0.0.1 • Published 10 years ago

shuttlerock v0.0.1

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10 years ago

Shuttlerock Mobile Web Application


  1. Setup

    -> this will download all the required npm and bower components for the project

  2. Running the application

    • in the project directory, run
      • grunt server

    -> this will start a node.js application server running the application on port 9500

  3. Available grunt tasks

    • grunt server: runs the application in development mode, watches changes in the app directory and reloads the app in the browser automatically when changes have been detected
    • grunt build: creates a local build in the dist directory with minified assets
    • grunt build-env: creates a build for the specified environment and uploads all artifacts to the S3 target environment specified in aws.json. Also pings the respective server specified in env.json.
  4. Main application structure

    a) assets

    Contains images and languages. A new language can be added by copying one of the existing .json files and then adding the appropriate translations for each key. The index.html file has got a javascript parameter that decides which language to use. The file name needs to be in locale-.json format where is the parameter value specified in the index file.

    b) scripts

    Contains all javascript / coffeescript files. The coffeescript files get converted to javascript files automatically when running grunt server.

    app.coffee is the main application script with the route configuration and run parameters. resources.coffee contains all backend API calls. constants.coffee contains the route constants.

    All controllers are created as extensions from the BaseController class. The BaseController class contains functionality that is common to most other controllers.

    dock.coffee is a service which allows remembering entered information between the various view states of the application. As the application collects information from the user, it adds it to the "Dock" to be able to retrieve it when it is time to create the competition entry.

    c) styles

    Contains all scss files. These get compiled to normal css files when running grunt server and use Compass.

    d) views

    Each step in the image upload process has got its own view and controller associated. For consistency, controllers and views have the same name, e.g. boards.html would have an associated controller in boards.coffee.

    Additionally, there's a directory with different backgrounds. There is no functionality in place to let user select a different background at the moment, but could be added very easily.