0.1.1 • Published 10 months ago

simple-threading v0.1.1

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10 months ago

Simple Threading - A simple library for working with Threads in Javascript.

Using threading, you can make a new thread and tell the thread to run a function, from the parent thread. This library is loosely inspired by Pythons threading module. So, it has a similar API, yet javascript-ified Using worker_threads from NodeJS, you can use threads, but it isn't a nice experience, as you have to essentially make your own communication protocol for your application and the threads you make. However, simple-threading makes it easier. Here's a simple example:

import Thread from "simple-threading";
function veryExpensiveCalculation(){
    for(let i=0;i<10_000_000, i++){};
    return "finished";
new Thread(veryExpensiveCalculation)
.then(({result, end})=>{
    result // "finished"
    end() // End the thread. If not called, it will be terminated anyway, after this. However, if you need to use the thread after this, 

Note that if you really need high performance for performance-intensive applications, I would firstly recommend something other than Javascript. Perhaps Rust, I hear that's pretty fast. However, if you do plan to stick with Javascript, then maybe this package isn't for you. While it does have a low footprint, it still is slightly less efficient than writing the code yourself. Not by much though. Really the only overhead that simple-threading adds over regular code is its use of new Function in the thread file itself. This is easily the most expensive call made by it, however, it isn't much of penalty, but of course, if you wrote the code for your project in particular, it would mean that (potentially) no new Function calls are needed.


10 months ago


10 months ago