1.0.14 • Published 4 years ago

sinopia_indexing_pipeline v1.0.14

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4 years ago

CircleCI Code Climate Code Climate Test Coverage

Sinopia Indexing Pipeline

This is the repository for the Sinopia Indexing Pipeline. The pipeline is a Node application that listens for messages (sent to a queue via STOMP), and for each message (a W3C Activity Streams message):

  • Parses a subject URI out of the message. This URI corresponds to a Trellis resource that has been changed (add, edited, deleted).
  • Dereferences the URI, asking for a JSON-LD representation.
  • Indexes the JSON-LD, or a derivative thereof, in ElasticSearch.

The pipeline also includes a bin/reindex command that will wipe all ElasticSearch indices and reindex Trellis by crawling the tree of resources contained within Trellis.

Note that if the Trellis platform is running in a container, the reindexer will also need to run in a container, else it will fail to resolve Trellis's internal hostname. In that event, run docker-compose run reindexer instead.


Using docker-compose, you can spin up containers for Trellis, ActiveMQ, ElasticSearch, Postgres, and the pipeline::

$ docker-compose up pipeline # add -d to run in background

To shut it down and clean up, run:

$ docker-compose down

Run the linter and tests

$ npm run ci

Or, to run the linter and unit tests separately:

$ npm run lint
$ npm test

To run the integration tests, they must be invoked independent of the unit tests:

$ npm run integration

NOTE: The pipeline docker-compose service must be running for the integration tests to pass.

Continuous Integration

We are using CircleCI to run continuous integration. CircleCI invokes the integration tests using a container, which works around inter-container networking constraints in the CI environment. If you prefer to run integration tests in a manner that more closely matches what runs in CI, you can do that via:

$ docker-compose run integration

Create a Trellis resource

To create a Trellis container and test integration between the pipeline components, you may do so using a curl incantation like follows:

$ curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/ld+json' -H 'Link: <http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#BasicContainer>; rel="type"' -H "Slug: repository" -d '{ "@context": { "dcterms": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/" }, "@id": "", "dcterms:title": "Repository container" }' http://localhost:8080

See Sinopia Server notes for more Trellis curl incantations.


For development purposes, you may wish to spin up all the components other than the pipeline if you'll be iterating:

$ docker-compose up -d platform search searchui

And then spin up the pipeline using:

$ npm run dev-start

Note that if you want to view the ElasticSearch index, you can browse to http://localhost:1358/.

Build and push image

The CircleCI build is configured to perform these steps automatically on any successful build on the master branch. If you need to manually build and push an image, you can do this:

$ docker build -t ld4p/sinopia_indexing_pipeline .
$ docker push ld4p/sinopia_indexing_pipeline