1.0.1 • Published 12 months ago

siwac v1.0.1

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12 months ago

Sign In With Any Chain

As we move towards a omnichain future, your dApps users can onboard from any blockchain possible

That's why we are building this

Now your user can sign in from any blockchain and prove their ownership to your servers



In frontend, you would want to sign a message from the user's wallet

Generate Message

import { prepareMessage, Blockchain } from "siwac"

const message = prepareMessage({
    domain: "DOMAIN",
    address: "ADDRESS",
    blockchain: Blockchain.APTOS,
    message: "ANY MESSAGE",
    uri: "FULL_URI",
    version: '1',
    blockchainId: '1'

sign the generated message from user and send it to server for verification


In backend, you would want to verify the signed message and probably generate access tokens for the user

Verify Signature Details like address, timestamp etc are directly unpacked from the message string itself through parser

import { verifyMessage } from "siwac"

const verified = await verifyMessage(message, signature)

if(verified) {
    // your logic

Verify Signature and Generate JWT

import { verifyMessageAndGenerateJWT } from "siwac"

const token = await verifyMessageAndGenerateJWT(message, signature, "YOUR_JWT_SECRET", "30m" // OR 8h)

// token = { accessToken: string, expiresIn: string }

Now we also need to verify the JWT generated to grant user's access to some gated data

Verify JWT

import { verifyJwtToken } from "siwac"

const verified = await verifyJwtToken("ACCESS_TOKEN", "TEST_SECRET")

if(verified) {
    // your logic

12 months ago


12 months ago