1.0.6 • Published 10 months ago

simple-commands.js v1.0.6

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Last release
10 months ago


A module for creating and registering commands in a Discord bot.


To install the simple-commands.js module, run the following command:

npm i simple-commands.js


First, import the module into your code:

const { commands } = require('simple-commands.js');

To use the module, you can make the following function calls:

await commands.load(process.env.CLIENT_ID)
await commands.register(client, loadedCommands, guildId)
await commands.clear(client, process.env.CLIENT_ID)

The loadedCommands variable represents the result of the commands.load function:

const loadedCommands = await commands.Load(process.env.CLIENT_ID);

Once you have set up your code correctly, you can run it. When you run the code, it will prompt you to create a commands folder.

The module will create two subfolders: "Admin" and "Entertainment". However, you are not restricted to these. You can have as many subfolders as you want with any name.

Here's an example of how to use the simple-commands.js module in your Discord bot:

const { commands } = require('simple-commands.js');
const { Client, GatewayIntentBits } = require('discord.js');
const { config } = require('dotenv');

// Load the environment variables from the .env file

// State which intents your bot will need
const client = new Client({
  intents: [

// Login with the provided token
client.login(process.env.TOKEN).then(async () => {
  // Check if the user wants the commands to be cleared from the Discord commands list
  if (process.env.CLEAR_COMMANDS === 'yes') {
    // Use simple-commands.js to clear the commands
    await commands.clear(client, process.env.CLIENT_ID);
  } else {
    // If the user stated they do not want to clear commands,
    // then load the commands into the bot file using the simple-commands.js module
    const loadedCommands = await commands.load(process.env.CLIENT_ID); // Await the result of the load function
    const guildId = process.env.GUILD_ID;
    // Use the simple-commands.js module to finally register the commands with Discord
    commands.register(client, loadedCommands, guildId);


Before using the simple-commands.js module, make sure to set the following environment variables:

  • TOKEN: Your bot's authentication token.
  • GUILD_ID: The ID of your bot's test server.
  • CLIENT_ID: Your bot's client ID.
  • CLEAR_COMMANDS: Specify whether to clear your bot's commands from the Discord commands list (set to "yes" or "no").

Make sure to set these variables in a .env file in the root directory of your project.

Commands Format

Unfortunately simmple-commands.Js was based off of @discordJs/builders As of right now this will prevent you using legacy commands e.g. !ping. you will have to use /ping. Although nothing is preventing you from leaving legacy commands in your main file. Do not worry we will change this in the future, I have lots of plans before i do that though.

const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require('@discordjs/builders');

module.exports = {
  // Define the slash command data
  // The name and description are required
  data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
    .setDescription('Does command stuff')
    .addStringOption((option) =>
        .setDescription('Tells the user what the option includes, e.g., has to be a user')

  async execute(interaction) {
    // Add your command code here
    const command = interaction.options.getString('commandOption').toLowerCase();