0.3.38 • Published 7 years ago

simpledblayer v0.3.38

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7 years ago


SimpleDbLayer is a module that allows you to connect and query a DB server. It was created specifically to provide a thin database layer for JsonRestStores.


  • Complex queries, with nested AND and OR statements, as well as ranges and sorting
  • Full cursor support, including each() and a way to break out of each()
  • Schema to cast/validate fields, using simpleschema.
  • It allows 1-level joins in queryes and data fetching; joins are defined right in the table definition.
  • The 1-level join is in the table definition because, using MongoDB, children data will be preloaded and automatically updated. This means that you will be able to fetch the record of a person, with all associated addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, etc. in one single DB operation.
  • It is written with very simple, Object Oriented code using simpledeclare
  • For each managed database table, there is -- and there can be -- only one plain Javascript object which will manipulate that table.
  • Positioning management. You can define the position of a record, which will affect the order they are returned from a query when no sorting is specified (very useful when implementing Drag&Drop in your web application)
  • Semi-automatic index generation. Indexes will be created automatically as much as possible. For example, all fields marked as searchable will be defined as an index, as well as indexes for positioning.


  • It doesn't manage connections. You will have to create a connection to the database and pass it to it. This is due to the module's philosophy of getting in the way as little as possible.
  • It doesn't implement Models constructors and object types as many other ORMs do (mainly because SimpleDbLayer is not an ORM, but a thin layer around databases).

Once again, all these features (and limitations) are tailored around the fact that SimpleDbLayer is a module that enables JsonRestStores to have several (thin) database layers.

Database-specific adapters

At the moment, here is the list of database-specific adapters:

  • MongoDB -- simpledblayer-mongo. In MongoDB joins are implemented with pre-caching, meaning that 1:n relations are pre-loaded in the record itself. This means very, very fast read operations and very tricky update/delete logic in the layer (cached data needs to be updated/deleted as well).
  • ...more to come (now that the API is stable)

Note: "SimpleDbLayer is not an ORM"

SimpleDbLayer is exactly what it says: a (thin) database layer. Most of the other database libraries (such as the excellent Waterline) work in such a way that they define an "Object type" (call it a model, or constructor function) and create objects of that "type":

// This is NOT how SimpleDbLayer works
var User = Waterline.Collection.extend({ name: { type: 'string' } } );
var user = new User();
user.name = "tony";

This is not how SimpleDbLayer works: you don't define models, custom methods for specific models, etc. SimpleDbLayer is a thin layer around database data. In SimpleDbLayer, each managed database table is mapped to exacly one plain database object:

// ...Include module, create database connection, etc.
var DbLayer = SimpleDbLayer.extend( SimpleDbLayerMongo, { db: db } );

  var people = new DbLayer( {

    table: 'people',

    schema: new SimpleSchema({
      id:      { type: 'id' },
      name:    { type: 'string', required: true },
      surname: { type: 'string', searchable: true },
      age:     { type: 'number', searchable: true },

    idProperty: 'id',

  people.insert( {id: 1, name: 'Tony', surname: 'Mobily', age: '39' });

The plain Javascript object people will have several methods (people.update(), people.select(), etc.) which will manipulate the corresponding table people. There are no types defined, and there are no "models" for that matter. Each created object will manipulate a specific table on the database, and application-wide, there must only be one SimpleDbLayer variable created for each database table.

When you create people, SimpleDbLayer keeps track of the layer created and creates an entry in its internal registry, based on the database table's name. This means that you can only create one layer variable (a plain Javascript object) per table. Attempting to create two different layer variables for the same table will result in an error being thrown. Only one plain Javascript object per DB table is allowed.

In an applicatiom, you will typically want to define those store objects in a module so that any other module can require them.

Create a DB connection

SimpleDbLayer does not handle DB connections for you. It's your responsibility to connect to the database and pass the connection object to it. For MongoDB, you can use Mongo's connect call:

mongo.MongoClient.connect( 'mongodb://localhost/hotplate', {}, function( err, db ){
 // db exists here

Make up your DB Layer class: mixins

In order to use this library, you will need to mixin the basic SimpleDbLayer class and a DB-specific mixin. If you are not used to mixins, don't be scared: it's simpler than it sounds. Im simple words, requiring simpledblayer will return a constructor that doesn't have any of the DB-specific functions in its prototype (not in a meaningful way -- they are just stubs that throws an error). If you try to create an object using the simpledblayer and then run object.select(), object.insert(), etc., you will end up with an error being thrown. By mixing in the constructor returned by simpledblayer-mongo, however, you end up with a constructor that creates fully functional objects.

var SimpleDbLayer = require('simpledblayer'); // This is the main class
var SimpleSchema = require('simpleschema'); // This will be used to define the schema
var SimpleDbLayerMongo = require('simpledblayer-mongo'); // This is the layer-specific mixin

var mongo = require('mongodb');

    // Connect to the database
mongo.MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost/someDB', {}, function( err, db ){

  // DbLayer will be SimpleDbLayer "enhanced" with DB-Specific SimpleDbLayerMongo
  var DbLayer = SimpleDbLayer.extend( SimpleDbLayerMongo, { db: db } );

  // At this point, you can run `var people = new DbLayer( { ... } );

  // Documentation's code will live here


Please note: from now on, I will assume that any code referenced in this guide will be surrounded by the code above.

The critical line is this:

var DbLayer = SimpleDbLayer.extend( SimpleDbLayerMongo, { db: db } );

Which can also be written as:

var DbLayer = declare( [ SimpleDbLayer, SimpleDbLayerMongo ], { db: db } );

In this case, you need to also require simpledeclare like this: var declare = require('simpledeclare');. For first-class, close-to-metal OOP in Javascript have a look at simpledeclare, which is what SimpleDbLayer uses.

Here you are creating a constructor function called DbLayer, whose prototype will be the merge of SimpleDbLayer (the basic functionalities), SimpleDbLayerMongo (the db-specific functions) and a plain object {db: db } (used to set the db attribute to the database connection)..

Create your layer object

Once you have your DbLayer class, it's up to you to create objects which will then modify specific database tables:

  var people = new DbLayer( {

    table: 'people',

    schema: new SimpleSchema({
      id:      { type: 'id' },
      name:    { type: 'string', required: true },
      surname: { type: 'string', searchable: true },
      age:     { type: 'number', searchable: true },

    idProperty: 'id',

people is an object tied to the collecton people in the MongoDb database..

The second parameter in the constructor (an object defining table, schema and idProperty) is a parameter object, which in this case include 1) The table name 2) The schema definition 3) The idProperty, which needs to be set and refer to an existing field.

Simpleschema is an constructor based on SimpleSchema, which provides a way to define extensible schemas with a very simple API. In this case, the name field is required whereas surname and age are not required but are searchable.

Since the id field was set as isProperty, it will automatically be set as both required and searchable.

Note on prototype parameters and the constructor parameter

When you actually create the object with new, you pass an object to the constructor: var people = new DbLayer( { /*...this is an object with the constructor's parameters...*/ });.

Normally, you would define at least table, schema and idProperty (the required attributes every object needs to work).

Please note that you can define these attribute either in the object's prototype, or in the constructor's parameter. Every property in the constructor's parameter will be added to the created object (overriding the prototype's value).

For example, if all of your tables have idProperty set to id, you can define a layer like so:

  var DbLayerWithId = SimpleDbLayer.extend( SimpleDbLayerMongo, { db: db, idProperty: 'id' } );

Any object created with this constructor will automatically have the attribute id set (in the prototype):

  var people = new DbLayerWithId( {
    table: 'people',
    schema: ...

  // people.idProperty is already 'id' (from the prototype)

You can always override the prototype-provided value with something else:

 var rocks = new DbLayerWithId( {
    idProperty: 'weirdId',
    table: 'rocks',
    schema: ...
  // rocks.idProperty (an object's own attribute) is 'weirdId',

This means that you can create a constructor with the most common attributes, and only pass the absolute minimum to the constructor.

Important object attributes

Some attributes are used by the objects to define how the object will work. They are:

hardLimitOnQueries -- Setting a hard limit on queries. Default: 0

Cursor-less queries on large data sets will likely chew up huge amounts of memory. This is why you can set a hard limit on queries:

  var DbLayer = SimpleDbLayer.extend( SimpleDbLayerMongo, { db: db, hardLimitOnQueries: 10 } );

This will imply that each non-cursor query will only ever return 10 items max. You can also set this limit on specific objects by passing hardLimitOnQueries as a constructor parameter:

var DbLayer = SimpleDbLayer.extend( SimpleDbLayerMongo,, { db: db } );
var people = new DbLayer( {  /* ...layer parameters..., */ hardLimitOnQueries: 10 } );

Note that hardLimtOnQueries only ever applies to non-cursor queries.

SchemaError -- Constructor function used to throw schema validation errors. Default: Error

The insert and update operations will trigger validation against the schema. If validation fails, the callback is called with an error. The error object is created by SimpleDbLayer like this:

var error = new Error( { errors: errorsArray } );
error.errors = errorsArray;

The variable errorsArray is an array of objects, where each object has field and message defined. For example:

[ { field: 'age', message: 'Age is invalid' }, { field: 'name', message: 'Field is required: name' } ]

You can set the constructor used to create the error objects by passing a SchemaError parameter when you define the layer:

var DbLayer = SimpleDbLayer.extend( SimpleDbLayerMongo, { db: db, SchemaError: SomeErrorConstructor } );

As always, you can also define a the SchemaError constructor when creating the object with new:

var DbLayer = SimpleDbLayer.extend( SimpleDbLayerMongo, { db: db } );
var people = new DbLayer( { /* ...layer parameters..., */ SchemaError: SomeErrorConstructor } );

allowEmptyQueryOnUpdate and allowEmptyQueryOnDelete

These attributes, false by default, define whether update and delete queries will be allowed if they have an empty query. This is mainly to prevent the layer to accidentally update or delete records if the query is mistakenly empty.

Since multi is false by default, having empty query conditions will only affect one record, the first one found, which will make debugging even harder.

Full list of options for SimpleDbLayer

Here is a full list of options that affect the behaviour of SimpleDbLayer objects. Please keep in mind that all of them can me defined either in the constructor's prototype, or as attribute of the constructor's parameter oject.

Basic properties

  • table. Required. No default. The table name in the underlying database.
  • schema. Required. No default. The schema to be used.
  • idProperty. Required. No default. The property representing the record's ID.
  • hardLimitOnQueries. Defaults to 0 (no limit). The maximum number of objects returned by non-cursor queries.
  • SchemaError. Defaults to Error. The constructor for Error objects.
  • strictSchemaOnFetch. Defaults to true. Every fethed record is validated against the schema. If this is false, schema errors will be ignored. If true, a schema error will generate an error. This is important if you decide to add a required field to your schema, but don't want to update the actual database.
  • allowEmptyQueryOnUpdate and allowEmptyQueryOnDelete

Advanced properties

These attributes are explained later in the documentation.

  • positionField. Defaults to null (no positioning). The field used by the database engine to keep track of positioning.
  • positionBase. Defaults to []. The list of key fields which will group positioning
  • nested. Defaults to []. The 'children' tables for in-table joints.

Running queries

Querying: insert()

To insert data into your table:

people.insert( {
  id: 1,
  name: 'Tony',
  surname: 'Mobily',
  age: 37 },
  , function( err, record ){

The second parameter is optional. If you pass it:

  • If children is false, the returned record will not include its children. Default is true.
  • If skipValidation is true, then the validation of the data against the schema will be skipped. Default is false.
  • Ifpositionis defined, and table has apositionFieldelement, then the record will be placed in the designated spot. Thepositionelement should be an object withwhereand optionallybeforeId`. See the Repositioning section section in the documentation for details.

Querying: update( conditions, changes, [options], cb )

This is a simple update:

  { name: 'startsWith', args: [ 'surname', 'mob' ] }, // The conditions
  { surname: 'Tobily' }, // Change to be made
  { deleteUnsetFields: false, multi: true }, // Extra options
  function( err, howMany, record ){

Please note that the format of the conditions parameter is a query, and its format is explained later in the documentation.

The callback will have howMany set as the number of changed records. The record parameter is not always there: if multi was set as true, then record is undefined. If multi was set as false (the default), record will be either the changed record (if one was updated -- in this case num is 1) or null (if nothing was updated -- in this case num is 0).

The third parameter, here set as { deleteUnsetFields: false, multi: true }, is optional. If you pass it:

  • multi. If set to true, all records matching the search will be updated. Otherwise, only one record will be updated. Default: false.
  • deleteUnsetFields. If set to true, then any field that is not defined in the update object will be set as empty in the database. Basically, it's a "full record update" regardless of what was passed. Validation will fail if a field is required by the schema and it's not set while this option is true. Default: false.
  • skipValidation. If set to true, then the schema validation of the data against the schema will be skipped. Casting will still happen. Default: false.

Querying: delete( conditions, [options], cb )

This is a simple delete:

  { type: 'gt', args: [ 'age', 28 ] }, // The conditions
  { multi: true }, // The options
  function( err, howMany, record ){

The format of the conditions parameter is a query, and its format is explained later in the documentation.

The callback will have howMany set as the number of deleted records. The record parameter is not always there: if multi was set as true, then record is undefined. If multi was set as false (the default), record will be either the deleted record (if one was deleted -- in this case num is 1) or null (if nothing was deleted -- in this case num is 0).

The second parameter, here set as { multi: true }, is optional. If you pass it:

  • If multi is set to true, all records matching the search will be deleted. Otherwise, only one record will be deleted. Default: false.

Querying: select( conditions, [options], cb )

SimpleDbLayer supports both normal and cursor-based queries, depending on the useCursor parameter.

Normal queries

For normal queries:

  {}, // Conditions
  { useCursor: false , delete: false, skipHardLimitOnQueries: false }, // options
  function( err, data, total, grandTotal ){

The format of the conditions parameter is a query, and its format is explained later in the documentation.

The second parameter is optional. If you pass it:

  • children. if set to false, the returned records will not include their children. Default is true.
  • useCursor. If set to true, the function will call the call the callback with a cursor rahter than the data. Default: false.
  • delete. If set to true, SimpleDbLayer will delete any fetched record. For normal queries, it will delete all records before calling your callback.
  • skipHardLimitOnQueries. If set to true, SimpleDbLayer will ignore the hardLimitOnQuery attribute and will return all fetched data. flag. Remember that if you have a very large data set and do not impose any range limits, non-cursor queries will attempt to place the whole thing in memory and will probably kill your server. Default: false..
  • ranges. It's an object that can have the attributes from, to and limit set. All attributes are optional. For example { limit: 10 }.
  • sort. It's an object where each key represents the field the sort will apply to. For each key, value can be -1 (bigger to smaller) or 1 (smaller to bigger).

The callback is called with parameter data (the returned records), total (the number of records returned) and grandTotal (the total number of records that satisfy the query without taking into consideration the required ranges).

Cursor queries

For cursor queries:

  {}, // conditions
  { useCursor: true , delete: false }, // options
  function( err, cursor, total, grandTotal ){

The format of the conditions parameter is a query, and its format is explained later in the documentation.

The second parameter is optional. If you pass it:

  • useCursor. If set to true, the function will call the call the callback with a cursor rather than the data. Default: false.
  • delete. If set to true, SimpleDbLayer will delete any fetched record. For cursor queries, it will delete records as they are fetched with cursor.next(). Default: false.

Note that for cursor queries skipHardLimitOnQueries will be ignored.

The callback is called with parameter cursor (the returned cursor), total (the number of records returned) and grandTotal (the total number of records that satisfy the query without taking into consideration the required ranges).

Using the cursor

The cursor object has the methods each(), next() and rewind().

cursor.each( iterator, cb )

This cursor function will call iterator( item, done ) for each one of the fetched records. Once all of the records have been iterated, cb() will be called. The iterator will have access to item (the item just fetched) and to done( err, breakFlag) (the function to call at the end of each iteration). If the iterator calls done() with err set, then execution will be interrupted and cb() will be called with that error set. If the iterator calls done() with err set to null, but with breakFlag set to true, then execution will be called and cb() will be called with err set to null. Here is a typical example of cursor usage:

function cursorExample( done ){

  people.select( {}, { children: true, useCursor: true }, function( err, cursor ){
    if( err ) return done( err );


      // This is the iterator. It will be called for each item, and
      // it will call `cb()` after each iteration
      function( item, cb ){

        console.log("ITEM:", item );

        // If item 'Tony' is found, call `cb` with `breakFlag` set to
        // true, which will effectively interrupt the cycle
        if( item.type === 'Tony') return cb( null, true );

        cb( null );

      // This is the function that will be called 1) When all items
      // have been visited OR 2) The iterator called `cb()` with an
      // error OR 3) The iterator called `cb()` with no error, but with
      // `breakFlag` set to true
      function( err ){
        if( err ) return done( err );

        console.log('CYCLE IS OVER. Error:', err );
        done( null );

Using each() is the most convenient way to use a cursor.

cursor.next( cb )

next() will call the passed callback cb() with the next available record, or null for the last fetched record.


rewind() will bring the cursor back to the beginning of the returned dataset. You can use rewind() within cursor.each(), although you run the risk of entering an infinite loop.


The first parameter of each function is a conditions object, which represents a query.

conditions is an object including the attribute type (a string representing the type of the conditional operation to perform) and args (an array containing the parameters to the operation). For example, { type: 'startsWith', args: [ 'surname', 'mob' ] }, will filter all record where the field surname starts with mob.

All parameters are optional.

A possible filtering parameter could be:

var searchFilter = {
  ranges: {
    from: 3,
    to: 10
  sort: {
    name: -1,
    age: 1
  conditions: {
    type: 'and',
    args: [
        type: 'startsWith',
        args: [ 'name', 'to' ]
        type: 'gt',
        args: [ 'age', 30 ]

people.select( searchFilter, function( err, cursor, total, grandTotal ){
  // ...

The conditions object can have the following conditional operators (in type):

  • and -- all conditions in args need to be true
  • or -- at least one condition in arts needs to be true

And the following logical operators (where the value of the field called args[0] will need to match args[1]):

  • lt -- less than
  • lte -- less or equal than
  • gt -- greater than
  • gte -- greater or equal than
  • eq -- equal to
  • contains -- string contains
  • startsWith -- string starts with
  • endsWith -- string ends with

An example could be:

  type: 'and',
  args: [
      type: 'startsWith',
      args: [ 'name', 'to' ]

      type: 'or',
      args: [
          type: 'gt',
          args: [ 'age', 30 ]
          type: 'lt',
          args: [ 'age', 10 ]

Which means name startsWith 'to' AND ( age > 30 OR age < 10 ).

Simplified queries

The following functions are available as simplified queries.

Simplified byId queries:

  • selectById( id, [options], cb )
  • updateById( id, updateObject, [options], cb )
  • deleteById( id, [options], cb )

They work in the exact same way as normal queries. However, rather than accepting a full conditions query, they accept an id.

Simplified byHash queries:

  • selectByHash( conditionsHash, [options], cb )
  • updateByHash( conditionsHash, updateObject, [options], cb )
  • deleteByHash( conditionsHash, [options], cb )

They work in the exact same way as normal queries. However, rather than accepting a full conditions query, they accept a hash where each condition must be satisfied. For example { name: "Tony", surname: "Mobily" }.

Events emitted

Each SimpleDbLayer object is also an EventEmitterCollector. Yes, that's right: not an EventEmitter. The main difference is that rather than being "fire and forget", EventEmitterCollector allows you to actually return something to the firing code. Here are the events fired:

  • 'preUpdate' (parameters: conditions, updateObject, options)
  • 'preInsert' (parametes: record, options )
  • 'preDelete' (parametes: record, options )
  • 'updateOne' (parametes: fullRecord, conditions, updateObject, options)
  • 'updateMany' (parametes: conditions, updateObject, options)
  • 'insert' (parametes: fetchedRecord, record, options)
  • 'deleteOne' (parametes: fetchedRecord, conditions, options)
  • 'deleteMany' (parametes: conditions, options)

In order to catch these events, you can do the following:

people.onCollect( 'insert', function( fetchedRecord, record, options, done ){
  console.log("Just inserted:", fetchedRecord );
  done( null );

Using the pre- events, you can do anything before a the database is changed:

people.onCollect( 'preInsert', function( record, options, done ){

  // Call an async function that will normalise the address
  normaliseAddress( record.address, function( err, normalisedAddress ){
    if( err ) return cb( err );

    record.address = normalisedAddress;

    done( null );

Unlike normal fire-and-forget events, in this case you can change the record before it's inserted into the database.

Automatic loading of children (joins)

It is common, in application, to need to load a user's information as well as all several pieces of information related to him or her: all email addresses, all phone numbers, etc.

While SimpleDbLayer doesn't suppose joining of tables at query time, it does support joining of tables ad table definition time. This means that you can define how two tables are related before hand.

The main aim of this mechanism is to allow pre-caching of data whenever possible. So, if you have a table people and a table emails, and they are have a 1:n relationship (that is, the emails table contains a personId field which will make each record related to a specific person), every time you load a record from people you will also automatically load all of his or her email addresses. DB-specific functions will do their best to pre-cache results. This means that, if you are using MongoDB, you can fetch a person's record as well as any information associated with it (email addresses, addresses, phone numbers, etc.) in a single read.

Define nested layers

You can now define a layer as "child" of another one:

var people = new DbLayer({

  table: 'people',

  schema: new SimpleSchema({
    id     : { type: 'id' },
    name   : { type: 'string', required: true },
    surname: { type: 'string', searchable: true },
    age    : { type: 'number', searchable: true },

  idProperty: 'id',

  nested: [
      type: 'multiple',
      layer: 'emails',
      join: { personId: 'id' },


var emails = new DbLayer({

  table: 'emails',

  schema: new SimpleSchema({
    id      : { type: 'id' },
    personId: { type: 'id' },
    address : { type: 'string', required: true, searchable: true },

  idProperty: 'id',

  nested: [
      type: 'lookup',
      localField: 'personId'
      layer: people,
      layerField: 'id',

SimpleDbLayer.init(); // IMPORTANT!

It's absolutely crucial that you run SimpleDbLayer.init() before running queries if you have nested layers.

Whenever you load a record from the people table, you will also get a _children attribute for that object that will include all children data. lookups will become one single object, whereas multiples will become array of objects. Note: children are always loaded into _children, which cannot be changed. This is to keep things sane code-wise and data-wise.

If you see carefully, people is defined like this:

var people = new DbLayer({

  table: 'people',
  // ...
  nested: [
      type: 'multiple',
      layer: 'emails', // NOTE: this is a string! Will do a lookup based on the table
      join: { personId: 'id' },

A layer is a simple Javascript object linked to a specific table. However, when defining the layer people, the layer emails isn't defined yet -- and yet, you might need to reference it while creating relationships between layers (like in this case: a person has multiple email addresses, but emails hasn't been created yet).

The solution is to pass the string 'email' for the layer property. When you run SimpleDbLayer.init(), SimpleDbLayer will go through every nested option of every defined layer thanks to the registry, and will also work to 'resolve' the string (based on the table's name: in this case, emails).

Single lookup

For single lookup nesting, nested is an array of nested table, each one defining:

  • type. The type of relationship. In this case, lookup.
  • localField. The field in the local table linking to an external record.
  • layer. The layer object representing the table you are linking to. NOTE that if you have a string instead of an object, the layer object will be looked up using the passed string as a table name.
  • layerField. The field, in the foreing table, you are linking to

The way you read this example is "create a personId entry in _children where people.id is the same as the local personId". So when you load an email, you will have an attribute in _children called personId which will contain the full person's record.

Multiple lookup

For multiple lookup nesting,

nested is an array of nested table, each one defining:

  • type. The type of relationship. In this case, multiple.
  • layer. The layer object representing the table you are linking to. NOTE that if you have a string instead of an object, the layer object will be looked up using the passed string as a table name.
  • join. An object, where each key represents the foreign layer's field, and each value represents the local field.

The way you read this example is "create a emails array in _children where including all records in email where emails.personId is the same as the local id". So when you load a person, you will have an attribute in _children called emails which will contain all of the matching email records.

Custom property name

You can change the name of the property in _children by adding a prop parameter to nested:

nested: [
    type: 'lookup',
    localField: 'userId',
    store: 'usersPrivateInfo',
    prop: 'usersPrivateInfo'

    type: 'lookup',
    localField: 'userId',
    store: 'usersContactInfo',
    prop: 'usersContactInfo'


This proves useful when there is a clash. In this case, the userId field is used twice: once to pull information from usersPrivateInfo and again to pull information from usersContactInfo.


The fact that two tables are joined means that you can run queries on children records as well as on its "main" records.

For example, you can run a query like this:

var conditions = {
  type: 'and',
  args: [
      type: 'startsWith',
      args: [ 'emails.address', 'ton' ]
      type: 'gt',
      args: [ 'age', 30 ]
people.select( conditions, { children: true }, function( err, data ){
  if( err ) return cb( err );

  console.log("Data: ", data );

This query will return all record with an email address starting with ton. In MongoDB, this happens by performing a query in the _children attribute of the record. In relational (uncached) databases, a JOIN will be used instead.

Caching layers

Some layers (notably, MongoDB) lack the ability to do joins. To minulate joins, normally you would need to run an extra query for each fetched record. This would potentially put a strain on the database server.

Layers might then implement pre-caching of children records. In such a case, you will need functions to mark records and collections "dirty" -- meaning that their children's basic structure has changed, and the cache s no longer reliable.

SimpleDbLayer provides three functions to deal with this:

dirtyRecord( obj, cb )

It will mark the record dirty.

dirtyAll( cb )

It will mark all records dirty

dirtyAllParents( cb )

It will mark all records of all parent tables dirty. This is probably the most useful function, which should be run whenever you change the structure of a table.

Practical examples

Here is a practical example of what happens when adding data with nested tables:

    function addPeople( cb ){

      var opt = { children: true };
      people.insert( { id: 1, name: 'Tony', surname: 'Mobily', age: 37 }, opt, function( err, recordTony ){
        if( err ) return cb( err );

        people.insert( { id: 2, name: 'Chiara', surname: 'Mobily', age: 25 }, opt, function( err, recordChiara ){
          if( err ) return cb( err );

          people.insert( { id: 3, name: 'Sara', surname: 'Fabbietti', age: 15 }, opt, function( err, recordSara ){
            if( err ) return cb( err );

            cb( null);

    function addEmails( cb ){

      var opt = { children: true };

      emails.insert( { id: 1, personId: 1, address: 'tonymobily@gmail.com' }, opt, function( err, tonyEmail1 ){
        if( err ) return cb( err );

        emails.insert( { id: 2, personId: 1, address: 'merc@mobily1.com' }, opt, function( err, tonyEmail2 ){
          if( err ) return cb( err );

          emails.insert( { id: 3, personId: 2, address: 'chiaramobily@gmail.com' }, opt, function( err, chiaraEmail1 ){
            if( err ) return cb( err );

            cb( null, tonyEmail1, tonyEmail2, chiaraEmail1 );

    function fetchTony( cb ){

      var opt = { children: true };

      emails.select( { type: 'eq', args: [ 'id', 1 ] }, opt, function( err, data ){
        if( err ) return cb( err );

        cb( null, data[ 0 ]);


    function deleteEmailsStartingWithTon( cb ){

      emails.delete( {  type: 'and', args: [  { type: 'startsWith', args: [ 'address', 'TON' ] } ] }, { multi: true }, function( err, n ){
        if( err ) return cb( err );
        cb( null, n );

    function runTest( cb ){

      addPeople( function( err, recordTony, recordChiara, recordSara ){
        if( err ) return cb( null );

        At this point, recordTony is:
        { id: 1,
          name: 'Tony',
          surname: 'Mobily',
          age: 37,
         _children: { emails: [] }

        recordChiara is:
        { id: 2,
          name: 'Chiara',
          surname: 'Mobily',
          age: 25,
         _children: { emails: [] }

        recordSara is:
          id: 3,
          name: 'Sara',
          surname: 'Fabbietti',
          age: 15,
          _children: { emails: [] }

        addEmails( function( err, tonyEmail1, tonyEmail2, chiaraEmail1 ){
          if( err ) return cb( null );

          At this point, tonyEmail1 is:

          { id: 1,
            personId: 1,
            address: 'tonymobily@gmail.com',
             { personId:
                { id: 1,
                  name: 'Tony',
                  surname: 'Mobily',
                  age: 37,
                  __uc__surname: 'MOBILY',
                  _children: {}

          tonyEmail2 is:

          { id: 2,
            personId: 1,
            address: 'merc@mobily1.com',
             { personId:
                { age: 37,
                  id: 1,
                  name: 'Tony',
                  surname: 'Mobily',
                  __uc__surname: 'MOBILY',
                  _children: {}

          chiaraEmail1 is:

          { id: 3,
            personId: 2,
            address: 'chiaramobily@gmail.com',
             { personId:
                { id: 2,
                  name: 'Chiara',
                  surname: 'Mobily',
                  age: 25,
                  __uc__surname: 'MOBILY',
                  _children: {}

          Note that each email address has an entry in _children called personId,
          which represents the record.

          fetchTony( function( err, tonyRecord ){
            if( err ) return cb( null );

            At this point, tonyRecord includes all email addresses related to that record
            as an array in _children:

            { id: 1,
              name: 'Tony',
              surname: 'Tobily',
              age: 37,
               { emails:
                  [ { id: 1,
                      personId: 1,
                      address: 'tonymobily@gmail.com',
                      _children: {} },
                    { id: 2,
                      personId: 1,
                      address: 'merc@mobily1.com',
                      _children: {}

            deleteEmailsStartingWithTon( function( err, n ){
              if( err ) return cb( null );

              fetchTony( function( err, tonyRecord ){
                if( err ) return cb( null );

                At this point, the record in emails with id 1 (the only one with an email
                address started with "ton") is gone. More importantly, when fetchng 'Tony" this is what
                will return (notice how the deleted email address is gone)

                { id: 1,
                  name: 'Tony',
                  surname: 'Tobily',
                  age: 37,
                   { emails:
                        { id: 2,
                          personId: 1,
                          address: 'merc@mobily1.com',
                          _children: {}


The most important thing to remember is that when you use MongoDB in your backend, you will only perform a single read operation when you fetch a person. The children data is cached within the record. Any update operation will affect the main table, as well as any tables holding cached data.

This means that if the email record with ID 2 (merc@mobily1.com) is updated, then the cache for the personId with ID 1 will also be updated so that the email address is correct.


When records are fetched (using select) without chosing any sorting options, they are returned in whichever order the underlying database server returns them. However, in web applications you often want to be able to decide the placement of an element, in order to allow drag&drop sorting etc.

Positioning is tricky to manage from the application layer, as changing a field's position requires the update of several records in the database. This is why SimpleDbLayer handles (re)positioning for you.

Basic positioning

If you have a "flat" table, you can simply define the positionField attribute when you define the constructor:

var people = new DbLayer( 'people', {

  schema: new SimpleSchema({
    id: { type: 'id' },
    name: { type: 'string', required: true },
    surname: { type: 'string', searchable: true },
    age: { type: 'number', searchable: true },

  idProperty: 'id',

  positionField: 'position',
} );

Note that positionField is not defined in the schema. In fact, it will be completely invisible to the application using SimpleDbLayer: it won't be returned in select queries, and won't be updatable.

Imagine that you add some data:

var tony = { id: 1, name: 'Tony', surname: 'Mobily', age: 39 };
var chiara = { id: 2, name: 'Chiara', surname: 'Mobily', age: 25 };

people.insert( tony, , function( err, tony ){
  if( err ) return cb( err );

  people.insert( chiara, , function( err, chiara ){
    if( err ) return cb( err );
    // ...

Since the positionField is defined, and since insert() by default positions new records at the end, the data on the database will actually be:

  { id: 1,
    name: 'Tony',
    surname: 'Mobily',
    age: 39,
    position: 1

  { id: 2,
    name: 'Chiara',
    surname: 'Mobily',
    age: 25,
    position: 2

Note the position field. Also remember that the position field will always be hidden from you by SimpleDbLayer, when returning queries.

However, when running a select:

people.select( {}, function( err, list ){
  if( err ) return cb( err );

  // ...

Since there is no sort option specified, you are guaranteed that list will return the records in the right order (Tony first, and Chiara second).

Positioning at insert time

When inserting a record, you can decide its position by passing a position parameter to the insert() call. position can have:

  • where. It can be start, end or before. If it's before, then the next parameter beforeId comes into play. Default: end.
  • beforeId. If where is before, then the new record will be placed before beforeId.

So, for example:

    var sara = { id: 3, name: 'Sara', surname: 'Fabbietti', age: 15 };
    var marco = { id: 4, name: 'Marco', surname: 'Fabbietti', age: 54 };
    var dion = { id: 5, name: 'Dion', surname: 'Patelis', age: 38 }

    // The record will be placed first
    people.insert( sara, { position: 'start' }, function( err, sara ){
      if( err ) return cb( err );

      // The record will be placed before ID 2 ('Chiara')
      people.insert( marco, { position: 'before', beforeId: 2 }, function( err, marco ){
        if( err ) return cb( err );
        // ...

        // The record will be placed last
        people.insert( dion, { position: 'end' }, function( err, dion ){
          if( err ) return cb( err );
          // ...


You can decide to move a record after inserting it. This is especially useful in case a user moves a record using Drag & Drop in your web application.

To reposition a record, just run reposition:

// Move "Chara" to the start, position 1.
people.reposition( chiara, 'start`, null, function( err ){
  if( err ) return cb( err );

  // ...

The call reposition( record, where, beforeId ) will take the following parameters:

  • record. This is the record that will be repositioned.
  • where. It can be start, end, or before.
  • beforeId. If where is before, then record will be positioned before the one with ID beforeId.

Nested record positioning

In most cases, your records will be "nested" to other ones. Imagine the two layers we have dealt with up to this point, people and emails:

var people = new DbLayer({

  table: 'people',

  schema: new SimpleSchema({
    id     : { type: 'id' },
    name   : { type: 'string', required: true },
    surname: { type: 'string', searchable: true },
    age    : { type: 'number', searchable: true },

  idProperty: 'id',

var emails = new DbLayer({

  table: 'emails',

  schema: new SimpleSchema({
    id      : { type: 'id' },
    personId: { type: 'id' },
    address : { type: 'string', required: true, searchable: true },

  idProperty: 'id',

Each person will have a number of emails -- all the ones with the corresponding personId. When dealing with positioning, you need to take into account what fields define the 'ordering grouping': placing an email address before another one should only ever affect the records belonging to the same person.

This is where the positionBase array comes in.

This is how you would make the emails layer able to handle positioning:

var emails = new DbLayer({

  table: 'emails',

  schema: new SimpleSchema({
    id      : { type: 'id' },
    personId: { type: 'id' },
    address : { type: 'string', required: true, searchable: true },

  idProperty: 'id',

  positionField: 'position',
  positionBase: [ 'personId' ],

The attribute positionBase basically decides the domain in which the reordering will happen: only records where personId matches the moving record's personId will be affected by repositioning.

This means that repositioning one of Tony's email address will not affect the order of Chiara's email address.

Note that all elements in positionBase will need to be defined in the schema, and that they will be forced as searchable and required.


You can create and delete indexes using SimpleDbLayer. The methods are:

makeIndex( keys, name, options, cb )

The method makeIndex will create an index. When calling the function:

  • keys is an hash where each key is the field name, and each value can be 1 (ascending order) or -1 (descending order). So, if you have { name: 1, surname: 1 }, the database will be instructed to create an index with the fields name and surname, both in ascending order.
  • name is the name of your index.
  • options is a hash where: { background: true } will start the process in background; unique will instruct the database that the index will need to be unique; name will force the index name to a specific label, rather than the database's default.

dropIndex( name, cb)

This metod dropIndex() will drop an index.


The method dropAllIndexes will drop all indexes for the table/collection.

generateSchemaIndexes( options, callback )

This function is used to generate indexes depending on what fields are marked as searchable in the schema. Where options is an options object. Possible keys:

  • background. If true, indexes will be generated in the background and the callback will be called immediately.

The implementation of this depends on the capabilities and architecture of the database server you are using. The goal is to make sure that the most common searches are based on indexes, leaving you the task of adding only the special cases by hand.

In most cases, database engines should at least create the following:

  • The idProperty field will be indexed, and will be marked as unique.
  • Any field marked as searchable will be indexed. If indexBase is defined as an array, every field marked as searchable will be indexed with the indexBase values as prefix.
  • If positionField is set, then positionField will also be indexed (along with its positionBase)
  • If extraIndexes is set, any index defined there will be created. Since extraIndexes are added last, it can also be used to override existing indexes (as long as the names match).

Note: for MongoDB, which pre-caches children records within the main records, indexes will be created for the sub-fields as well, voiding indeing of foreign keys whenever possible (although some wastage does happen. It's possible to limit the indexing of subfields by specifying the attribute onlyIndexJoin: true in the join.

Imagine that you have a schema so defined:

var people = new DbLayer({

  table: 'people',

  schema: new SimpleSchema({
    workspaceId : { type: 'id', searchable: true },
    id          : { type: 'id' },
    name        : { type: 'string', searchable: true, required: true },
    surname     : { type: 'string', searchable: true },
    age         : { type: 'number' },

  // ID property
  idProperty: 'id',

  // Position fields
  positionField : 'position',
  positionBase: [ 'workspaceId' ],

  // Indexes properties
  indexBase: [ 'workspaceId']

  extraIndexes: {
    'name_surname': {
      fields: {
        name: 1,
        surname: 1,
      options: {
        unique: true,


Note that positionField is set as position, and that each workspace will have its own ordering thanks to positionBase set to [ 'workspaceId' ]. Also, note that there is also indexBase set as [ 'workspaceId' ], which tells SimpleDbLayer that most searches will be done with workspaceId set. The following indexes will generally be created:

  • idProperty. It will be marked as unique so that there won't be any duplicates.
  • name. The straight "name" field.
  • `surname. The straight "surname" field.
  • workspaceId+name. The "name" field, index with a prepending workspaceId (since most searches will be likely to include it)
  • workspaceId+surname. The "surname" field, index with a prepending workspaceId (since most searches will be likely to include it).
  • workspaceId+position. The "position" field, including the positionBase (since sorting will always be based on positionBase).
  • name+surname. This will be created thanks to extraIndexes, which is used to create indexs for common cases like this one

Basically, simpleDbLayer covers the most common scenarios in terms of indexing, with the flexibility of defining extra indxes with extraIndexes (for example for name+surname), so that slow queries are avoided at all costs minimising wastage in terms of indexing.

Customising what generateSchemaIndexes() does

To define custom indexes that cannot be covered with the options above, or to perform extra db-specific operations while creating indexes, you could override the generateSchemaIndexes method for your layer:

var people = new DbLayer({

  table: 'people',

  schema: new SimpleSchema({
    workspaceId : { type: 'id' },
    id          : { type: 'id' },
    name        : { type: 'string', searchable: true, required: true },
    surname     : { type: 'string', searchable: true },
    age         : { type: 'number' },

  idProperty: 'id',

  positionField : 'position',
  positionBase: [ 'workspaceId' ],

  indexBase: [ 'workspaceId'],

  generateSchemaIndexes: function f( options, callback ){
    var self = this;

    // Call the original call
    this.inheritedAsync( f, arguments, function( err ){
      if( err ) return callback( err );

      // Make indexes for name and surname together
      self.makeIndex( { name: 1, surname: 1 }, 'nameSurname', options, function( err ){
        if( err ) return callback( err );

        // Make indexes for name and surname including the workspaceId
        self.makeIndex( { workspaceId: 1, name: 1, surname: 1 }, 'workspaceIdNameSurname', options, function( err ){
          if( err ) return callback( err );

          // All good, return!
          callback( null );


(Yes, this particular example could have easily been done with extraIndexes). Note that in this code the original generateSchemaIndexes() function was overridden by a custom one. However, the original call was actually called thanks to this.inheritedAsync() (which is available thanks to simpleDeclare). Then self.nameIndex() was called twice, with the new indexes.

Class-level functions

Each constructor that inherits from SimpleDbLayer has some "class functions" available. The functions are actially copied, father to descendant, by simpleDeclare.

Layer registry functions

SimpleDbLayer keeps a registry of layers (indexed by table name, which is unique). The registry is accessible through class calls.

This mechanism is very handy when you want to define your layers objects in a module within your program, and then want to access those variables anywhere in your program.

The registry is also used by SimpleDbLayer itself when you reference a nested layer with a string rather than a layer object (the layer object is looked by table name).

Here are the registry functions:

DbLayer.getLayer( table )

The function DbLayer.getLayer( table ) will return a single layer from the layer registry:

emails = DbLayer.getLayer( 'emails' )
// Layer variable 'email' is now ready to be used to insert, delete, etc.


The function DbLayer.getAllLayers() will return all layers in the registry:

allLayers = DbLayer.getAllLayers()
// allLayers is now { emails: [Object], people: [Object], ... }

As you can see, allLayers is a hash object where each key is the layer's name.

Global index manipulation functions

SimpleDbLayer provides two class-level functions that affect indexes for all the layers in the registry:

SimpleDbLayer.generateSchemaIndexesAllLayers( options, callback ).

This function does what it says: it generates all schema indexes for every layer defined in the registry. Parameters:

  • options. Any options that will be passed to each generateSchemaIndexes() call. Especially useful when you want to pass { background: true }.
  • callback. The callback that will be called.

SimpleDbLayer.dropAllIndexesAllLayers( callback).

This function drops all indexes for every layer defined in the registry. Parameters:

  • callback. The callback that will be called.

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