0.0.2 • Published 10 years ago

smoop v0.0.2

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Last release
10 years ago

The Smooth Operator

Cache the return value of an asynchronous function (callback-taking or promise-returning).

Optional: have it periodically refresh data in the background, and keep returning the latest until a new value replaces it. Especially useful with unreliable or slow sources.

smoop(fn, opts) -> fn'


  • refresh

    	Milliseconds before proactively trying to fetch a new value. The current value
    	is kept and handed out until replaced.
    	Without `refresh` you will get a **lazy behavior** where a new
    	value is fetched only when needed.
    	With `refresh` a value will initially be polled.
  • maxAge

    	Milliseconds until a value is discarded.
    	If you do not set `maxAge` you are guaranteed to always get a value if any
    	source has ever resolved.
    	A `maxAge` of zero is the same as disabling the caching altogether.
  • name

    	Smooth operator uses [debug](https://github.com/visionmedia/debug) and
    	assigns each operator a sequential number for referencing. `name` allows
    	you to use your own reference.

Using node-style callbacks

var smoop = require('smoop');
var dns = require('dns');

var googleIp = smoop(function( cb ){
	dns.lookup('google.com', cb);
}, {
	refresh: 60000,	// fetch each minute

googleIp(function( err, result ){
	console.log('google.com address:', result[0]);

Using promises

var Promise = require('bluebird');
var smoop = require('smoop');
var dns = Promise.promisifyAll(require('dns'));

var googleIp = smoop(function(){
	return dns.lookupAsync('google.com');
}, {
	refresh: 60000,	// fetch each minute

googleIp().spread(function( ip ){
	console.log('google.com address:', ip);

10 years ago


10 years ago