0.0.3 • Published 2 months ago

snowmise v0.0.3

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2 months ago

Snowmise: A Promise based wrapper for Snowflake


The Snowmise Node.js package is a powerful tool for interacting with the Snowflake data warehouse using Node.js. This package provides a comprehensive set of features, including executing SQL queries, managing connections, caching query results, and handling Snowflake statements.


To use the Snowmise Node.js package in your project, follow these installation steps:

  1. Install the package using npm: npm install snowmise

  2. Import the necessary modules in your Node.js application: const SDK = require('snowmise'); or import {Snowflake} from 'snowmise';

  3. Create an instance of the Snowflake class to connect to your Snowflake account and begin executing queries. const snowflake = new Snowflake(connectionOptions, cacheStore, configurationOptions, cacheStoreConfigs); required: connectionOptions optional: cacheStore, configurationOptions, cacheStoreConfigs


Basic Usage

  Create a Snowflake Connection:
     const snowflake = new Snowflake({
                                          account: "",
                                          username: "",
                                          password: "",
                                          database: "",
                                          schema: "",
                                          warehouse: ""
     await snowmise.connect()
  Execute a Query:
     const result = await snowflake.execute(sqlText);
  Retrieve Statement Information:
     const status = snowflake.getStatementExecutionStatus(stmtId);
     const numRows = snowflake.getNumRows(stmtId);
     const sessionState = snowflake.getSessionState(stmtId);
     // ... and more
  Caching Results:  
      const cacheStore = 'redis'; // or 'inmemory'
      const cacheStoreConfigs = { connectionString: 'your-redis-connection-string' };
      const snowflake = new Snowflake(connectionOptions, cacheStore, configurationOptions, cacheStoreConfigs);
  Destroy Connection:
       await snowflake.destroy();

API Reference


  id: string 
  Returns the unique identifier for the Snowflake connection.

  conn: SDK.Connection 
  Returns the underlying Snowflake SDK Connection instance.

  serviceName: string 
  Returns the name of the Snowflake service.

  clientSessionKeepAlive: boolean
  Returns a boolean indicating whether client session keep-alive is enabled.

  clientSessionKeepAliveHeartbeatFrequency: number 
  Returns the frequency of client session keep-alive heartbeats in milliseconds.

Connection Management

  isConnectionUp(): Promise<boolean> 
  Checks if the Snowflake connection is established and returns a Promise that resolves to a boolean.
  isValidConnection(): Promise<boolean>
  Checks if the Snowflake connection is valid and returns a Promise that resolves to a boolean.
  connect(): Promise<void>
  Synchronously establishes a connection to the Snowflake account. Returns a Promise that resolves when the connection is successful.
  destroy(): Promise<void>
  Destroys the Snowflake connection and performs cleanup. Returns a Promise that resolves when the destruction is complete.

Query Execution

  1. execute(sqlText: string, binds?: Bind[] | Bind[][], destroyQueryCacheResponse: number = 60000, useHash: boolean = true): Promise<any>
     Executes a SQL query asynchronously, handling caching and result retrieval.
       sqlText: The SQL query to execute.
       binds: Optional array of bind variables.
       destroyQueryCacheResponse: Time (in milliseconds) to cache query results.
       useHash: If true, uses a hash of the SQL text as a unique key for caching.
  2. createStatement(sqlText: string, onComplete: (err: any, rows: any) => any, binds?: Bind[] | Bind[][], streamData?: boolean, getStream?: boolean, getStreamFn?: (stream: Readable) => any): string
     Creates a Snowflake statement for executing SQL queries.
       sqlText: The SQL query to execute.
       onComplete: Callback function to handle query results.
       Additional parameters for handling streaming and advanced options.
  3. getStatementSQLText(stmtId: string): string
     Retrieves the SQL text of a Snowflake statement using its identifier.
  4. getStatementExecutionStatus(stmtId: string): string
     Retrieves the execution status of a Snowflake statement using its identifier.
  5. getColumnsReturnedByStatement(stmtId: string): any[]
     Retrieves an array of column objects returned by a Snowflake statement using its identifier.
  6. getColumnReturnedByStatement(stmtId: string, columnIdentifier: string | number): any
     Retrieves a specific column object returned by a Snowflake statement using its identifier and column identifier.
  7. getNumRows(stmtId: string): number
     Retrieves the number of rows returned by a Snowflake statement using its identifier.
  8. getSessionState(stmtId: string): string
     Retrieves the session state of a Snowflake statement using its identifier.
  9. getRequestId(stmtId: string): string
     Retrieves the request identifier associated with a Snowflake statement using its identifier.
  10.getNumUpdatedRows(stmtId: string): number
     Retrieves the number of updated rows by a Snowflake statement using its identifier.
  11.cancel(stmtId: string): Promise<void>
     Cancels the execution of a Snowflake statement using its identifier. Returns a Promise that resolves when the cancellation is complete.


  snowflake-sdk: (Version: ^1.9.3)
  ioredis: (Version: ^5.3.2) (Required for Redis cache store)
  node-cache: (Version: ^5.1.2) (Required for in-memory cache store)

2 months ago


3 months ago


3 months ago


3 months ago


3 months ago