0.0.1 • Published 4 years ago

somiibo-discord-bot-glitch v0.0.1

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4 years ago

Discord Bot Template

A simple boilerplate template for a discord bot! The template was build with discord.js and uses Firebase as a database.


1) Remix this project on Glitch (Click here) 2) Create a bot user from the Discord Developer Applications Console 2) Put your bot token in .env where it says TOKEN 3) Put the prefix of the bot in settings/configuration.json 4) Put the ID of the official Support Guild for the bot in .env where it says OFFICIAL_GUILD 5) Configure util/permissions.js with the role IDs of the server if you want. Otherwise, simply delete that section. 6) In bot.js, fill the commands object with commands for your bot. The template command is the ping command, which has already been done. There are also commands for eval, restart, permission aand roll. Read the command descriptions to find out what they do if you are not sure.

Run Function

The run function of a command takes three parameters: message, args and data (or settings). The message is the discord.js message object. You can find the contents of the message by using message.content. args, on the other hand, is an array of all the arguments of the command (the words after the command word seperated by spaces). For example, if someone wrote the command shoot gun car, the command would be shoot, args[0] would be gun and args[1] would be car. The final parameter, data or settings, is an array of some miscellaneous data about the message, bot or anything else!


The arguments property of a command is an array of all the commands arguments, displayed as strings. If the argument name begins with -o, the argument is optional. If the argument name starts with -r then the argument is required. For example, here is a clear command:

    arguments: ["-o user", "-r amount"],
    run: function(message, args, data) {...}

As you can see, the user argument is optional - the command can still work correctly without the user parameter, whereas the amount is mandatory - the command cannot and will not work without an amount to clear!

Command Name & Description

The command name should match the key for the command, but with a capital letter to begin with (this is just common convention). Here is an example:

    name: "Help"

The command Description should describe clearly the function of the command and, if the command has any arguments (required or optional), the description should clarify what these are for. Here is an example description:

description: "The **Ping** command is a simple command that responds with the latency of the bot in milliseconds."

Permission Level

Certain commands should only be accessed by users with certain permisions. For example, if the bot had a clear command, we would only want that available to users who have access to the MANAGE_MESSAGES permission (which is configured to be permission level 4 by default. See util/permissions.js to change or review the permission level setup). To make a command permission-level restricted, add the permission attribute to the command. E.g.:

    permission: 4,
    run: function(message, args, data) {...}


You will find that in the commands of the template, a command would have a property category. This is simply for organization purposes and could be very useful when creating a commands command (a command that displays all the commands of the bot).

    category: "Moderation",
    run: function(message, args, data) {...}

The category names can be whatever you want, and you can use them in any way you want too!

DM Commands

The template supports executing commands from DM channels as well - these commands are located in the DMCommand object. There is already 1 command there (the ping command). All DM commands will be executed at permission level 1, so if your command requires a higher permission level, then it will not work.


For convention, the template has a few aliases. This is so that when a library updates, you only need to edit 1 line, rather than many, many more! An example alias is for the Discord Rich Embed: in upcoming versions of discord.js, the RichEmbed will be known as a MessageEmbed, so rather than changing every single place where it says RichEmbed in your bot code, you only need to change the line where the alias is defined!


In conclusion, this is a simple bot template which allows you to make amazing discord bots! The possibilities are endless with this template and I hope you make some amazing things with this!

Here is a complete command example:

    name: "Help",
    description: "Displays a simple help message! If a command is specified, it will give information on the command.",
    category: "General",
    arguments: ["-o command"],
    permission: 1,
    usage: `${prefix}help <command>`,
    exampleusage: `${prefix}help ping`,
    run: function(message, args, data)
        let embed = new Embed();
        embed.setTitle("__" + data.display_name + "__");

        embed.setDescription("Hello! I am **" + bot.user.username + "**!");
        embed.addField("Getting Started", "Type `" + prefix + "commands` to see my commands\nType `" + prefix + "stats` to see some of my statistics");

        embed.setFooter("Requested by " + message.member.displayName.split("_").join("\\_"), message.author.avatarURL);

The template has 4 defualt commands to be used in guilds and 1 DM command. You can delete these, re-write them or leave them - the bot is not dependant on them so you can do what ever you want with them!


This bot template allows the developer to hook up to a Firebase database easily! Simply paste the config data in the config object in bot.js (line 20)!

If you aren't going to use Firebase, you need to remove all the firebase stuff to make the bot faster