0.1.6 • Published 4 years ago

sidemail v0.1.6

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4 years ago

Sidemail Node.js library

Try on RunKit

The Sidemail Node.js library provides convenient access to the Sidemail API from applications written in server-side JavaScript.


Install this package with:

npm install sidemail --save
# or
yarn add sidemail


First, the package needs to be configured with your project's API key, which you can find in the Sidemail Dashboard.

Here's how:

// Create Sidemail instance and set your API key.
const configureSidemail = require("sidemail");
const sidemail = configureSidemail({ apiKey: "xxxxx" });

Then, you can call sidemail.sendEmail to send emails like so:

try {
  const response = await sidemail.sendEmail({
    toAddress: "user@email.com",
    fromAddress: "you@example.com",
    fromName: "Your app",
    templateName: "Welcome",

  // Response contains email ID
    `An email with ID '${response.id}' was successfully queued for sending. :)`
} catch (err) {
  // Uh-oh, we have an error! You error handling logic...

The response will look like this:

  "id": "5e858953daf20f3aac50a3da",
  "status": "queued"

Learn more about Sidemail API:

Email sending examples

Send password reset email template

await sidemail.sendEmail({
  toAddress: "user@email.com",
  fromAddress: "you@example.com",
  fromName: "Your app",
  templateName: "Password reset",
  templateProps: { resetUrl: "https://your.app/reset?token=123" },

Schedule email delivery

await sidemail.sendEmail({
  toAddress: "user@email.com",
  fromName: "Startup name",
  fromAddress: "your@startup.com",
  templateName: "Welcome",
  templateProps: { firstName: "Patrik" },
  // Deliver email in 60 minutes from now
  scheduledAt: "2020-04-04T12:58:50.964Z",

Send email template with dynamic list

Useful for dynamic data where you have n items that you want to render in email. For example, items in a receipt, weekly statistic per project, new comments, etc.

await sidemail.sendEmail({
    toAddress: "user@email.com",
    fromName: "Startup name",
    fromAddress: "your@startup.com",
    templateName: "Template with dynamic list",
    templateProps: {
        list: [
            { text: "Dynamic list" },
            { text: "allows you to generate email template content" },
            { text: "based on template props." },

Send custom HTML email

await sidemail.sendEmail({
  toAddress: "user@email.com",
  fromName: "Startup name",
  fromAddress: "your@startup.com",
  subject: "Testing html only custom emails :)",
  html: "<html><body><h1>Hello world! 👋</h1><body></html>",

Send custom plain text email

await sidemail.sendEmail({
  toAddress: "user@email.com",
  fromName: "Startup name",
  fromAddress: "your@startup.com",
  subject: "Testing plain-text only custom emails :)",
  text: "Hello world! 👋",


Create or update a contact

try {
  const response = await sidemail.contacts.createOrUpate({
    emailAddress: "marry@lightning.com",
    identifier: "123",
    customProps: {
      name: "Marry Lightning",
      // ... more of your contact props ...

  console.log(`Contact was '${response.status}'.`);
} catch (err) {
  // Uh-oh, we have an error! You error handling logic...

Find contact

const response = await sidemail.contacts.find({
	emailAddress: "marry@lightning.com",

List all contacts

const response = await sidemail.contacts.list();

and to paginate

const response = await sidemail.contacts.list({ paginationCursorNext: "123" });

Delete contact

const response = await sidemail.contacts.delete({
	emailAddress: "marry@lightning.com",

More info

Visit Sidemail docs for more information.