1.0.0-beta.1 • Published 5 years ago

sonicx v1.0.0-beta.1

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5 years ago


SonicX is open-source high performance lightweight router build upon core nodejs HTTP server.

  • simple JSON based routing.
  • less dependent on third party packages.
  • developer-friendly.
  • focus on high performance.

And of course, SonicX itself is open source with a public repository on GitHub.


  • robust routing.
  • middleware support.
  • multipart form data support ( file uploads without third party library ).
  • support dynamic routes creation ( /URL/:iUserId => access route params from req.params.iUserId ).
  • static file serving.
  • secure transport layer via https.


SonicX requires Node.js v8+ to run.

$ npm i sonicx --save


const sonicx = require('sonicx');
sonicx.route('/', [
        path: 'user',
        method: 'get',
        middleware: (req, res, next) => { next() },
        controller: (req, res) => {
            res.send({ key: "It is SonicX" });
        path: ':iUserId',
        method: 'post',
        middleware: (req, res, next) => { next() },
        controller: (req, res) => {
            res.send({ key: "It is SonicX" });
sonicx.listen(4000, () => console.log("Listening on 4000"));


  1. ssl configuration
  2. multi file routing
  3. serving static files
  4. simple routes


sonicx.listen(PORT, , callback )Starts the HTTPS server listening for encrypted connections. This method call http.createServer(config, handler).listen() method internally.
sonicx.secureListen(PORT, config, , callback )Does same as sonicx.listen but it includes config params for ssl support. This method call https.createServer(config, handler).listen() method internally.
sonicx.serverIt is a reference of http.createServer(...) OR https.createServer(...) depends upon what are listening.
sonicx.configurationHolds properties to configure the global server behavior.
sonicx.route(rootPath, Routes, ... )Holds routes to be called defined path.


Reference of http server. can be used to assign as http engine to the third party libraries such as socket.io


const sonicx = require('sonicx');
const server = sonicx.listen(4000, () => console.log("Listening on 4000"));
const io = require('socket.io')(server);

Global Configuration optional

sonicx.configuration = {
    disableFormdata: false, // if want to use third party form data parser default is true.
    uploadPath: '_uploads', // default upload path default is os.tempDir().
    memoryUpload: true, // if do not want to store in any directory and want to use as buffers.
    requestTimeout: 150000, // milliseconds.
    staticPath: 'public', // Serve static files.
    responseHeaders: {
        "Access-Control-Expose-Headers": "*",
        "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
    }, // can use to configure cors or other header settings.

.route(rootPath, Routes, ... )

  • rootPath: First parameter of route method, which get concat with each path property of routes defined in array.
  • Routes: This is a JSON Object Holds route properties.

    • path Optional : get concat with rootPath as postfix and generate a full path.

      • Eg.

        sonicx.route('/user' ,[ { path: '/something' , ... } ];
        // -- Result:  '/user' + '/something' = '/user/something';
        sonicx.route('/user/' ,[ { path: 'something' , ... } ];
        // -- Result: '/user/' + 'something' = '/user/something';
    • method Optional : GET, POST, PUT, DELETE is supported. ( case insensitive ).

    • configuration Optional : Route level configuration will override the global configuration and has the same properties as the global configuration does excluding staticPath because it must be a global configuration.
    • middleware(req, res, next) Optional : has access to req, res and next. the controller will be executed only after calling the next method if the middleware is defined.
    • controller(req, res) Required : has access to req, res and responsible for writing API logic.


     sonicx.route('/user', [
             path : '/login', 
             method: 'post', 
             configuration: {}, 
             middleware: (req, res, next) => { next();}, 
             controller: (req, res) => { res.send({ message: "controller called" } ) },

Router Builder

  • Feature to add nested routes as parameter.


     const routeBuilder = new sonicx.routeBuilder();
     routeBuilder.route('/auth', [
             path : '/login', 
             method: 'post', 
             controller: (req, res) => { res.send({ message: "controller called" } ) },
     routeBuilder.route('/profile', [
             path : '', 
             method: 'get', 
             controller: (req, res) => { res.send({ message: "controller called" } ) },
     sonicx.route('/user', routeBuilder);

Request and Response parameter

Request and Response parameter has all property of nodejs HTTP server handler does. http server.

Request parameter has some other properties added such as.

  • req.body : Contains JSON object sent in body of request from front-end.
  • req.params : Contains JSON object fetched from dynamic url path.
     sonicx.route('/user', [
             path : '/:iUserId', 
             controller: (req, res) => { res.send({ iUserId: req.params.iUserId" } ) },
     // Request url : http://server_ip:server_port/user/1234
     req.params = { iUserId: 1234 };    
  • req.query : Contains JSON object sent in query params in url. Eg.
    // Request url : http://server_ip:server_port/user/1234?name='shiva'&age=23
    req.quey = { name: "shiva", age: 23 }
  • req.files : Holds uploaded files data when requesting from multipart/form-data. - filename : holds name of the file - buffer : buffer of file Only when memoryUpload is true - length : length of buffer in bytes Only when memoryUpload is true - path : path where files is stored Only when memoryUpload is false

    Response parameter has some other properties added such as

    // res.send(response:JSON, code:httpStatusCode [Optional], headers:Objects[Optional]);

res.send({ key: "It is SonicX" }, 200, { "Authorization" : "Bearer Token"});


**Free Software, Hell Yeah!**