0.1.0 • Published 8 years ago

simple-moving-avg v0.1.0

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Calculate the simple moving average for an array.


Install with npm:

$ npm install --save simple-moving-avg


var sma = require('simple-moving-avg');



Calculate the simple moving average of a given array and using a subset of n elements. Note that elements that cannot be calculated because of not enough items in the subset will be set to 0


var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
console.log(sma(arr, 3));
//=> [ 0, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]

// center the mean by passing `true` as the third argument
console.log(sma(arr, 3, true));
//=> [ 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 ]


  • arr {Array}: Array containing full set of items to calcualte
  • n {Number}: Number of items in each subset to use
  • center {Boolean}: Center around the item in the array. Defaults to false. See center for more details.
  • returns {Array}: Array containing averaged values


Calculate the simple moving average of a given array and using a subset of n elements. The subset is calculated around the current index using {i - ceil(n/2) .. i + ceil(n/2)}. This requires that n is odd to have a balanced number of items on either side of i. Note that elements that cannot be calculated because of not enough items in the subset will be set to 0


console.log(sma.center(arr, 3));
//=> [ 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 ]


  • arr {Array}: Array containing full set of items to calcualte
  • n {Number}: Number of items in each subset to use
  • returns {Array}: Array containing averaged values


The calculation function used for calculating the next simple moving average in a series of simple moving averages. This is used in the sma and center functions after calculating the average of the first subset. This reduces the amount of times that the total array needs to be sliced and also allows for using the calculation function outside of this library when streaming an array of values.


var prevAvg = avg([1, 2, 3]); // fake subset array with 3 values
var currentVal = 4; // current value (the value that would be next in the main array)
var firstVal = 1; // first value from the subset used to calculate the previous avg;

// create a calc function that will calculate the next average using a subset size of 3
var calcFn = sma.calc(3);
var currentAvg = calcFn(prevAvg, currentVal, firstVal);
//=> 3


  • n {Number}: Size of the subsets
  • precision {Number}: Number of decimal places to use. Defaults to 0
  • returns {Number}: Average from the calculation.


Related projects

array-avg: Calculate the average of an array of numbers. | homepage


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Running tests

Install dev dependencies:

$ npm install -d && npm test


Brian Woodward


Copyright © 2016, Brian Woodward. Released under the MIT license.

This file was generated by verb-generate-readme, v0.2.0, on November 02, 2016.