0.1.2 • Published 2 years ago

sockerate v0.1.2

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2 years ago


This minimal package helps you to create socket.io listeners using decorators in Typescript.


  • very minimal and lightweight
  • catching both synchronous and asynchronous errors which are not handled in socket.io
  • makes your code cleaner


  1. install socket.io and sockerate:
npm install sockerate --save-exact
npm install socket.io
  1. in tsconfig.json set these options:
  "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
  "experimentalDecorators": true


  1. create a class and use @On decorator on your method. you can also use @Listener decorator to add a prefix for your class methods. let's take a look at an example:
// in messageListener.ts file
import { On, Listener } from 'sockerate';

export default class MyClass {
  newMsg(socket: any, data: any, callback: any) {
    // your logic

// or you can ignore Listener decorator
export default class MyClass {
  newMsg(socket: any, data: any, callback: any) {
    // your logic

each method takes 3 arguments:

  • socket
  • data: which you take from client. client also need to put all the data in this argument.
  • callback: which you can use as the last argument to be the Acknowledgement
  1. now you need to pass your listeners as an array to setListeners as example:
// in socket.ts file
import { Server } from 'socket.io';
import { setListeners } from 'sockerate';
import MyClass from './messageListener';

const io = new Server(3000);

io.on('connection', (socket) => {
  console.log('new connection');
  setListeners(socket, { listeners: [MyClass] });

now you should be able to exchange data with cleints in /message/new eventName:

const { io } = require('socket.io-client');

const socket = io('ws://localhost:3000');

socket.emit('/msg', 'msg', (res) => {


for now only @On and @Once decorators (whcich are equivalent of socket.on() and socket.once() methods) are handled. but you can use other socket.io methods as before alongside this package.


by default both synchronous and asynchronous errors will be catched. but it is recommended to define your errorrHandler and pass it to setListeners as below:

// define your errorHandler
function errorHandler(err: any, callback: any) {
  /* MAKE SURE to check callback type to be a function
     cuz it also depends on client to use it
     and your app will have UNCATCHED ERROR  if client don't use it */
  if (typeof callback === 'function') callback({ err });

//pass it to setListeners
setListeners(socket, { listeners: [MyClass], errorHandler });


to use some of the methods such as socket.off() (see here) you need your listeners.

for this you can use getLisener(Class, propertyKey) to get the listener. for example to get the listener defiend in first example:

import MyClass from './messageListener';
import { getLisener } from 'sockerate';

const listener = getLisener(MyClass, 'newMsg');

// now you can use it in socket.off()
socket.off('/message/new', listener);


two options are provided:

  • catchError: default value is true. you can disable this option and handle error in each method by your own
  • prefix: you can set it to add a prefix behind all eventNames

you can change them in setListeners:

const options = {
  catchError: true,
  prefix: 'something',
setListeners(socket, { listeners, err }, options);

2 years ago


2 years ago