1.2.1 • Published 5 years ago

songkick-js v1.2.1

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5 years ago

Songkick JS

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A javascript wrapper library to work with the Songkick API.

Getting Started


Install with npm or include the script located on the dist folder (SongkickJS.min.js)

$ npm i --save-dev songkick-js


Create a new instance of the SongkickJS class passing as parameters a string with your API key, and a boolean indicating if the API should be requested via https. You can request an API key here.

// if installed via npm
// import the library as es6 module
import SongkickJS from 'songkick-js';
// or common js
const SongkickJS = require('songkick-js');

// create an instance of SongkickJS
const songkick = new SongkickJS('your-api-key', true);

How it works

All methods makes an AJAX request to the Songkick API and returns a promise with a JSON object containing the response data.

Example calling the getUpcomingEvents method:

    from: 'artists',
    id: '379603' // id for Rolling Stones
  .then(data => {

Logs the response data:

  "status": "ok",
  "results": {
    "event": [
        "type": "Concert",
        "popularity": 0.473291,
        "displayName": "The Rolling Stones at Mercedes-Benz Arena (June 30, 2018)",
        "status": "ok",
        "performance": [
            "displayName": "The Rolling Stones",
            "billingIndex": 1,
            "billing": "headline",
            "artist": {
              "displayName": "The Rolling Stones",
              "identifier": [
                  "href": "http://api.songkick.com/api/3.0/artists/mbid:b071f9fa-14b0-4217-8e97-eb41da73f598.json",
                  "mbid": "b071f9fa-14b0-4217-8e97-eb41da73f598"
                  "href": "http://api.songkick.com/api/3.0/artists/mbid:a52940ca-3ec9-4a2b-89e4-ad358f64c8f7.json",
                  "mbid": "a52940ca-3ec9-4a2b-89e4-ad358f64c8f7"
              "uri": "http://www.songkick.com/artists/379603-rolling-stones?utm_source=48647&utm_medium=partner",
              "id": 379603
            "id": 63462749
        "ageRestriction": null,
        "start": {
          "datetime": null,
          "time": null,
          "date": "2018-06-30"
        "location": {
          "city": "Stuttgart, Germany",
          "lat": 48.7908464,
          "lng": 9.2313422
        "uri": "http://www.songkick.com/concerts/32988509-rolling-stones-at-mercedesbenz-arena?utm_source=48647&utm_medium=partner",
        "id": 32988509,
        "venue": {
          "displayName": "Mercedes-Benz Arena",
          "lat": 48.7908464,
          "lng": 9.2313422,
          "metroArea": {
            "displayName": "Stuttgart",
            "country": {
              "displayName": "Germany"
            "uri": "http://www.songkick.com/metro_areas/28591-germany-stuttgart?utm_source=48647&utm_medium=partner",
            "id": 28591
          "uri": "http://www.songkick.com/venues/508341-mercedesbenz-arena?utm_source=48647&utm_medium=partner",
          "id": 508341
  "perPage": 50,
  "page": 1,
  "totalEntries": 3



This method returns the upcoming events from an artist, a venue, a metro area or an user.

    from: 'metro_areas',
    id: '7644', // id for New York, NY, US
    optionalParams: {
      min_date: '2018/06/01',
      max_date: '2018/12/31',
      page: 1,
      per_page: 20,
      order: 'asc'
  .then(data => {
    // do something with the response data


fromYes"artists", "venues", "metro_areas" or "users"
idYesThe id related to the "from" parameter. (* for users, set the username as id)
reasonRequired if "from" value is "users""tracked_artist" or "attendance"
optionalParamsOptionalAn object containing the optional parameters and its respective values (see below)
min_dateOptional (inside optionalParams object)A date in the format YYYY-MM-DD
max_dateOptional (inside optionalParams object)A date in the format YYYY-MM-DD
pageOptional (inside optionalParams object)Results are paginated. This specifies the results page number. (First page = 1)
per_pageOptional (inside optionalParams object)The number of results to return in each page. (Max 50)
orderOptional (inside optionalParams object)Results are ordered by date: 'asc' or 'desc'. (Default = 'asc')


This method returns the past events from an artist or an user.

    from: 'artists',
    id: '379603', // id for Rolling Stones
    optionalParams: {
      min_date: '2018/06/01',
      max_date: '2018/12/31',
      page: 1,
      per_page: 20,
      order: 'asc'
  .then(data => {
    // do something with the response data


fromYes"artists" or "users"
idYesThe id related to the "from" parameter. (* for users, set the username as id)
optionalParamsOptionalAn object containing the optional parameters and its respective values (see below)
min_dateOptional (inside optionalParams object)A date in the format YYYY-MM-DD
max_dateOptional (inside optionalParams object)A date in the format YYYY-MM-DD
pageOptional (inside optionalParams object)Results are paginated. This specifies the results page number. (First page = 1)
per_pageOptional (inside optionalParams object)The number of results to return in each page. (Max 50)
orderOptional (inside optionalParams object)Results are ordered by date: 'asc' or 'desc'. (Default = 'asc')


This method returns details from an artist, an event or a venue.

    from: 'artists',
    id: '379603' // id for Rolling Stones
  .then(data => {
    // do something with the response data


fromYes"artists", "events" or "venues"
idYesThe id related to the "from" parameter.


This method returns the artists or metro_areas that an user is tracking.

    username: 'username',
    trackingObject: 'metro_areas',
    optionalParams: {
      page: 1,
      per_page: 20,
      fields: 'id,displayName',
      created_after: '2018-02-28T13:37:00Z'
  .then(data => {
    // do something with the response data


usernameYesThe user's username
trackingObjectYes"artists" or "metro_areas"
optionalParamsOptionalAn object containing the optional parameters and its respective values (see below)
pageOptional (inside optionalParams object)Results are paginated. This specifies the results page number. (First page = 1)
per_pageOptional (inside optionalParams object)The number of results to return in each page. (Max 50)
fieldsOptional (inside optionalParams object)The caller may specify a subset of fields to return in the response, in the form fields=key,key*. For example fields=id,displayName
created_afterOptional (inside optionalParams object)Specifies that only items created on or after a given time/date should be included in the response. Use ISO8601 format, e.g. 2018-02-28T13:37:00Z. Technical limitations mean that created_after can’t be supported for muted artists at present.


This method returns the artists which the user once tracked but has subsequently untracked.

    username: 'username',
    optionalParams: {
      page: 1,
      per_page: 20,
      fields: 'id,displayName',
      created_after: '2018-02-28T13:37:00Z'
  .then(data => {
    // do something with the response data


usernameYesThe user's username
optionalParamsOptionalAn object containing the optional parameters and its respective values (see below)
pageOptional (inside optionalParams object)Results are paginated. This specifies the results page number. (First page = 1)
per_pageOptional (inside optionalParams object)The number of results to return in each page. (Max 50)
fieldsOptional (inside optionalParams object)The caller may specify a subset of fields to return in the response, in the form fields=key,key*. For example fields=id,displayName
created_afterOptional (inside optionalParams object)Specifies that only items created on or after a given time/date should be included in the response. Use ISO8601 format, e.g. 2018-02-28T13:37:00Z. Technical limitations mean that created_after can’t be supported for muted artists at present.


This method check if the user is tracking a metro area, an artist or an event. If the user is tracking the metro area or artist, returns a tracking. Otherwise a 404 response is returned. If the user is attending or did attend the event, returns a tracking with its attendance (im_going|i_might_go). Otherwise a 404 response is returned.

    username: 'username',
    trackingObject: 'artist',
    id: '379603' // id for Rolling Stones
  .then(data => {
    // do something with the response data


usernameYesThe user's username
trackingObjectYes"artist", "metro_area" or "event"
idYesThe id related to the "trackingObject" parameter.


This methods returns a list of artists similar to a given artist, based on Songkick's tracking and attendance data.

    id: '379603', // id for Rolling Stones
    optionalParams: {
      page: 1,
      per_page: 20
  .then(data => {
    // do something with the response data


idYesThe artist's id.
pageOptional (inside optionalParams object)Results are paginated. This specifies the results page number. (First page = 1)
per_pageOptional (inside optionalParams object)The number of results to return in each page. (Max 50)


This methods returns a list of events based on the search parameters.

    searchBy: {
      artist_name: 'rolling+stones'
    optionalParams: {
      type: 'Concert',
      page: 1,
      per_page: 20,
      min_date: '2018/06/01',
      max_date: '2018/12/31'
  .then(data => {
    // do something with the response data


searchByYesAn object containing the search parameters.
artist_name **Required if "location" not provided (inside "searchBy" object)The artist's name (use "+" instead of spaces)
location **Required if "artist_name" not provided (inside "searchBy" object)"sk:id", "geo:lat,lng", "ip:ip" or "clientip" (see table below for details)
optionalParamsOptionalAn object containing the optional parameters and its respective values (see below)
min_dateOptional (inside optionalParams object)A date in the format YYYY-MM-DD
max_dateOptional (inside optionalParams object)A date in the format YYYY-MM-DD
pageOptional (inside optionalParams object)Results are paginated. This specifies the results page number. (First page = 1)
per_pageOptional (inside optionalParams object)The number of results to return in each page. (Max 50)
typeOptional (inside optionalParams object)"Concert" or "Festival"

** only one parameter is allowed on the "searchBy" object ("artist_name" or "location").

The options below can be used in the "location" parameter to specify how the content returned should be localised:

Location TypeDescription
sk:idLocalise based on a Songkick metro area ID.
geo:lat,lngLocalise based on latitude / longitude. Use decimal degrees positive = north and east.
ip:ipLocalise based on an IP address. Return all results if address is not present in the database.
clientipLocalise based on IP address of client. Useful for purely client side implementations.


This methods returns a list of artists based on the search query. This method searches by the artist's name.

    query: 'rolling+stones',
    optionalParams: {
      page: 1,
      per_page: 20
  .then(data => {
    // do something with the response data


queryYesThe artist's name (use "+" instead of spaces)
optionalParamsOptionalAn object containing the optional parameters and its respective values (see below)
pageOptional (inside optionalParams object)Results are paginated. This specifies the results page number. (First page = 1)
per_pageOptional (inside optionalParams object)The number of results to return in each page. (Max 50)


This methods returns a list of venues based on the search query. This method searches by the venue's name.

    query: 'madison+square+garden',
    optionalParams: {
      page: 1,
      per_page: 20
  .then(data => {
    // do something with the response data


queryYesThe venues's name (use "+" instead of spaces)
optionalParamsOptionalAn object containing the optional parameters and its respective values (see below)
pageOptional (inside optionalParams object)Results are paginated. This specifies the results page number. (First page = 1)
per_pageOptional (inside optionalParams object)The number of results to return in each page. (Max 50)


This methods returns a list of cities and its metro areas based on the search parameters.

    searchBy: {
      location: 'clientip'
    optionalParams: {
      page: 1,
      per_page: 20
  .then(data => {
    // do something with the response data


searchByYesAn object containing the search parameters.
query **Required if "location" not provided (inside "searchBy" object)The city or location's name (use "+" instead of spaces)
location **Required if "query" not provided (inside "searchBy" object)"geo:lat,lng", "ip:ip" or "clientip" (see table below for details)
optionalParamsOptionalAn object containing the optional parameters and its respective values (see below)
pageOptional (inside optionalParams object)Results are paginated. This specifies the results page number. (First page = 1)
per_pageOptional (inside optionalParams object)The number of results to return in each page. (Max 50)

** only one parameter is allowed on the "searchBy" object ("query" or "location").

The options below can be used in the "location" parameter to specify how the content returned should be localised:

Location TypeDescription
geo:lat,lngLocalise based on latitude / longitude. Use decimal degrees positive = north and east.
ip:ipLocalise based on an IP address. Return all results if address is not present in the database.
clientipLocalise based on IP address of client. Useful for purely client side implementations.

5 years ago


5 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago


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6 years ago