0.0.1 • Published 10 years ago

sik v0.0.1

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10 years ago


Opinionated project structuring for the MEAN stack. Handy generators available with sik-tools.

What is the Project Structure?

 - appName.js
 - component.json
 - config/
 - lib/
     - apis/
     - components/
     - pages/
     - express-pages/
     - models/
 - test/
     - test-helper.js
     - apis/
     - components/
     - factories/
     - pages/
     - models/

Project Layout Definitions


The root application file. Exports an angular application which will load the project structure / auto-mount the appropriate files.

Example: appName.js

var sik = require('sik');

var app = module.exports = sik({
  root: __dirname

Config is used for storing credentials and configurations used by your application. Some examples might be:

  • Amazon EC2 Credentials (config/aws.js);
  • Facebook API Credentials (config/facebook.js)
  • Database credentials (config/db.js).

Express-based applications that are mounted by a master express-server (appName.js). Shortcut to instantiate: var app = sik() or var app = sik.app().

Example: lib/api/hello-world.js

var app = module.exports = require('sik')();

app.get('/api/hello-world', function(req, res, next) {
  res.send(200, {msg: "Hello world!"});

Packaged components for use on the front-end. Currently, these are packaged with component, but this may change soon.

Example: lib/components/some-component/

    - component.json
    - some-component.js
    - some-component.styl
    - template.jade

The components define the following:

  • component.json - required - Manifest file for the component.
  • component-name.js - optional - Javascript related to the component. Can also require other js. These are compiled and passed into public/app.js
  • component-name.styl - optional - Required styl definitions. These are compiled and passed into public/app.css
  • template.jade - optional - Jade file for any templates/partials that may be necessary to render the component. These are compiled and served under public/component-name/template.html.

Express pages are stand-alone express applications that get loaded as modules into the main express application. They are like APIs, however can have associated Jade, css, etc. They define their express application in routes.js.

Example: lib/pages/example-page/site-wide



app.get('/*', function(req, res, next) {
  debug("Load angular template");

Pages are very similar to components. They are collections of javascript, templates, and styling. The difference is that they also have associated angular routes. They are high-level application destinations.

Example: lib/pages/example-page

      - component.json
      - example-page.js
      - example-page.styl
      - template.jade

The structuring is very similar to a component. The difference is that example-page.js defines a route/end point.

Example: example-page/example-page.js

var ExamplePage = angular.module('myApp.example-page', []);

ExamplePage.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
  $routeProvider.when('/hello-world', {
    controller: 'ExamplePageController',
    templateUrl: '/assets-example-page/template.html'

ExamplePage.controller('ExamplePageController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
  // Do something cool

Models represent application objects. They may be stored in the database, but may also just be JS objects that help keep application logic (specifically for the API). By default, sik includes modella as its preferred model provider. You can access it through sik.modella.

Example: lib/models/todo-model/index.js

var Todo = module.exports = require('sik').modella('Todo');

Todo.attr('description', { required: true })
    .attr('done', { type: 'boolean' })

Often it is necessary to mutate an object before sending it out through the API. Examples include sanitizing it, or looking up relations. To do this, sik encourages the use of presenter plugins for your models.

Example (continued from above): lib/models/todo-model/index.js


Example: lib/models/todo-model/presenter.js

module.exports = function(Todo) {
  Todo.on('initialize', generatePresenter);

  function generatePresenter(todo) {
    todo.presenter = {
      smallApiSummary: function() {
        return { 
          description: todo.description(),
          done: todo.done()
      largeApiSummary: function(forUser) {
        var result = this.smallApiSummary();
        result.isOwner = todo.userId().toString() == forUser.primary().toString();
        return result;

Example: lib/api/todo-api.js

var app = module.exports = require('sik')(),
    Todo = require('todo-model');

app.get('/api/v1/todos', function(req, res, next) {
  Todo.all({}, function(err, todos) {
    if(err) return res.send(500, {msg: err.message});
    res.send(200, todos.map(function(t) { return t.present().smallApiSummary(); }));

app.get('/api/v1/todos/:id', function(req, res, next) {
  var user = req.user;
  Todo.get(req.params.id, function(err, todo) {
    if(err) return res.send(500, {msg: err.message});
    res.send(200, todo.present().largeApiSummary(user));