0.11.3-beta.1 • Published 4 months ago

sink-npm v0.11.3-beta.1

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4 months ago

Sink Custom Node Title API Library

NPM version

This library provides convenient access to the Sink REST API from server-side TypeScript or JavaScript.

The REST API documentation can be found on stainlessapi.com. The full API of this library can be found in api.md.


npm install --save sink-npm
# or
yarn add sink-npm


The full API of this library can be found in api.md.

import Sink from 'sink-npm';

const sink = new Sink({
  userToken: process.env['SINK_CUSTOM_API_KEY_ENV'], // This is the default and can be omitted
  environment: 'sandbox', // defaults to 'production'
  username: 'Robert',
  someNumberArgRequiredNoDefault: 0,
  someNumberArgRequiredNoDefaultNoEnv: 0,
  requiredArgNoEnv: '<example>',

async function main() {
  const card = await sink.cards.create({ type: 'SINGLE_USE', not: 'TEST' });



Streaming Responses

We provide support for streaming responses using Server Sent Events (SSE).

import Sink from 'sink-npm';

const sink = new Sink();

const stream = await sink.streaming.basic({ model: 'string', prompt: 'string', stream: true });
for await (const streamingBasicResponse of stream) {

If you need to cancel a stream, you can break from the loop or call stream.controller.abort().

Request & Response types

This library includes TypeScript definitions for all request params and response fields. You may import and use them like so:

import Sink from 'sink-npm';

const sink = new Sink({
  userToken: process.env['SINK_CUSTOM_API_KEY_ENV'], // This is the default and can be omitted
  environment: 'sandbox', // defaults to 'production'
  username: 'Robert',
  someNumberArgRequiredNoDefault: 0,
  someNumberArgRequiredNoDefaultNoEnv: 0,
  requiredArgNoEnv: '<example>',

async function main() {
  const params: Sink.CardCreateParams = { type: 'SINGLE_USE', not: 'TEST' };
  const card: Sink.Card = await sink.cards.create(params);


Documentation for each method, request param, and response field are available in docstrings and will appear on hover in most modern editors.

File Uploads

Request parameters that correspond to file uploads can be passed in many different forms:

  • File (or an object with the same structure)
  • a fetch Response (or an object with the same structure)
  • an fs.ReadStream
  • the return value of our toFile helper
import fs from 'fs';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import Sink, { toFile } from 'sink-npm';

const sink = new Sink();

// If you have access to Node `fs` we recommend using `fs.createReadStream()`:
await sink.files.createMultipart({ file: fs.createReadStream('foo/bar.txt'), purpose: 'string' });

// Or if you have the web `File` API you can pass a `File` instance:
await sink.files.createMultipart({ file: new File(['my bytes'], 'bar.txt'), purpose: 'string' });

// You can also pass a `fetch` `Response`:
await sink.files.createMultipart({ file: await fetch('https://somesite/bar.txt'), purpose: 'string' });

// Finally, if none of the above are convenient, you can use our `toFile` helper:
await sink.files.createMultipart({
  file: await toFile(Buffer.from('my bytes'), 'bar.txt'),
  purpose: 'string',
await sink.files.createMultipart({
  file: await toFile(new Uint8Array([0, 1, 2]), 'bar.txt'),
  purpose: 'string',

Handling errors

When the library is unable to connect to the API, or if the API returns a non-success status code (i.e., 4xx or 5xx response), a subclass of APIError will be thrown:

async function main() {
  const card = await sink.cards.create({ type: 'an_incorrect_type' }).catch((err) => {
    if (err instanceof Sink.APIError) {
      console.log(err.status); // 400
      console.log(err.name); // BadRequestError
      console.log(err.error?.message); // Invalid parameter(s): type
      console.log(err.error?.debugging_request_id); // 94d5e915-xxxx-4cee-a4f5-2xd6ebd279ac
      console.log(err.headers); // {server: 'nginx', ...}
    } else {
      throw err;


Error codes are as followed:

Status CodeError Type


Certain errors will be automatically retried 1 times by default, with a short exponential backoff. Connection errors (for example, due to a network connectivity problem), 408 Request Timeout, 409 Conflict, 429 Rate Limit, and >=500 Internal errors will all be retried by default.

You can use the maxRetries option to configure or disable this:

// Configure the default for all requests:
const sink = new Sink({
  maxRetries: 0, // default is 2
  username: 'Robert',
  someNumberArgRequiredNoDefault: 0,
  someNumberArgRequiredNoDefaultNoEnv: 0,
  requiredArgNoEnv: '<example>',

// Or, configure per-request:
await sink.cards.provisionFoo('my card token', { digital_wallet: 'GOOGLE_PAY' }, {
  maxRetries: 5,


Requests time out after 1 minute by default. You can configure this with a timeout option:

// Configure the default for all requests:
const sink = new Sink({
  timeout: 20 * 1000, // 20 seconds (default is 1 minute)
  username: 'Robert',
  someNumberArgRequiredNoDefault: 0,
  someNumberArgRequiredNoDefaultNoEnv: 0,
  requiredArgNoEnv: '<example>',

// Override per-request:
await sink.cards.create({ type: 'DIGITAL' }, {
  timeout: 5 * 1000,

On timeout, an APIConnectionTimeoutError is thrown.

Note that requests which time out will be retried twice by default.

Default Headers

We automatically send the following headers with all requests.


If you need to, you can override these headers by setting default headers on a per-request basis.

import Sink from 'sink-npm';

const sink = new Sink();

const card = await sink.cards.create(
  { type: 'SINGLE_USE', not: 'TEST' },
  { headers: { 'My-Api-Version': 'My-Custom-Value' } },

Advanced Usage

Accessing raw Response data (e.g., headers)

The "raw" Response returned by fetch() can be accessed through the .asResponse() method on the APIPromise type that all methods return.

You can also use the .withResponse() method to get the raw Response along with the parsed data.

const sink = new Sink();

const response = await sink.cards.create({ type: 'SINGLE_USE', not: 'TEST' }).asResponse();
console.log(response.statusText); // access the underlying Response object

const { data: card, response: raw } = await sink.cards
  .create({ type: 'SINGLE_USE', not: 'TEST' })

Customizing the fetch client

By default, this library uses node-fetch in Node, and expects a global fetch function in other environments.

If you would prefer to use a global, web-standards-compliant fetch function even in a Node environment, (for example, if you are running Node with --experimental-fetch or using NextJS which polyfills with undici), add the following import before your first import from "Sink":

// Tell TypeScript and the package to use the global web fetch instead of node-fetch.
// Note, despite the name, this does not add any polyfills, but expects them to be provided if needed.
import 'sink-npm/shims/web';
import Sink from 'sink-npm';

To do the inverse, add import "sink-npm/shims/node" (which does import polyfills). This can also be useful if you are getting the wrong TypeScript types for Response - more details here.

You may also provide a custom fetch function when instantiating the client, which can be used to inspect or alter the Request or Response before/after each request:

import { fetch } from 'undici'; // as one example
import Sink from 'sink-npm';

const client = new Sink({
  fetch: async (url: RequestInfo, init?: RequestInfo): Promise<Response> => {
    console.log('About to make a request', url, init);
    const response = await fetch(url, init);
    console.log('Got response', response);
    return response;

Note that if given a DEBUG=true environment variable, this library will log all requests and responses automatically. This is intended for debugging purposes only and may change in the future without notice.

Configuring an HTTP(S) Agent (e.g., for proxies)

By default, this library uses a stable agent for all http/https requests to reuse TCP connections, eliminating many TCP & TLS handshakes and shaving around 100ms off most requests.

If you would like to disable or customize this behavior, for example to use the API behind a proxy, you can pass an httpAgent which is used for all requests (be they http or https), for example:

import http from 'http';
import HttpsProxyAgent from 'https-proxy-agent';

// Configure the default for all requests:
const sink = new Sink({
  httpAgent: new HttpsProxyAgent(process.env.PROXY_URL),
  username: 'Robert',
  someNumberArgRequiredNoDefault: 0,
  someNumberArgRequiredNoDefaultNoEnv: 0,
  requiredArgNoEnv: '<example>',

// Override per-request:
await sink.cards.create({ type: 'DIGITAL' }, {
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:8080/test-api',
  httpAgent: new http.Agent({ keepAlive: false }),

Semantic Versioning

This package generally follows SemVer conventions, though certain backwards-incompatible changes may be released as minor versions:

  1. Changes that only affect static types, without breaking runtime behavior.
  2. Changes to library internals which are technically public but not intended or documented for external use. (Please open a GitHub issue to let us know if you are relying on such internals).
  3. Changes that we do not expect to impact the vast majority of users in practice.

We take backwards-compatibility seriously and work hard to ensure you can rely on a smooth upgrade experience.

We are keen for your feedback; please open an issue with questions, bugs, or suggestions.


TypeScript >= 4.5 is supported.

The following runtimes are supported:

  • Node.js 18 LTS or later (non-EOL) versions.
  • Deno v1.28.0 or higher, using import Sink from "npm:sink-npm".
  • Bun 1.0 or later.
  • Cloudflare Workers.
  • Vercel Edge Runtime.
  • Jest 28 or greater with the "node" environment ("jsdom" is not supported at this time).
  • Nitro v2.6 or greater.

Note that React Native is not supported at this time.

If you are interested in other runtime environments, please open or upvote an issue on GitHub.


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