1.0.4 • Published 9 years ago

solve-banded v1.0.4

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9 years ago

solve-banded Build Status npm version js-standard-style

Solve a system of banded linear equations


This module accepts javascript Arrays or typed arrays representing the bands of a banded matrix and computes the solution using the Thomas Algorithm. A system with one subdiagonal and two superdiagonal bands, for example, looks like:

The solver will fail if the matrix is singular and may not succeed if the matrix is not diagonally dominant. If the solver fails, it will log a console message and return false. Note that the solver accepts a stride and offset for the input/output vector (x, below), so that a system can be solved in-place in an ndarray. The coefficient matrix does not currently accept strides or offsets and must be passed as individual vectors.


Consider the solution of the tridiagonal system

var solveBanded = require('solve-banded')

var e = [4, 25, -5]

solveBanded([[0, -1, 2], [2, 7, -3], [1, 4, 0]], 1, 1, e, 3)

// => e = [ 1, 2, 3 ]


$ npm install solve-banded


require('solve-banded')(diagonals, nsub, nsup, x, nx [, ox = 0 [, sx = 1]])


  • diagonals: an array of diagonal bands, starting with with the subdiagonal-most band (a in the example matrix above) and proceeding to the superdiagonal-most band (d in the example matrix above). Each vector must be a javascript Array or typed array of length nx.
  • nsub: an integer representing the number of subdiagonal bands, excluding the diagonal.
  • nsup: an integer representing the number of superdiagonal bands, excluding the diagonal.
  • x: a javascript Array or typed array of length nx representing the known vector (e in the example matrix above). On successful completion, this vector will contain the solution.
  • nx: an integer representing the number of equations, i.e. the length of x.
  • ox (optional): an integer representing the offset of data in x. If not provided, assumed equal to zero.
  • sx (optional): an integer representing the stride of data in x. If not provided, assumed equal to one.

Returns: True on successful completion, false otherwise.


© 2016 Ricky Reusser. MIT License.


9 years ago


9 years ago


9 years ago


9 years ago


9 years ago