1.0.2 • Published 1 year ago

sml2r-node v1.0.2

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1 year ago


A Node.js module for the Super Mario Land 2 Randomizer.

Installing & Importing

npm i sml2r-node
import Randomizer from 'sml2r-node';



new Randomizer(
    rom: ArrayBuffer,
    settings: Settings | number,
    seed: number

The rom should be a valid Super Mario Land 2 ROM (an ArrayBuffer can be created by readFile with the .buffer property).

The settings can either be a valid number (between 0 and 0xFFFFFF), or an object with valid settings (see below).

The seed can either be a valid number (between 0x10000000 and 0xFFFFFFFF), or omitted, in which case a random one will be generated.


    randomLevelLocations?: boolean,
    includeDualLocations?: boolean,
    randomBossLocations?: boolean,
    randomBossHealth?: boolean,
    swapAllDualExits?: boolean,
    randomSwapDualExits?: boolean,
    randomGamblingCosts?: boolean,
    randomBonusGames?: boolean,
    randomEnemies?: boolean,
    randomPowerups?: boolean,
    randomPlatforms?: boolean,
    randomGravity?: boolean,
    randomScrollingLevels?: boolean,
    randomFastScrolling?: boolean,
    allFastScrolling?: boolean,
    includeIcePhysics?: boolean,
    randomLuigiPhysics?: boolean,
    allLuigiPhysics?: boolean,
    randomMusic?: boolean,
    randomFastMusic?: boolean,
    disableMusic?: boolean,
    disableSoundFX?: boolean,
    patchDX?: boolean


valid: boolean

If the ROM included in the constructor is valid to be randomized. The validator checks internal name and size.


setSeed(seed: number): void

Sets the seed. If the parameter is not a valid seed number (between 0x10000000 and 0xFFFFFFFF), then the seed is unchanged.

getSeed(): string

Returns a hexadecimal representation of the seed. For example, if the seed is 1009416207 (0x3c2a780f), then the method returns the string '3C2A780F'.

setFlags(settings: Settings | number): void

Sets the flags. If the parameter is a Settings object, it is converted to a number. If the parameter is a number and not a valid flags number (between 0 and 0xFFFFFF), then the flags are unchanged.

getFlags(): string

Returns a hexadecimal representation of the flags. For example, if the flags are 147421 (0x23fdd), then the method returns the string '023FDD'.

getVersion(): string

Returns a string indicating the version of the SML2 ROM in the format v1.#.

randomize(): Promise<ArrayBuffer>

Randomizes the ROM. The ArrayBuffer can be saved into a .gb (or .gbc if patched with DX) file with writeFile and Buffer.from.

This method is asynchronous and should be awaited in an async function.


Node's built-in readFileSync does not fully capture the buffers. Thus, promise-based versions should be used.


import { readFile, writeFile } from 'node:fs/promises';
import Randomizer from 'sml2r-node';

const main = async () => {
    const file = await readFile('link/to/sml2.gb');
    const Rando = new Randomizer(file.buffer, {
        randomLevelLocations: true,
        randomBossLocations: true,
        randomBossHealth: true,
        randomSwapDualExits: true,
        randomGamblingCosts: true,
        randomBonusGames: true,
        randomEnemies: true,
        randomPowerups: true,
        randomPlatforms: true,
        randomGravity: true,
        randomFastScrolling: true,
        randomMusic: true,
        randomFastMusic: true
    const buffer = await Rando.randomize();
    await writeFile(`sml2r-${Rando.getSeed()}-${Rando.getFlags()}.gb`, Buffer.from(buffer));


1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago