1.0.3 • Published 5 years ago

simple-react-treetable v1.0.3

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Last release
5 years ago


A React component that presents a simple TreeTable, allowing the user to supply styling and rendering options.


Run the following command: npm install simple-react-treetable --save or yarn add simple-react-treetable --save


Firstly, import the component as follows:

import SimpleTreeTable from "simple-react-treetable";

Then include it in your components as follows:

<SimpleTreeTable tableData={this.props.tableData} columns={columns} control={control}/>

See our Demo page to see the component in action.

SimpleTreeTable expects data in the following format:

        data: {
            name: "name0",
            dataType: "string0",
            example: "ex0",
            description: "desc0"
        children: [
                data: {
                    name: "name0-0",
                    dataType: "string0-0",
                    example: "ex0-0",
                    description: "desc0-0"
                children: []
            }, {
                data: {
                    name: "name0-1",
                    dataType: "string0-1",
                    example: "ex0-1",
                    description: "desc0-1"
                children: []
            }, {
                data: {
                    name: "name0-2",
                    dataType: "string0-2",
                    example: "ex0-2",
                    description: "desc0-2"
                children: [
                        data: {
                            name: "name0-2-1",
                            dataType: "string0-2-1",
                            example: "ex0-2-1",
                            description: "desc0-2-1"
                        children: []
        data: {
            name: "name1",
            dataType: "string1",
            example: "ex1",
            description: "desc1 &euro; &euro;"
        children: []
        data: {
            name: "name2",
            dataType: "string2",
            example: "ex2",
            description: "desc2 &euro; &euro; &euro; &euro;"
        children: []

Configuration options

Obviously, the tableData prop is required. There is one other required prop:

columns is an array of objects, describing the columns to be rendered. The options within a column object are:

Attribute NameTypeDescriptionExampleRequired
dataFieldStringthe field that holds the data to be displayednameYes
headingStringthe column header to be used - if not supplied, the dataField is used instead.NameNo
fixedWidthBooleanShould the column be defined with a fixed width?falseNo
percentageWidthNumberThe percentage width this column will be allocated, should fixedWidth be true25No
styleClassStringA CSS class to be applied to the TD element for this fieldwhateverNo
rendererfunctionA function to be applied to the data - see further detail belowwhateverNo

Further control of how the table is displayed can be provided using the control prop.

Attribute NameTypeDescriptionExampleRequired
tableClassesStringCSS class(es) to be applied to the table. See the styling section for more information.No
showButtonBooleanShould the Expand All/Collapse All button be displayed?FalseNo
buttonClassesStringCSS classes to be applied to the button, if displayedNo

Rendering option

A function can be provided on a per-column basis to control the display of the data from that column.

This function should accept 2 parameters:

  1. dataRow - the entire row of data being operated on
  2. dataField - the name of the field within that row to be displayed

Thus the actual data for the column will be provided as dataRow.data[dataField]

The function should return HTML - see the example below:

let descriptionRenderer = function (dataRow, dataField) {
    return <span dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: dataRow.data[dataField]}}></span>

Styling options

The table is by default entirely unstyled. To style it, simply provide a string of class names (separated by spaces) in the control.tableClasses prop.

For example, to use Bootstrap styling, you can pass "table table-bordered" to the prop, and assuming the Bootstrap CSS is available, the relevant styling will be applied.

Note that Bootstrap table striping won't work on a table where rows are expandable, as the striping is applied once at render time and doesn't adjust to the display changing.

Use as a simple DataTable

To use this component as a simple datatable (i.e. no expandable capabilities), simply provide a tableData prop with no children attributes.

Release History

ReleaseDescriptionRelease date
1.0.3Corrected the configurationNov 19 2018
1.0.2Changed Babel setup to the correct dependencyNov 19 2018
1.0.1IE11 compatibilityNov 19 2018
1.0.0Initial launchNov 15 2018
0.9.1Second final pre-release candidate!Nov 15 2018
0.9.0Final pre-release candidateNov 15 2018
0.3.0Another pre-release candidateNov 13 2018
0.2.0Pre-release effortNov 12 2018