0.0.21 • Published 7 years ago
signalr-client-forked v0.0.21
By: Matthew Whited (c) 2015
This is a signalR client for node.js. The Intent of this project is to allow a node service to communicate with a signalR hub over websockets.
This project does not require jQuery but it also only support websockets. Fallback to other communication options such as long polling are not supported.
see signalR-sample.js for more examples
Create instance of signalR client
var signalR = require('signalr-client');
var client = new signalR.client(
//signalR service URL
// array of hubs to be supported in the connection
//, 10 /* Reconnection Timeout is optional and defaulted to 10 seconds */
//, false /* doNotStart is option and defaulted to false. If set to true
client will not start until .start() is called */
Binding callbacks from signalR hub
Method pattern
// Hub Name (case insensitive)
// Method Name (case insensitive)
// Callback function with parameters matching call from hub
function(name, message) {
console.log("revc => " + name + ": " + message);
Direct pattern
//If you bind directly to the hub handlers as show here any previous
// handlers for that hub will be removed!
// hub name must be all lower case.
client.handlers.testhub = {
// method name must be all lower case
// function signature should match call from hub
addmessage: function(name, message) {
console.log("revc => " + name + ": " + message);
Calling methods on the signalR hub
From the client instance
'TestHub', // Hub Name (case insensitive)
'Send', // Method Name (case insensitive)
'client', 'invoked from client' //additional parameters to match signature
From the hub instance
var hub = client.hub('TestHub'); // Hub Name (case insensitive)
'Send', // Method Name (case insensitive)
'hub', 'invoked from hub' //additional parameters to match called signature
Additional Features
Add Custom Headers to Negotiate and Connect
client.headers['X-MyTest-Header'] = 'Hello World!';
Add Custom Values to Connect QueryString
client.queryString.mVar1 = 'Hello World!';
Connect over HTTP Proxy
Only support HTTP connections as this time
client.proxy.host = "";
client.proxy.port = "8888";
Service Handlers
These are all found under client.serviceHandlers
bound: void function(){}
connectFailed: void function(error){}
connected: void function(connection){}
connectionLost: void function(error){}
disconnected: void function(){}
onerror: void function(error){}
messageReceived: bool function(message){ return true /* if handled */}
bindingError: function(error) {}
onUnauthorized: function(res) {}
reconnected: void function(connection){}
reconnecting: function(retry) { return false; } */
Connected / Reconnected
client.serviceHandlers.connected = function(connection) {
/* connection: this is the connection raised from websocket */
Message Received
client.serviceHandlers.messageReceived = function(message) {
/* message: this is the raw message received on the websocket */
return true/false; //if true the client handler for the hub will not be raised.
//if false the client handler will be raised.
Handler Unauthorized Access
client.serviceHandlers.onUnauthorized = function (res) {
//Do your Login Request
var location = res.headers.location;
var result = http.get(location, function (loginResult) {
//Copy "set-cookie" to "client.header.cookie" for future requests
client.headers.cookie = loginResult.headers['set-cookie'];
client.serviceHandlers.reconnecting = function (retryData) {
/* retryData: { inital: true (first retry)/false (following retries),
count: retry count } */
return true; // Abort retry
return false; // Retry
Change History
- v0.0.1: Initial Release
- v0.0.2: No functional code changes Update ignore list to exclude project build files Cleaned up README.md and added code samples * Updated signalR-sample.js to match samples
- v0.0.3: No functional code changes * Updated README.md and signalR-sample.js to correct minor spelling mistakes
- v0.0.4: Corrected messageid for payloads sent to server/hub messageid should increment for each message in the connection instead reset messageid on connection
- v0.0.5: Added support for retrying connection after the client loses contact with hub
- v0.0.6: Fixed reported issue of connection being refused when the client is created before the hub is online.
- Added client.serviceHandlers.bindingError handler.
- if client is in "unbound" or "bindingError" state it will trying to renegotiate binding on next client.invoke or client.hub[] * changed client.state to return {code: # desc: ""} instead of just the code.
- v0.0.7: Added support for connections over HTTPS (Thanks Anthony DiPierro)
- v0.0.8: Added support for headers by request (Thanks Vincent Miceli)
- Added support for headers on "negotiate" and "connect" for signalR
- Added a new onUnauthorized handler to support 401/302 on failed negotiate
- Added the ability to forward requests over an HTTP Proxy
- Added the ability to extend the connect queryString
- Added the ability to optionally prevent the client from connecting automatically on creation.
- Removed the thrown exception when errors are unhandled.
- v0.0.9: Added a mergeable setter syntax to handlers, serviceHandlers, headers, proxy and queryString.
- Settings values on headers and queryString to undefined will remove their values from being transferred.
- v0.0.10: Fixes for reported bugs (Thanks Vincent Miceli)
- Connection state was always reported as reconnected
- doNotStart setting for client was ignored.
- v0.0.11: Initialization and even order has slightly changed.
- If client is created with 'doNotStart' set to true binding will not occur until after client.start() is called
- The 'bound' event will be raised before the system tries to start the connection
- Fixed the retry timeout to properly calculate seconds.
- Fixed retry and connection failed
- v0.0.12: Added more detail to the "Protocol Error"
- The "Protocol Error" refers to when the system can not detect the web-sockets connection.
- Changed the default error handler to output more details
- Added the negotiated URL object to the raised error for "Protocol Error"
- v0.0.13: Added MIT License and released project on GitHub
- No functional changes
- Code on GitHub
- v0.0.14: Added HTTPS scheme support * Thanks to Guilherme Ferreira
- v0.0.15: Update to signalR Client Protocol 1.5 * Thanks to Guilherme Ferreira
- v0.0.16: Fixed lastMessageId issues * Thanks to Sergey Buturlakin
Known Issues
- client.Proxy settings currently only work for HTTP and not HTTPS
Donations for this project are graciously accepted by paypal matt@whited.us or by bitcoin 1NTVscATbu8fo6an8UMS5xiCpVCHV438sj