1.0.0 • Published 9 years ago

shortcode-redirect v1.0.0

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Last release
9 years ago


Creates a server that redirects incoming traffic to another domain and tracks all the requests.

This server allows for a high volume of redirect codes. Redirect codes are created programatically.


  • node
  • npm
  • mongodb


    npm install shortcode-redirect

You will need to have MongoDb installed as well; shortcodes database is serverd from mongodb


In order to run the redirect application, you will need to modify the config.json with your redirection options.

  "port": 80,
  "redirects": {
    "localhost": {
      "code": 302,
      "lookup": true,
      "insert": {
        "sharedsalt": "my secret salt",
	"url": "/newshortcode"
    "otherhost.com": {
      "host": "http://shopping.example.com",
      "keepurl": true
      "code": 302,
    "*": {
      "host": "http://www.google.com",
      "code": 302

The "*" config is the catch all, every host not specified in the config will be redirected there.

The "localhost" entry has two variants;

Varient 1 -- This will take the shortcode from the url and redirect to a personalized url.

  • lookup: true/false, translated the short code to a destination url.
  • insert: allow the domain to be used for creating new shortcodes remotely. See example.py how to create and post new shortcodes.
    • sharedsalt: seret used to sign requests.
    • url: the url used for the post operation
  • code: the http code used for redirecting traffic.

Vatriant 2 -- A static mapping of one domain to another (i.e. no short codes, but just redirect)

  • host: The destination URL
  • keepurl: true/false, retrain the url part of the request, i.e. example.com/abc -> google.com/abc


Starting locally

node bin/server

Create an example shortcode;

python ./example.py

Now you can visit http://localhost/... to be redirected

Or specify a custom port on wich to run the server:

node bin/server --port=3000