0.1.1 • Published 10 years ago

simpleplan v0.1.1

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10 years ago


Simple dependency injector for your precious node apps. Build status


npm install simpleplan --save


you write yourself a delicious module

// my-module.js

var iNeedMongooseHere = function(Mongoose) {
  // Do some dirty things with Mongoose

And then on the main app you go like

// index.js
var simpleplan = require('simpleplan')();
simpleplan.register("Mongoose", "store here any object you would like.");
simpleplan.register("app",      "and it will magically injected to your favorite methods");

var myModule = require('myModule')(); // Mongoose will magically be injected into the function. wow. I know.

That's it.


By calling the base require of simpleplan, it extends javascript's Function and provides 2 more methods: inject() and use(params).

register(key, value)

simply stores your dependencies in a key-value hash for the default dependencies. It was made for not passing a dependencies hash for every function you want to inject to.

simpleplan.register("a", { thisIs: "Its value" }); // It will be injected to any 'a' parameter
                                                   // unless it is being overriden in the function call.


Tells simpleplan you want to inject some dependencies to this function, with the right order.

Parameter names are not strict.

var somefunc = function(a,b,c) {
  console.log("a: " + a + ", b: " + b + ", c: " + c);
}.use("c", "b", "whoIsAwesome");

somefunc({ c: "First", b: "Second", whoIsAwesome: "Gal Schlezinger" }); // "a: First, b: Second, c: Gal Schlezinger"


Same as use(params) only here you don't need to give in an array of dependency names - it takes them from the method signature.

var somefunc = function(a,b,c) {
  console.log("a: " + a + ", b: " + b + ", c: " + c);

somefunc({ b: "First", c: "Second", a: "Gal Schlezinger" }); // "a: Gal Schlezinger, b: First, c: Second"

Don't touch my Function's prototype!

Well, you can also go like

var simpleplan = require('simpleplan');
var inject   = simpleplan.inject,
    register = simpleplan.register;

register("param", "Hugh Jackman!");

var func = inject(function(param) {
  return "Who's the man? " + param;

func("Gal!"); // => "Who's the man? Gal!"
func(); // "Who's the man? Hugh Jackman!"

but as you can see, its not as awesome as extending Function.

CoffeeScript Usage

{ register, inject } = require 'simpleplan'

register "first", "Hello"
register "second", "World"

myFunc = inject (first, second) ->
  "#{first} #{second}!"

myFunc() # => "Hello World!"
myFunc first: "wat" #=> "wat World!"



  • Added registry for stop passing the dependencies object to every method.


  • Added CoffeeScript support (inject ->..)


  • Fork this repo.
  • Install dependencies. (npm install)
  • Make sure it runs all the tests. (mocha)
  • Branch.
  • Code.
  • Pull Request.
  • $$$.