0.1.0 • Published 1 year ago

snowflake-enhanced v0.1.0

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1 year ago

snowflake enhanced - an excellent distributed id generator

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snowflake-enhanced is a fastest and reliable library to generate time sortable 64 bit(actually supports 10~213 bit) ids written for distributed systems. it's written in TypeScript and being tested sufficiently.


  1. snowflake bit length setting(supports 10~213 bits) √
  2. field bit length setting √
  3. time precision setting(supports millisecond & second) √
  4. clock moving backward handle √
  5. counter overflow handle √

Getting Started

npm install snowflake-enhanced
yarn add snowflake-enhanced


Basic Usage

import SnowFlake, { SnowFlakeConfig } from 'snowflake-enhanced';
const config: SnowFlakeConfig = {
  dataCenterId: 0,
  workerId: 1
const snowflake = new SnowFlake(config);

const id = snowflake.syncNextSeqId(); // sync get numeric ID, return a bigint
// or
const id = await snowflake.nextSeqId(); // async get numeric ID with promise, return a bigint

Twitter Snowflake


0 - 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0 - 00000 - 00000 - 000000000000


Generate Numeric ID

const id = snowflake.syncNextSeqId(); // sync get numeric ID, return a bigint
const id = await snowflake.nextSeqId(); // async get numeric ID with promise, return a bigint

Generate String ID

// 36 radix, ranging in [2, 36]
const id = snowflake.syncNextSeqStr(); // sync get string ID, return a string
const id = await snowflake.nextSeqStr(); // async get string ID with promise, return a string
// 16 radix
const id = snowflake.syncNextSeqStr(16); // sync get string ID, return a string
const id = await snowflake.nextSeqStr(16); // async get string ID with promise, return a string

Parse timestamp from ID

const id = snowflake.syncNextSeqId();
const time = snowflake.getTimeById(id); // return generated timestamp of the ID

Parse dataCenterId from ID

const id = snowflake.syncNextSeqId();
const dataCenterId = snowflake.getDatacenteridById(id);

Parse workerId from ID

const id = snowflake.syncNextSeqId();
const workerId = snowflake.getWorkeridById(id);

Parse sequence from ID

const id = snowflake.syncNextSeqId();
const sequence = snowflake.getSeqById(id);

Parse all fields from ID

const id = snowflake.syncNextSeqId();
const { time, dataCenterId, workerId, seq } = snowflake.deconstructed(id);

get time precision

snowflake.timePrecision; // readonly

All Configurations

// time precision enum
export enum TIME_MODE {
  SECOND = 'second',
  MILLISECOND = 'millisecond'

// all configurations
export interface SnowFlakeBaseConfig {
  bitLength: number; // snowflake bit length, 64 bit by default
  timePrecision: TIME_MODE; // time precision
  initEpoch: number; // init epoch
  timeBits: number; // time bits, 41 bit default, which can store 69 years long time
  dataCenterIdBits: number; // dataCenterId bits, 5 bit default, max value is 2^5-1 = 31
  workerIdBits: number; // workerId bits, 5 bit default, max value is 2^5-1 = 31
  sequenceBits: number; // sequence bits, 12 bit default, 最大值 2^12-1 = 4095
export interface SnowFlakeConfig {
  base?: SnowFlakeBaseConfig; // basic config
  dataCenterId: number;
  workerId: number;

// default basic config
const defaultConfig: SnowFlakeBaseConfig = {
  bitLength: 64,
  initEpoch: 1640966400000,
  timeBits: 41,
  dataCenterIdBits: 5,
  workerIdBits: 5,
  sequenceBits: 12,

Advanced Usage

import SnowFlake, { SnowFlakeConfig, TIME_MODE } from 'snowflake-enhanced';

// no need dataCenterId
const config: SnowFlakeConfig = {
  base: {
    bitLength: 64,
    initEpoch: 1640966400000,
    timePrecision: TIME_MODE.MILLISECOND,
    timeBits: 41,
    dataCenterIdBits: 0, // set to 0, which means do not use dataCenterId
    workerIdBits: 10, // 10 bit workerId
    sequenceBits: 12,
  dataCenterId: 0,
  workerId: 1
const snowflake = new SnowFlake(config);

// use 53 bit snowflake, and change time precision to SECOND. it's suitable for low-concurrency systems, and it's safe to convert to JS Number.
const config: SnowFlakeConfig = {
  base: {
    bitLength: 53,
    initEpoch: 1640966400000,
    timePrecision: TIME_MODE.SECOND, // change to SECOND, with 32 bit can store 136 years long time.
    timeBits: 32,
    dataCenterIdBits: 0, // no need dataCenterId
    workerIdBits: 8, // only workerId, max value is 255.
    sequenceBits: 12,
  dataCenterId: 0,
  workerId: 1
const snowflake = new SnowFlake(config);

// use 100 bit snowflake, it's only suitable for very verfy high-concurrency systems.
const config: SnowFlakeConfig = {
  base: {
    bitLength: 100, // support max 213 bit, ranging in [10, 213]
    initEpoch: 1640966400000,
    timePrecision: TIME_MODE.MILLISECOND,
    timeBits: 53, // max value is 53, throw an error when bigger then 53.
    dataCenterIdBits: 10,
    workerIdBits: 10,
    sequenceBits: 26,
  dataCenterId: 0,
  workerId: 1
const snowflake = new SnowFlake(config);

Feature Comparison

|           \           | snowflake-enhanced |  nodejs-snowflake  |     flake-idgen    |    simpleflakes    | snowflake-generator |
| performance           |       380w/s       |        110w/s      |       150w/s       |       380w/s       |       210w/s        |
| bit length config     |         √          |                    |                    |                    |                     |
| field length config   |         √          |                    |                    |                    |                     |
| time precision config |         √          |                    |                    |                    |                     |
| init epoch config     |         √          |         √          |         √          |         √          |         √           |
| counter overflow      |         √          |                    |                    |                    |                     |
| clock moving backward |         √          |                    |                    |                    |                     |
| deconstruct           |         √          |         √          |         √          |         √          |         √           |
| async api             |         √          |                    |                    |                    |                     |


|   Timestamp   | DataCenter | Worker | Sequence |    SnowFlake ID     | SnowFlake ID String |
| 1662472229481 |     2      |   3    |     0    |  90201986615750656  |    OO5XOL8QMF4      |
| 1662472229481 |     2      |   3    |     1    |  90201986615750657  |    OO5XOL8QMF5      |
| 1662472229481 |     2      |   3    |     2    |  90201986615750658  |    OO5XOL8QMF6      |
| 1662472229481 |     2      |   3    |     3    |  90201986615750659  |    OO5XOL8QMF7      |
| 1662472229481 |     2      |   3    |     4    |  90201986615750660  |    OO5XOL8QMF8      |

Supported Version
