1.1.1 • Published 4 days ago

skychat v1.1.1

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4 days ago


The SkyChat lets you:

  • 📺 Play medias in a shared synchronized player (Youtube, Twitch, self-hosted)
  • 📁 Organize self-hosted medias in folders to easily search & play them.
  • ⚽ Have fun with live cursor visualization, casino roulette, cursor-based football, etc..
  • 🔒 Feel safe. OP double auth, log fuzzing, shadow ban, TOR network detection/ban, etc..
  • 💻 Install and set it up in 2 minutes.


How to install

Install in 30 seconds

You only need docker.

# 1. Use the autoinstall script (Clones the repository then executes app/script/setup.sh)
bash <(wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/skychatorg/skychat/master/app/script/autoinstall.sh -O -) && cd skychat

# 2. Run the setup script and complete .env/.env.json files as you wish
npm run setup
cat .env
cat .env.json

# 3. Run the app in docker
docker compose up

Application setup

By default, the application will be listening to localhost:8080 and assume it is accessed from http://localhost:8080. In order to customize the domain name of your SkyChat application, edit the .env.json file. The fields in the .env.json contain the private variables of the application, listed below:

locationstring"http://localhost:8080"Server location, i.e. what user need to put in their browser to access your app
hostnamestring"localhost"Hostname the server will listen to
portnumber8080Server port. If you are using docker only, modify PUBLIC_PORT to match this value.
pluginsstring[][]List of enabled plugin groups. It is possible to disable the player, games, the gallery or other features by removing a plugin group from this list
users_passwords_saltstring"$RANDOM_SALT"Password salt.
users_token_saltstring"$RANDOM_SALT"Token salt.
youtube_api_keystring""Youtube api key
opstring[][]OP usernames. OP usernames can use the /setright command.
op_passcodestring?"$RANDOM_PASSCODE"OP passcode. Activate your OP session with /op $op_passcode
email_transportnodemailer.JSONTransport{"sendmail": true,"newline": "unix","path": "/usr/sbin/sendmail"}Value given to nodemailer.createTransport to initialize the mailer

Setup Youtube

The SkyChat requires a key for the Youtube plugin to work. This key needs to be put in your .env.json file.

Using the Youtube API is free but there is a daily quota, which when exceeded blocks the requests until the next day. If it happens, the Youtube plugin will be disabled until the next day.

  1. Go to the Google Cloud Platform. If you never activated the account, you will have to activate it.
  2. Click Create credentials > API key
  3. Copy the generated API key, and paste it in your .env.json file (the variable name is youtube_api_key)
  4. Restart the server


Disabling features

Plugins are grouped in so-called PluginGroup instances. It is possible to disable specific features of the application by removing the plugin group name from the env.json file. By default, these plugin groups are included:

CorePluginGroupBasic features for the SkyChat to run properly
PlayerPluginGroupShared player functionnality
GamesPluginGroupAll the fun features, live cursor visualization and mini games
ExtraSecurityPluginGroupLog fuzzer, TOR auto-ban, IP history tracker, user usurp command
GalleryPluginGroupGallery for self-hosted medias
UserDefinedPluginGroupCustom plugins. By default, this plugin group contains no plugin, but any user-created plugin will be held by this instance

In private rooms, only core plugins are loaded.

Customize preferences

The config/preferences.json file specifies application preferences. The available fields are detailed below.

minRightForPublicMessagesnumber-1Min. right to send public messages
minRightForPrivateMessagesnumber-1Min. right to send private messages
minRightForMessageQuotingnumber-1Min. right to quote messages
minRightForShortTermMessageHistorynumber-1Min. right to access short term room message history
minRightForMessageHistorynumber-1Min. right to access full room message history
minRightForUserModerationnumber'op'Min. right to ban, kick and access user ips
minRightForSetRightnumber'op'Min. right to set user right
minRightForAudioRecordingnumber-1Min. right to share and play audio recordings
minRightForConnectedListnumber-1Min. right to access the list of currently active users
minRightForPollsnumber-1Min. right to create polls
minRightForGalleryReadnumber | 'op'0Min. right to access the gallery
minRightForGalleryWritenumber | 'op''op'Min. right to add and remove gallery documents
minRightForPlayerAddMedianumber | 'op'0Min. right to add medias to the player
minRightForPlayerManageSchedulenumber | 'op''op'Min. right to manage the player schedules
maxReplacedImagesPerMessagenumber50Max. number of replaced images per message
maxReplacedStickersPerMessagenumber50Max. number of replaced stickers per message
maxReplacedRisiBankStickersPerMessagenumber50Max. number of replaced RisiBank stickers per message
maxNewlinesPerMessagenumber20Max. number of newlines per message
maxConsecutiveMessagesnumber1Max. number of consecutive messages in a room
maxMessageMergeDelayMinnumber10Max. minutes before not merging consecutive messages
daysBeforeMessageFuzznumber7Number of days before messages are fuzzed, if ExtraSecurityPluginGroup is enabled
invertedBlacklistbooleanfalseWhether blacklisted users can not see messages from users who blacklisted them
messagesCooldown(number, number)[][ -1, 0 ]Minimum duration between two consecutive messages for each right level, sorted by ascending right number

Customize the fake message history

config/fakemessages.txt contains the fake messages shown to users whose right level is less than minRightForShortTermMessageHistory defined in preferences.json. If minRightForShortTermMessageHistory is set to -1, you do not need to modify the fake messages since not one will see them.

minRightForMessageHistory defines who can quote old messages and navigate room old history.

Customize guest names

config/guestnames.txt is the pool of non-logged usernames. When a guest logs in, a random name is associated to its session. These names are randomly used from this file. If you want to change these names, keep in mind that they should not contain whitespace characters (anything matched by \s so newline, tab, space, ..). Default random names are animal names.

Adding features

The SkyChat is easily extensible through plugins. You can define custom plugins in app/server/skychat/plugins/user_defined/. It will be automatically loaded during the next application startup.


Add features

Refer to the Wiki guides to contribute:

Please use only one of the following to suggest new features (or bug fixes):

  • Create a pull request
  • Open an issue with your proposal

4 days ago


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