simple-react-google-maps v1.1.2
A simple Google Maps Component for react applications.
Getting Started
Google Maps Api Key Visit Create a Google Developers account and enable Google Maps Platform to obtain an api key.
Install using the npm install command:
$ npm i --save simple-react-google-maps
In your React application, navigate to the component where you want Google Maps to be rendered.
import GoogleMaps from "simple-react-google-maps"
apiKey={"Your Google Api Key"}
style={{height: "400px", width: "100%"}}
center={{lat: 37.4224764, lng: -122.0842499}}
markers={{lat: 37.4224764, lng: -122.0842499}} //optional
Multiple markers can also be rendered. Marker can also take in an array of geocodes.
{lat: 37.4224764, lng: -122.0842499},
{lat: 37.5224764, lng: -121.0842499},
{lat: 37.3224764, lng: -120.0842499}
Google also provides a Geocoding service. By sending a request to their api, any address can be geocoded.${your address}&key={your api key}
For example: To get the The Metropolitan Museum of Art's geocode, send a fetch request to$1000+5thAve+NewYork+10028&key={your api key} The response will contain the coordinates for the given address.