0.0.5 • Published 11 years ago

simile v0.0.5

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11 years ago


A small library which attempts to push prototypal inheritance to its natural conclusions in JavaScript (for ECMAScript 5).

This library provides a few basic functions which are oriented toward making prototypal inheritence simple and straight-forward.

Getting Started



npm install simile


var simile = require('simile'),
	like = simile.like,
	beget = simile.beget;

// ...



Download simile.js and serve it in a <script> tag.

<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/simile.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var like = simile.like,
    	beget = simile.beget;

Inside another script, you can use secrets.create() to create a secret coupler (see below).


It's also possible to import simile as an AMD module.

require([ 'path/to/simile' ], function(simile) {
    var like = simile.like,
    	beget = simile.beget;
    // ...


Inheritance (like)

To create an object use like.

var Pizza = like();
// Pizza is an object which has no prototype.

Object.getPrototypeOf(Pizza); // => null

To create an object which inherits from another object, use like again.

var CheesePizza = like(Pizza);
// CheesePizza inherits from Pizza

The like function accepts a second optional argument, a map of properties to add to the new object.

var PepperoniPizza = like(Pizza, {
	toppings: [ 'pepperoni' ]
PepperoniPizza.toppings; // => [ 'pepperoni' ]

var MediumPepperoniPizza = like(PepperoniPizza, {
	diameter: frozen('22cm')
MediumPepperoniPizza.diameter; // => '22cm'
MediumPepperoniPizza.toppings; // => [ 'pepperoni' ]

These properties are non-enumerable.

MediumPepperoniPizza.slices = 8;

for(var key in MediumPepperoniPizza) {
// Only logs 'slices'. The other properties ('diameter', 'toppings') are not logged because
// they are non-enumerable.

These properties are, however, writable and configurable (by default).

MediumPepperoniPizza.diameter = '20cm';
delete MediumPepperoniPizza.toppings;

MediumPepperoniPizza.diameter; // => '20cm'
MediumPepperoniPizza.toppings; // => undefined

Properties inherit a false writable or configurable state.

FrozenPizza = like(PepperoniPizza, Object.freeze({
    thaw: function() { console.log('thawing!'); }

FrozenPizza.thaw = 1;    // Error: `thaw` is non-writable
delete FrozenPizza.thaw; // Error: `thaw` is non-configurable

like is like Object.create, except it has an easier, cleaner syntax with reasonable defaults for the property descriptors.

var John = like(Mike, {
	firstName: 'John'
John.getName(); // => 'John Campbell'

Like Object.create, like can be used on null to create an object with no inheritance.

var x = like(null);
'hasOwnProperty' in x; // => false
// x does not inherit from Object (or anything)

sealed and frozen

A property can be set to be non-configurable or non-writable using sealed and frozen. The former makes a property non-configurable, while the latter makes a property both non-configurable and non-writable.

var Canine = like(),
    Fox = like(Canine, {
        color: sealed('red'),
        trait: frozen('sneaky')

// `color` is writable
Fox.color = 'gray';
// But it is not configurable
Object.defineProperty(Fox, 'color', { enumerable: true }); // Error
// And `trait` is neither writable nor configurable
Fox.trait = 'lazy'; // Error
Object.defineProperty(Fox, 'trait', { enumerable: true }); // Error


beget is like + init. It calls like on the first argument and passes any other arguments to an object's init method (if present).

var Person = like(null, {
	init: function(firstName, lastName) {
        this.firstName = firstName;
        this.lastName = lastName;
	getName: function() {
		return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName;
var Mike = beget(Person, 'Mike', 'Campbell');
Mike.getName(); // => 'Mike Campbell'


extend can be used to extend the properties of an object.

var Santa = like();
extend(Santa, {
	speak: function() {
		return 'Ho ho ho!';
Santa.speak(); // => 'Ho ho ho!'

Properties added with extend are non-enumerable.


mixin can be used to mix one object into another. It differs from extend in two ways: (1) properties remain enumerable if they are enumerable on the mixin, and (2) inherited properties are mixed in (up to a common parent).

var Santa = like();
mixin(Santa, {
	speak: function() {
		return 'Ho ho ho!';

var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Santa, 'speak');
descriptor.enumerable;   // => true
descriptor.writable;     // => true
descriptor.configurable; // => true

var Holidayer = like(null, {
    shout: function() {
        return 'Merry Christmas!';

var Elf = like(Holidayer, {
    makeToys: function() {
        return 'Fa la la!';

mixin(Santa, Elf);
Santa.shout();    // => 'Merry Christmas!'
Santa.makeToys(); // => 'Fa la la!'


The inherits function can be used to check inheritance (instanceof will not work because you're not checking against a constructor).

inherits(PepperoniPizza, Pizza);            // => true
inherits(MediumPepperoniPizza, Pizza);      // => true
inherits(PepperoniPizza, Santa);            // => false

Private Properties

Secrets or WeakMaps can be used alongside beget to associate private state with objects.

var Purse = (function() {

    var $ = createSecret();

    return like(null, {

        init: function(balance) {
            if (Object(this) !== this)
                throw new TypeError('Object expected');
            $(this).balance = balance | 0;

        deposit: function deposit(from, amount) {
            if (!('balance' in $(this)))
                throw new TypeError('Deposit must be called on a Purse.');
            if (!('balance' in $(from))
                throw new TypeError('Another Purse is required to make a deposit.');
            $(from).balance -= amount;
            $(this).balance += amount;

        get balance() {
            return $(this).balance;



var sally = beget(Purse, 100),
    jane = beget(Purse, 250);

sally.deposit(jane, 50);
    sally.balance, // => 150
    jane.balance   // => 200


var Vehicle = like(null, {
    init: function(name) {
        this.name = name;
	speed: 0,
	acceleration: 10,
	start: function() {
		this.speed = this.acceleration;
		console.log(this.name, 'started', this.speed);
	stop: function() {
		this.speed = 0;
		console.log(this.name, 'stopped', this.speed);
	accelerate: function() {
		this.speed += this.acceleration;
		console.log(this.name, this.speed);

// MiniVan inherits all of Vehicle's properties
var MiniVan = like(Vehicle, {
	acceleration: 6

// Racecar also inherits all of Vehicle's properties, but it overrides `init`.
var Racecar = like(Vehicle, {
	init: function(name) {
        Vehicle.init.call(this, name);
		this.acceleration = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20 + 40);

// peacockVan inherits from MiniVan
var peacockVan = beget(MiniVan, 'peacock');

peacockVan.start();       // => peacock started 6
peacockVan.accelerate();  // => peacock 12
peacockVan.accelerate();  // => peacock 18
peacockVan.stop();        // => peacock stopped 0

// wallaceCar inherits from Racecar
var wallaceCar = beget(Racecar, 'wallace');
// andyCar also inherits from Racecar
var andyCar = beget(Racecar, 'andy');

wallaceCar.start();       // => wallace started [random number]
andyCar.start();          // => andy started [random number]

wallaceCar.accelerate();  // => wallace [random number]
andyCar.accelerate();     // => andy [random number]

wallaceCar.accelerate();  // => wallace [random number]
andyCar.accelerate();     // => andy [random number]

wallaceCar.stop();        // => wallace [random number]
andyCar.stop();           // => andy [random number]

11 years ago


11 years ago


11 years ago


11 years ago


11 years ago