0.0.3 • Published 4 years ago

sidepipes v0.0.3

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4 years ago


Some experimental HOFs for composing n-ary functions.


sidepipe is a higher order function (HOF) that enables left-to-right function composition with n-ary functions. Similar to the pipe abstraction, sidepipe returns a function pipeline or composition. pipe only allows the use of unary functions. This can make it difficult to incorporate many functions into a pipeline without resorting to advanced techniques like the use of State monads. However, sidepipe provides a concise, declarative syntax for specifying additional arguments to the one resulting from the previous function in the pipeline.

The function arguments to sidepipe can be any combination of regular (synchronous) functions or those that return a Promise. The result of executing the function created by calling sidepipe is a JavaScript Promise. So its output can be chained into .then for additional function calling and/or .catch for trapping errors generated during pipeline execution. If all of the function arguments are synchronous, you can use sidepipeSync which operates in a fully synchronous manner.

Each argument to sidepipe is either a (unary) function or an array consisting of a function, one or more additional argument names, and an optional result name (for use as an argument to a subsequent function).

A sidepipe argument has the following format:

function || (resultName), function, argName, ...

const f = sidepipe(functionExpressions);



npm install --save sidepipes



sidepipe :: [functionExpr] -> function
  const fetchUser = (database, username) => {
    const data = [
      {id: 1, username: 'minnie', name: 'Minnie Mouse'},
      {id: 2, username: 'dduck', name: 'Donald Duck'}
    return Promise.resolve( data.find(user => user.username === username) );
  const fetchPrefs = (database, user) => {
    const data = [
      {id: 1, outboundChannel: 'SMS'},
      {id: 2, outboundChannel: 'Phone'}
    return Promise.resolve( data.find(pref => pref.id === user.id) );
  const formatGreeting = (user, prefs) => (
    {id: user.id, channel: prefs.outboundChannel, text: `Hi ${user.name}`}
  const sendGreeting = (greeting) => Promise.resolve(
    // sendOutbound(greeting);
    `greeting sent to user ${greeting.id} over ${greeting.channel}`

  const getAndGreetUser = sidepipe(
    ['user', fetchUser, 'db', 'username'],
    [fetchPrefs, 'db'],
    [formatGreeting, 'user'],

  getAndGreetUser('db', 'minnie')
  .then(res => console.log(res))  // -> "greeting sent to user 1 over SMS"


sidepipeSync :: [functionExpr] -> function
const fallPromo = {baseDiscount: 10, bStates: ['MA', 'AL', 'OH', 'KS', 'NV']};

const mickey = {
  firstName: 'Mickey', state: 'KS', nextProduct: 'WhizBang', discountAdjust: -5

const customerIncentive = (promo, customer) => {
  const {baseDiscount, bStates} = promo;
  const {nextProduct, discountAdjust} = customer;
  return {product: nextProduct, discount: baseDiscount + discountAdjust, bStates};

const abTest = (customer, incentive) => ({
  rationale: incentive.bStates.includes(customer.state)
    ? 'as a preferred customer'
    : 'because you work hard for your money'

const personalize = (customer, incentive) => (
  {...incentive, name: customer.firstName}

const format = (incentive) => {
  const {name, rationale, discount, product} = incentive;
  return `${name}, ${rationale}, take ${discount}% off your next ${product}!`

const makeAd = sidepipeSync(
  [customerIncentive, 'promo', 'cust'],
  [abTest, 'cust'],
  [personalize, 'cust'],

makeAd(fallPromo, mickey);  // "Mickey, as a preferred customer, take 5% off your next WhizBang!"

4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago