1.0.0 • Published 1 year ago

simple-file-proccesor v1.0.0

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1 year ago


Nodejs utility service for mass-processing files in parallel.

Getting Started

The simple-file-processor library enables concurrent file processing using worker modules. To utilize this library, you'll need two modules:

Worker Module

The file-processor library enables concurrent file processing using worker modules. To utilize this library, you'll need two modules:

Worker Module Create a worker module that exports a single function, accepting fileName and callback. This function should handle the file processing and invoke the callback upon completion. The function can be asynchronous.

Example worker module:

module.exports = function (fileName, callback) {
  // Perform processing tasks on the file
  const result = performFileProcessing(fileName);
  callback(null, result);

Implementation Module

Utilize the FileProcessor class from the file-processor package. Provide it with one or more glob patterns and the path to the worker module. Each file matching the pattern will be processed by the specified worker module.

Example implementation:

const FileProcessor = require('file-processor');
const processor = new FileProcessor(
  ['path/to/some/files/*.txt', 'some/other/path/*.js'],

processor.on('processed', (fileName, result) => {
  console.log(`Result for ${fileName}: ${result}`);

FilePorcssor instance emits the following events:

  • queued: File queued for processing.


fileName processed: File successfully processed by the worker.


  • fileName
    • result: Result returned by the worker module
    • error: Worker failed to process the file.


  • error
  • allQueued: All files matching the pattern are queued for processing.


  • stats: Object with the following fields:
    • queuedCount: Total number of queued files.
    • processedCount: Total number of processed files
  • end: All files have been processed.

1 year ago