 month ago

shipbubble-sdk v1.0.1

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1 month ago


๐Ÿš€ Quick start


Install the package using npm or yarn:

npm install shipbubble

or yarn

yarn add shipbubble


After installing the package, you simply need to import the package and initialize it with your API key using the init method.

import Shipbubble from 'shipbubble';


Making requests

After initializing the SDK, you can start making requests to the Shipbubble API.

const response = await Shipbubble.wallet.walletBalance();

Response types

The Shipbubble SDK returns two types of responses: raw and formatted. The raw response returns the data as it is from the API, while the formatted response converts the response to camel case for camel case lovers and also formats date strings and returns the date object.

const response = await Shipbubble.address.validateAddress({
  address: '62 Old yaba road, yaba, Lagos',
  email: 'exampleemail@mail.com',
  phone: '08123456789',
  name: 'John Doe',


The Shipbubble SDK handles pagination for you. If a response has a next link, you can use the next methods to fetch the next page of the response. you can also use the hasNext method to check if there is a next page. The pagination object is also available on the response object, and it contains the metadata for the pagination if you wish to handle next page calls manually.

const response = await Shipbubble.address.getValidatedAddresses({
  Page: 1,
  PerPage: 5,

if (response.hasNext()) {
  const nextPage = await response.next();

๐Ÿ“ฆ Available methods

The Shipbubble SDK provides methods to interact with the Shipbubble API. Below are some of the available methods:

All these methods are available on the Shipbubble object and can be accessed like so:


๐Ÿ“ TypeScript support

The Shipbubble SDK is written in TypeScript and provides types for all the methods and their options. You can import the method options and return interface from the package and use them in your application.

import { GetValidatedAddressRequest, GetValidatedAddressResponseAdapter } from 'shipbubble';

const options: GetValidatedAddressRequest = {
  Page: 1,
  PerPage: 5,

const response = await Shipbubble.address.getValidatedAddresses(options);

๐Ÿ“š Documentation

For more information on how to use the Shipbubble SDK, check out the official documentation.


1 month ago


1 month ago