0.0.7 • Published 4 years ago

simply-animate v0.0.7

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4 years ago

Simply Animate

A small utility function for handling multi-step animations. Can handle everything from the most simple use cases to much more complex ones with an extremely robust hook system. All without sacrificing speed.

Currently built for use with HTMLElements, but can also just be used purely for it's hooks, making it easy to use with libraries like React, Redux, Vue, and so on.

Getting Started

TODO add the install instructions and such

Getting started with the animationSeries function is fairly simple. All you have to do is call the function, and pass step objects to it.

The easiest way to use this function is to pass an HTMLElement to it, define durations and step names for each step, and use CSS to apply whatever animations, transitions, or styles needed for each step.

import animationSeries from 'simply-animate';

// Basic Example
  element: document.getElementById('exampleThingToAnimate'),
  seriesClassName: 'series-example',
  steps: [
      name: 'action-1',
      duration: 300
      name: 'action-2',
      duration: 400

In this example, a few classes will be added to the element passed. An "in progress" class, as well as step classes. The step classes, however, are added and removed as the series executes each step.

The "in progress" class for this example: .animation__series-example__in-progress

Step 1's class: .animation__series-example__action-1

Step 2's class: .animation__series-example__action-2

When the series is finished, all remaining classes added will be removed.


To get access to the types and interfaces included in this package:

// TODO Add Example


The animationSeries function takes an object as its argument.

elementHTMLElementHTMLElement object that the animation classes will be applied to.
namespaceClassstringThe first namespace in the CSS class name. This is meant to allow for replacing the globally used namespace at a function by function level.
seriesClassNamestringThe function level namespace for the animation.
hooksobjectSee function Hooks for more info.
stepsarrayAn array of Step objects. At least one must be passed.

Step Object

namestringName of the step to be used in the CSS class name.
durationnumberduration of the step in milliseconds.
hooksobjectHooks specific to the animation step. See Step Hooks below.


Series Hooks (object)

These hooks apply to the entire series. Use Step Hooks to hook into individual steps in the animation series.

beforefunctionFires before the first animation frame is requested.
beforeEachStepfunctionFires at the beginning of each step, before the css classes are updated.
duringEachStepfunctionFires after css classes are updated for each step.
beforeEachFramefunctionFires before every frame.
afterEachFramefunctionFires after every frame, but before afterEachStep hook is fired when the hooks share a frame.
afterEachStepfunctionFires at the end of each step, at the same time the step index is being incremented.
afterfunctionFires at the end of all the steps, in place of requesting another animation frame.

Step Hooks (object)

beforefunctionFires at the beginning of the step, before classes are updated, but after beforeEachFrame when the hooks share a frame.
duringfunctionFires after classes have been updated, but after the duringEachStep series hook.
beforeEachFramefunctionFires at the beginning of each frame but after the beforeEachFrame series hook.
afterEachFramefunctionFires at the end of each frame, after all step hooks that share the frame.
afterfunctionFires at the end of each step, but after afterEachStep series hook.

Hook Function Param

All hook functions are passed an object as a single param.

elementHTMLElementElement passed to the AnimationSeries function. This will only be present if an element was passed to the animationSeries function.
progressobjectObject containing different progresses of the animation.
progress.seriesnumberProgress of entire animation series represented as a number between 0 and 1.
progress.stepnumberProgress of the active step represented as a number between 0 and 1.

4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago