1.0.0 • Published 8 years ago

smartymonkey v1.0.0

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8 years ago


用js解析smarty语法的模板,达到服务端smarty与客户端共享同一套模板的目的 analysis smarty's grammar with js, then you can use smarty both on server and client 非常感谢DOT引擎,其实smartyMonkey的思路和很多写法都借鉴了DOT。 当前版本1.0

如何使用(how to use):

在服务端(node环境下)我们可以直接引用smartyMonkey模块,require('src/smartyMonkey'); 该模块的导出,是一个create方法,可以创建smartyMonkey的实例 如: var smartyMonkey = require('smartyMonkey'); var sm = smartyMonkey.create(); var tpl_fn = sm.compile(data); var out = tpl_fn('monkey'); 在客户端(浏览器环境下),smartyMonkey会暴露一个smartyMonkey对象到执行js的上下文中,一般是window,这个对象同样有一个create方法: <script src="./smartyMonkey.js"></script> <script> var smartyMonkey = window.smartyMonkey var sm = smartyMonkey.create(); var tpl_fn = sm.compile(data); var out = tpl_fn('monkey'); </script> 小贴士(Tips): 在实际使用过程中,如果是在客户端编译的话,那么我们肯定要把模板的源代码传到客户端,但是我们写的模板代码,会在服务端被smarty解析掉,所以,为了把模板源代码传送到客户端,我们可以使用smarty的literal标签,防止自己的smarty模板在服务端被解析掉。

目前支持的smarty语法(current support grammer):

###① 输出(print) 1. 首先,我们要写一个模板(hello.tpl): hello {%*test*%}{%$it%}

  1. 然后,我们调用smatyMonkey对模板进行编译,及使用: var smartyMonkey = require('../../src/smartyMonkey'); var fs = require('fs'); fs.readFile( './back.tpl', 'utf-8', function (err, data) { var sm = smartyMonkey.create(); var tpl_fn = sm.compile(data); var out = tpl_fn('monkey'); console.log(out); } );
  1. 输出: hello monkey

###② 循环(loop) 1. 首先,我们要写一个模板(loop.tpl): {%foreach $loop1 as $key => $value%} <div>key is: {%$key%}</div> <div>val is: {%$value%}</div> {%/foreach%}

  1. 接着我们编译一下含有foreach循环的模板(index.js): var smartyMonkey = require('../../src/smartyMonkey'); var fs = require('fs'); fs.readFile( './loop.tpl', 'utf-8', function (err, data) { sm = smartyMonkey.create(); var tpl_fn = sm.compile(data, {varnames: 'loop1'}); var out = tpl_fn('h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'); console.log(out); } );

  2. 输出: <div>key is: 0</div> <div>val is: h</div> <div>key is: 1</div> <div>val is: e</div> <div>key is: 2</div> <div>val is: l</div> <div>key is: 3</div> <div>val is: l</div> <div>key is: 4</div> <div>val is: o</div> foreach的另一种写法:

  3. 模板: {%foreach from=$loop1 key=key item=value name=loop1%} <div>key is: {%$key%}</div> <div>val is: {%$value%}</div> <div>index is: {%$smarty.foreach.loop1.index%}</div> {%/foreach%}
  4. 调用: 同上
  5. 输出: <div>key is: 0</div> <div>val is: h</div> <div>index is: 0</div> <div>key is: 1</div> <div>val is: e</div> <div>index is: 1</div> <div>key is: 2</div> <div>val is: l</div> <div>index is: 2</div> <div>key is: 3</div> <div>val is: l</div> <div>index is: 3</div> <div>key is: 4</div> <div>val is: o</div> <div>index is: 4</div>

###③ 条件语句(condition) 1. 模板中的代码(code in template): {%if $a%} this is a:{%$a%} {%else%} there is no a {%/if%}

  1. 调用: ..... var tpl_fn = sm.compile(data, {varnames: 'a'}); var out = tpl_fn('aval'); console.log('has a:', out); var out = tpl_fn(); console.log('no a:', out); .....

  2. 输出: has a: this is a:aval no a: there is no a

###④ 赋值(interpolate) 1. 模板(interpolate.tpl): {%$b = 'test'%} b is :{%$b%} {%$a = $b%} a is :{%$a%} {%$a=$c%} new a is: {%$a%}

  1. 调用: ..... var tpl_fn = sm.compile(data, {varnames: 'c'}); var out = tpl_fn('cval'); console.log(out); .....
  2. 输出: b is :test a is :test new a is: cval

###⑤ 多个参数(multiple parameters) smartyMonkey支持传入多个参数,只要compile的时候,指定第二个参数即可: 1. 模板: a is {%$a%} b is {%$b%} c is {%$c%} 2.调用: ..... var tpl_fn = sm.compile(data, {varnames: 'a', 'b', 'c'}); var out = tpl_fn('aval', 1,2,3,4, 99); console.log(out); ..... 3. 输出: a is avalb is 1,2,3,4c is 99

###⑥ 过滤器(filter) 可以在模板中增加过滤器与过滤器所对应的函数,或语句。内置解析过滤器的只有一个count,被解析为js的.length 1. 模板: a's length is: {%$a|count%} 2.调用: ..... var tpl_fn = sm.compile(data, {varnames: 'a'}); var out = tpl_fn('aval'); console.log(out); ..... 3. 输出: a's length is: 4

注:我们可以通过扩展filter,来增加模板的功能 例: 1. 模板: {%$a|encodeURIComponent%} 2.调用: var sm = smartyMonkey.create({ filterMap: { encodeURIComponent: function (code) { return 'encodeURIComponent(a)'; } } }); 3. 输出: http%3A%2F%2Fwww.baidu.com%2Fs%3Fwd%3DsmartyMonkey



我们通过在create的时候添加regxs与execFns,来增加/替换 替换规则与替换函数。可以达到对语法的扩充。

例: var smartyMonkey = require('../../src/smartyMonkey'); var fs = require('fs'); fs.readFile( './extend.tpl', utf-8', function (err, data) { var sm = smartyMonkey.create({ regxs: { smComments: /{\%*\s\S*?*\%}/g }, execFns: { smComments: function () { return '-----注释替换-----'; } } }); var tpl_fn = sm.compile(data, {varnames: 'loop1', 'a'}); var out = tpl_fn('h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '19'); console.log(out); } );

输入(extend.tpl): {%test test%}

输出: -----注释替换-----