0.0.5 • Published 10 months ago

sla_work_time v0.0.5

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10 months ago

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import { setSkipDays, addMinutes, configure, utils } from 'sla_work_time';

  // Setting work hours as 8:30AM to 5:30PM
  startAM: 8.5,
  endPM: 17.5,

  // Add DISTINCT holidays/days to exclude in { startDate, endDate (optional) } format.
    startDate: '2022-11-25',
    startDate: '2022-11-29',
    endDate: '2022-11-30',
    startDate: '2022-12-02',
    endDate: '2022-12-12',

// Supports Date[] format (does internal duplicate removal->sorting->parsing this way)
// setSkipDays(['2022-12-01', '2022-12-02', '2022-12-03', '2022-12-05'])

const newDate = addMinutes('2022-11-28T16:18:44', 3600);

console.log(utils.formatDate(newDate, 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss')); // 2022-12-19T13:18:00

! NOTE !

To keep the system's list of holidays up-to-date, the setSkipDays function should be periodically called to update the in-memory list. This can be done either through an ETL job or periodic API calls to inject updated holiday information into the system. The service layer of the system is responsible for handling these updates.

Available methods

addMinutes || addHours(date, minutes || hours, config: DurationAddOptions)Adds duration to the date following the config options.
toNextWorkTime(date: DateTime, fixTime: Boolean = true)Gets the given date back to valid work day and hours if it's not
validateSkipDay(date: DateTime, fixTime: Boolean = true)Gets the date out of holiday (if it's in one)
configure(config: { startAM, endPM })Sets the work hours for any day.
setSkipDays(skipDays: { startDate, endDate } || Date[])Sets date to exclude from minute additions (For instance, holidays)


These exposed functions add durations to a date considering work hours, week ends and skip days(holidays). For example, adding 25 minutes to the date Friday 05:55PM would result in Monday 09:20AM for Mon-Fri & 9AM - 6PM work hour settings.


Fee free to open a pull request with detailed title and description about the feature.

For reporting any bug/issues make sure to add a detailed bug reproduction process(a sandbox link if possible) in the description.


MIT © sawrozpdl