0.2.1 • Published 1 year ago

simple-rule v0.2.1

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Last release
1 year ago


React library for simple permissions map creation and policy checking. Simple rule is an authorization library which restricts what resources a given user is allowed to access.

NPM JavaScript Style Guide


Quite often, in any application, becomes necessary to allow or deny certain actions with objects, depending on the access rights of the current user. This library allows you to simplify the process of initializing the rules and their checks.


npm install --save simple-rule

Quick start

This example explain simplest possible usage:

Wrap your component by SimpleRulesProvider and create rulesSchema

import React from 'react'
import { SimpleRulesProvider } from 'simple-rule'

const rulesSchema = {
  post: {
    show: ({ currentUser, record }) => !record.owner_id || record.owner_id === currentUser.id,

function Example({ currentUser }) {
  return (
    <SimpleRulesProvider rulesSchema={rulesSchema} currentUser={currentUser}>
      <PostsList />

Use rules in your components

import React from 'react'
import { useRules } from 'simple-rule'

const posts = [
  { id: 1, content: "Post visible for user with id = 1", owner_id: 1 },
  { id: 2, content: "Post visible for user with id = 2", owner_id: 2 },
  { id: 3, content: "Post visible for all users", owner_id: null },

function PostsList() {
  const postRules = useRules('post')

  return (
    posts.map((post) => (
      postRules.show(post) && (
        <div key={post.id}>
          { `${post.id}. ${post.content}` }


The following components are available as named imports from simple-rule.


The SimpleRulesProvider component is used for wrapping your React App so an instance of coniditions check will be made available within your React tree.

const rulesSchema = {
  post: {
    show: ({ currentUser, record }) => !record.owner_id || record.owner_id === currentUser.id,

const userRolesSchema = {
  admin: (currentUser) => currentUser.role === 'admin',

function Example({ currentUser }) {
  return (
      <PostsList />



User object with any needed for you params:

  const currentUser = { id: 1, role: 'admin', ... }

Object with keys equal entity names (example: post, user) or entity usage place (example: settings/post). Each entity value equal object with keys - action names and values - condition functions.

Condition function must return a boolean value of the condition result. Condition function params: currentUser - passed to SimpleRulesProvider user. record - passed to action check record. roles - passed to userRolesSchema currentUser roles checks.

const rulesSchema = {
  post: {
    show: ({ currentUser, record, roles }) => (
      !record.owner_id || record.owner_id === currentUser.id
    destroy: ({ currentUser, record, roles }) => (
      roles.admin(currentUser) && record.owner_id === currentUser.id

Object with keys - role names and values - role condition functions.

Role condition function must return a boolean value of the condition result. Role condition function params: currentUser - passed to SimpleRulesProvider user.

const userRolesSchema = {
  admin: (currentUser) => currentUser.role === 'admin',
  client: (currentUser) => currentUser.role === 'client'


useRules hook

The useRules hook is used to connect with entity rule conditions checks by available in rulesSchema condition functions. Condition function parameter is entity instance. Hook parameter is entity name from rulesSchema.

  const rulesSchema = {
    post: {
      show: ({ currentUser, record }) => !record.owner_id || record.owner_id === currentUser.id,

  function ExampleComponent({ post }) {
    const postRules = useRules('post')

    if (!postRules.show(post)) {
      return 'Post is invisible!'

    return post.content

usePermissions hook

The usePermissions hook can be used for connecting entity rule condition with some UI block. Hook return wrapper that renders children when connected rule condition check is true. Hook parameter is entity name from rulesSchema. Wrapper props is entity instance record and rule name rule.

  const rulesSchema = {
    post: {
      show: ({ currentUser, record }) => !record.owner_id || record.owner_id === currentUser.id,

  function ExampleComponent({ post }) {
    const PostPermission = usePermissions('post')

    return (
      <PostPermission action="destroy" record={post}>
        { post.content }


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