0.1.3 • Published 7 years ago

simpledbi v0.1.3

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Last release
7 years ago


A simple Database Interface using TypeScript annotations.

The goal is to write raw SQL (no ORM) and have SQL queries bound to a function execution. It is heavily inspired from JDBI

To use it, you should use one of the real database bindings such as simpledbi-sqlite3 (currently, it's the only binding available BTW, PR are welcome).

Currenly at the stage of a prototype - comments welcome!


Here is what an access layer looks like.

class LoremDao implements SqlProxy {
    constructor(public database: DatabaseAdapter) { }

        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS lorem;
        CREATE TABLE lorem (id NUMBER, info TEXT);
    createTable(): Promise<SqlRunResult> { throw '' }

        INSERT INTO lorem (id, info)
        VALUES ($id, $info)
    insert(id: number, info: string): Promise<SqlRunResult> { throw '' }

        SELECT id, info
        FROM lorem
        WHERE id = $id
    getById(id: number): Promise<LoremRecord> { throw '' }

        SELECT id, info
        FROM lorem
    getAll(): Promise<LoremRecord[]> { throw '' }