0.5.0 • Published 9 years ago

slish v0.5.0

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9 years ago

Slish - Realtime Streaming of File Content

Slish takes new content of a file as soon as it arrives and is able to distribute it to multiple consumers.

Consumers can be the console or a database, a remote service or simply another file.

Consumer must conform to a simple interface and provide a method consume that takes in the file content that will be provided by Slish. The stage is yours from that point on.


  • Easy to use API. Start to stream is a matter of creating a Slish instance and call startStreaming on it.
  • Slish makes it easy to create custom consumers. Just provide an object with a method consume(newData) where newData is the new file content detected by Slish and you're ready to go.
  • Ships with three ready to use consumers
    • ConsoleConsumer: Simply pass new content to stdout
    • ColoredConsumer: Colors new content line-by-line based on configured patterns
    • SocketConsumer: Sends new content over to remote clients connecting via socket.io


The consumers folder contains a separate package.json file to manage the dependencies of the consumers.

Working Example (taken from the examples folder)

  Showcases how to use Slish to observe a file.
var Slish = require('slish');
var ConsoleWriter = require('consumers/consoleconsumer');
var ColoredWriter = require('consumers/coloredconsumer')
var path = require('path');

var slish = new Slish(process.argv[2]);
var consumer = new ColoredWriter();

// The pattern is built in Slish and can be accesed by name

// Adds the colored to the output channels

console.log('start streaming');

// Starts obserrving the file