1.0.1 • Published 9 years ago

simple-search-js v1.0.1

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Last release
9 years ago


SimpleSearchJS is a JavaScript module that makes it even easier to consume the Simple Search Service API and enhance your web page.

Once installed the module can be used to query the service and then have the responses automatically parsed, formatted, and placed onto the web page.

Apart from querying the Simple Search Service and returning the response, the SimpleSearchJS module includes some additional UI functionality.

  • Search requests from input: The module can be attached to any text input tag and automatically perform search requests when the ENTER key pressed (using the value of the input).

  • Search button: An element (e.g., button, link, etc) can be provided which would act as the search button and trigger a search. Alternatively, the module can be configured to automatically create the search button and append besides the input.

  • Facets as list: The search response can be parsed and facets formatted as an unordered list (i.e., ul) and the HTML fragment automatically inserted onto the web page.

  • Results as table: The search response can be parsed and results formatted as an HTML table (i.e., ul) and the fragment automatically inserted onto the web page.

  • Results as list: The search response can be parsed and results formatted as an unordered list (i.e., ul) and the HTML fragment automatically inserted onto the web page.


Download and include simplesearch.js in your HTML file:

<script type="text/javascript" src="simplesearch.js"></script>


The module can be initialized via JavaScript or using HTML data attributes:

  • HTML data attributes

    	<input type="text" data-simple-search="http://a-simple-search-service.com"
    	        data-search-results="#results .tablewrapper"
    	__data-simple-search__ - (_Optional_) the url for the Simple Search Service to connect to  
    	__data-search-results__ - (_Optional_) the CSS selector for the element where the search results HTML (`table`) fragment should be inserted  
    	__data-search-list__ - (_Optional_) the CSS selector for the element where the search results HTML (`ul`) fragment should be inserted  
    	__data-search-facets__ - (_Optional_) the CSS selector for the element where the search facets HTML (`ul`) fragment should be inserted  
  • Javascript

    	var simplesearch = new SimpleSearch(serviceUrl, callbacks, selectors);
    	__serviceUrl__ - (_Optional_) the url for the Simple Search Service to connect to  
    	__callbacks__ - (_Optional_) a JavaScript object containing the callback functions to call  (e.g, _onSuccess_, _onFail_, etc)  
    	__selectors__ - (_Optional_) a JavaScript object containing the CSS selectors (e.g., _resultsTable_, _facetsList_, etc)

When the DOMContentLoaded event is fired the SimpleSearchJS will check the page for the HTML data-* attributes. If none is found or the JavaScript file is added to the page after the event or the input (with data-* attributes) is added to the page after the event then the module would need to be initialized via JavaScript.

It is possible to use both approaches together. In such cases, for any parameters defined in both, the JavaScript value would supersede the data attribute value. The main difference between the two approaches is that callbacks are supported in JavaScript but not in the data attributes.


  • onBefore()

    	The callback is fired right before a search request is made.  
  • onSuccess(results)

    	Fired when a search request completes successfully. The __results__ argument passed is a JSON object containing the response from the Simple Search Service plus a few additional fields:
    	   "data": {},
    	   "fields": [],
    	   "facets": [],
    	   "rest_uri": "",
    	   "time": 170,
    	   "paging": {
    	   		"bookmarks": [],
    	   		"hasMore": true
    	__data__ - JSON response from the Simple Search Service  
    	__fields__ - an array of available fields and field type (e.g., string, number. etc)  
    	__facets__ - an array of the faceted fields and field type  
    	__rest_uri__ - the URL used to make the request (e.g., _http://a-simple-search-service.com/search?q=*:*_)  
    	__time__ - the time (in ms) it took for the request to complete  
    	__paging.bookmarks__ - an array of bookmark IDs  
    	__paging.hasMore__ - `true` if there is more content to retrieve
  • onFail(err)

    	The callback is made when a search request fails or cannot be made. The __err__ argument passed is a JSON object with an `error` and `reason` fields. For example:
    	   "error": "bad_request",
    	   "reason": "Page out of bounds: No next page"


inputFieldstring or HTML DOM elementOptional - The search input field. It may be an input HTML DOM element or a CSS selector string for the input element. For example, "#searchInput" to select an input with an ID of searchInput
searchButtonboolean, string, or HTML DOM elementOptional - The search button. It may be an HTML DOM element, a CSS selector string for the element, or a boolean. If true a search button is created and appended beside the input.
resultsTablestring or HTML DOM elementOptional - Where the search results HTML (table) fragment is to be inserted. An HTML DOM element or a CSS selector string for the element.
resultsListstring or HTML DOM elementOptional - Where the search results HTML (ul) fragment is to be inserted. An HTML DOM element or a CSS selector string for the element.
facetsListstring or HTML DOM elementOptional - Where the search results facets HTML (ul) fragment is to be inserted. An HTML DOM element or a CSS selector string for the element.



Searching is automatically performed when the ENTER key is pressed (with focus on the input) or when the search button is clicked. In addition, a search request can also be triggered programmatically:

simplesearch.search(queryString, limit);

queryString - (Required) the query to perform (e.g., *:*, city:Boston AND state:MA, etc.).
limit - (Optional) maximum number of results to return. If omitted the number of results returned depends on the Simple Search Service configuration.


Paging is supported by the module using a Next/Prev page pattern. To get the next page of results:



Paging is supported by the module using a Next/Previous page pattern. To get the previous page of results:



The HTML fragments generated by the module and inserted into the page are as follows:

Search Results Table

<div class="simplesearch-results-table">
  <div class="simplesearch-count">
    <span>Showing x - y of z</span>
  <div class="simplesearch-paging">
    <button class="simplesearch-prev">Prev</button>
    <button class="simplesearch-next">Next</button>
  <table class="simplesearch-table">
        <th>field name</th>

Search Result Unordered Lists

<div class="simplesearch-results-list">
  <div class="simplesearch-count">
    <span>Showing x of y</span>
  <ul class="simplesearch-list">
    <li class="simplesearch-list-item">
        <dt class="simplesearch-field-*">field name</dt>
        <dd class="simplesearch-value-*">value</dd>
  <div class="simplesearch-paging">
    <button class="simplesearch-more">More</button>

Facets Unordered Lists

<div class="simplesearch-facets-list">
    <h4 class="simplesearch-facet-key">facet name</h4>
    <ul class="simplesearch-facet-value-list">
      <li class="simplesearch-facet-value">
        <span class="simplesearch-facet-value-name" role="button" data-search-query="facetname:facetvalue">facet value</span>
        <span class="simplesearch-facet-value-count">(facet count)</span>


Examples can be found in the /demo folder of the respository.


The SimpleSearchJS module is vanilla JavaScript and does not require any additional libraries. It can therefore be easily intergrated.

However, for those preferring it, a jQuery plugin is also available. The jQuery plugin (jquery.simplesearch.js) is simply a wrapper around the vanilla JavaScript module (simplesearch.js).