1.0.2 • Published 7 years ago

sk-query-builder v1.0.2

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7 years ago

SK GraphQL Query Builder

An even simpler Javascript, ES5 friendly, GraphQL query builder

No need for multiple functions, commands, or es5 compatible compiling. Just create a single Query with an options object and get a GraphQL ready query string in return.

Forked from https://github.com/codemeasandwich/graphql-query-builder - a simple ES6 graphql query builder


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npm install sk-query-builder

Query function:

Query is available out of the box on the Window object, but can also be required to prevent namespace interference.

var Query = require('sk-query-builder');


Query can be called with a single arguement of either a single query object or an array of query objects and will return a GraphQL formatted string to be attached to query.

var query = Query( query_obj[, options ] );

Query Constructor:

Single query object or an array of multiple queries to turn into a GQL query string.

Key ValueArgumentDescription
func:Stringthe name of the query function
alias:Stringalias value that result will be returned under
filters:ObjectAn object mapping attribute to values
value:String or ObjectAttribute name or nested query you want returned. Can be an array of multiple values with the values: key
values:ArrayAn Array of value items ( String or Obj ) to return multiple values
Example: ( get the sum of users in given timeframe )
var sumQuery = Query({
  func: "sum",
  alias: "total_sum",
  filters: { from: 0, to: 1501234567890 },
  value: "count"
Output: ( returns formatted string )
"{total_sum: sum(from: 0,to: 1501234567890){count}}"

Additional Options:

Key ValueArgumentDescription
prefixStringprefix string before query obj ( i.e. "mutation" )
var prefixQuery = Query({
  func: 'update',
  filters: { id: 1, value: 3 },
  value: [ "id", "value" ]
}, { prefix: 'mutation' );

console.log( prefixQuery );
// "mutation{update(id:1,value:3){id,value}}"


Add Enum values inside query objects buy either the Enum() function with a string to represent the final value or by simply using any string starting with "e$"

Enum( 'VALUE' ) == 'e$VALUE'

Argument (one)Description
Stringthe name of the query function
Example: ( get the sum of users in given timeframe )
var eventQuery = Query({
  alias: 'event_123',
  func: 'event',
  filters: {
    frequency: Enum( 'DAILY' ), // can also be "e$DAILY"
    value: Enum( 'CLICKS' )
  values: [ 'timestamp', 'value' ]

console.log( eventQuery );
// "{event_123:event(frequency:DAILY,value:CLICKS){timestamp,value}}"


Nested query values

var FetchLeeAndSam = Query({
  alias: 'FetchLeeAndSam',
  func: 'users',
  values: [
      alias: 'lee',
      func: 'user',
      filters: { id: '1' },
      values: ['name', 'id' ]
      alias: 'sam',
      func: 'user',
      filters: { id: '2' },
      values: ['name', 'id' ]

console.log( FetchLeeAndSam );

Multiple query array with reusable values

var reusable = function( model, year ) {
  return {
    alias: model,
    func: 'vehicle',
    filters: { year: year },
    values: [

var CarCatalog = Query([
  reusable( 'Mustang', '1964' ),
  reusable( 'Camero', '1988' )

console.log( CarCatalog );
//"{Mustang:vehicle(year:"1964"){num_produced,horsepower} Camero:vehicle(year:"1988"){num_produced,horsepower}}"

run Examples

node example/simple.js