2.2.7 • Published 3 years ago

smartprompt v2.2.7

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Last release
3 years ago


A neat dialog prompter to get inputs from the user.

What I wanted to achieve

I want to be able to provide the developer with simplest API possible to gather inputs from the user, with beatiful prompts.

The promp is able to:

  • Be awaited (async/await style)
  • Be discarded (with outside click or cancel button click)
  • Provide any complex template containing inputs
  • Spit an error if the template is not valid HTML
  • Have validation for inputs (with a lil animation)
  • Have overflow scroll if there is too much content
  • Two buttons, one to confirm and on to dismiss

How it works

The new SmartPrompt() you get an object which represents a shell for a spawnable dialog, its styles are encapsulated with a UUID that marks the element that will be inserted at the bottom of the body of the page.

The prompt instance is added to the window object at prompt{{this.UUID}} where this represents an instance of SmartPrompt.

All the inputs defined inside the template property must have a name attribute on them, as they will be put inside an HTML form. When the prompt is confirmed all the inputs defined in template that had a name attribute are taken in form of key-value pairs and merged inside an object that gets returned to the consumer of the prompt.

In the beginning there was a check for the validity of the template provided, but then I've removed it to let devs use lil HTML tricks in it.

Automatic text color

One little cool feature of this library is that if you specify the groundColor property as an hex value you will get the best textColor automatically by contrast calculation. Still, if you provide textColor you won't get this feature but your color of choice instead.


npm i smartprompt

Try it

Head over https://4skinskywalker.github.io/SmartPrompt/ and try the examples there.

Simple example

You can emulate a normal prompt (but with a better look) with the following code:

// Get the handle of a SmartPrompt instance
let prompt = new SmartPrompt();

// Initialize the prompt
    title: "Simple prompt",
    template: `<div style="margin-bottom: .5rem;">How old are you?</div><input name="age" autocomplete="false" type="number">`

// Spawn and await the prompt
let { age } = await prompt.spawn();
alert("You are " + age + "yo");

Once the user is done and clicks on submit prompt will be valorized to an object containing key value pairs.

Advanced example

It's possible to have multiple inputs with validation and custom color schemes:

// Get the handle of a SmartPrompt instance
let prompt = new SmartPrompt();

// Initialize the prompt
    figureColor: "#bada55", // Optional
    groundColor: "#fafae9", // Optional
    textColor: "#111", // Optional, if not provided and groundColor is hex, then it's automatically calculated

    BGGradientFrom: "#0008", // Optional
    BGGradientTo: "#fff8", // Optional

    width: "90vw", // Optional
    maxWidth: "480px", // Optional

    title: "This is a title",
    prescription: "This is the text under the title", // Optional
    postscription: "This is the text at the bottom before the buttons", // Optional

    template: `<div style="display: grid; grid-gap: 1rem;">
    <input name="myNumber" autocomplete="false" type="number" min="0" max="99" placeholder="Age">
    <input name="myText" autocomplete="false" type="text" minlength="3" maxlength="10" placeholder="Username" required="true">
      <input name="myCheck" type="checkbox" required="true">
      <input name="myRadio" type="radio" value="0">
      <label>Radio 1</label>
      <input name="myRadio" type="radio" value="1">
      <label>Radio 2</label>
      <input name="myRadio" type="radio" value="2">
      <label>Radio 3</label>
    <select name="mySelect">
      <option value="0">Default</option>
      <option value="1">Another option</option>

// Spawn and await the prompt
let obj = await prompt.spawn();
alert(JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2));

Extreme example

It's possible to remove the confirm and cancel buttons with excludeConfirmation: true in the initialization setting, and consequently handle everything by hand. To trigger confimation (1.) and cancellation (2.) from the template you can use: 1. prompt${yourPromptInstance.uuid}.submit('your custom data') 2. prompt${yourPromptInstance.uuid}.cancel()

The example below shows a list items, you can filter them with a search input and by clicking on any one of them you will get it's underlying object:

// Get the handle of a SmartPrompt instance
let prompt = new SmartPrompt();

// Make some options procedurally
let tokenList = [
      name: "Ethereum",
      symbol: "ETH",
      thumb: "https://assets.coingecko.com/coins/images/279/thumb/ethereum.png",
      address: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
      decimals: "18"
    // Imagine many more tokens here
      name: "Crypto.com Coin",
      symbol: "cro",
      thumb: "https://assets.coingecko.com/coins/images/7310/thumb/cypto.png",
      address: "0xa0b73e1ff0b80914ab6fe0444e65848c4c34450b",
      decimals: "8"

// Let's build the markup!
let optionsMarkup = tokenList.map((d, i) => {
  return `<div class="option" onclick="prompt${prompt.uuid}.submit(${i});">
  <img class="option-img" src="${d.thumb}">
  <div class="option-title">${d.name}</div>
  <div class="option-descr">${d.address}</div>

// Initialize the prompt
    excludeConfirmation: true,

    figureColor: "coral",
    groundColor: "cornsilk",
    textColor: "darkslategrey",

    BGGradientFrom: "#f198",
    BGGradientTo: "#19f8",

    title: "Choose one option",
    prescription: "Tap on a choice to proceed with a selection",

    template: `<div style="display: grid; grid-gap: 1rem;">
      .select {
        display: grid;
        grid-gap: .5rem;
      .option {
        display: grid;
        grid-gap: .5rem;
        grid-template-areas: "img title"
                             "img descr";
        grid-template-columns: max-content auto;
        align-items: center;
        padding: 1rem;
        border-radius: 1rem;
        color: #fffff1;
        background-color: #111;
        background-image: linear-gradient(135deg, #f758, #ffd8);
        cursor: pointer;
      .option-img {
        grid-area: img;
        height: 32px;
      .option-title {
        grid-area: title;
        font-size: 1.33rem;
        font-weight: bold;
      .option-descr {
        grid-area: descr;
        word-break: break-all;
    <button type="button" onclick="addNewCustomToken();">Add custom token</button>
    <input type="text" autocomplete="off" name="search" placeholder="Search" oninput="[...document.querySelectorAll('.option-title')].forEach(opt => { opt.parentElement.style.display = (opt.innerText.toLowerCase().includes(this.value)) ? 'grid' : 'none' });">
    <div class="select" id="token-list">

// Spawn and await the prompt
let index = await prompt.spawn();
alert(JSON.stringify(tokenList[index], null, 2));


SmartPrompt on Codepen


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